Coming Soon: New Rewards Outside of Mark Relevancy

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jul 27, 2015.

  1. Flashy Swagg Well-Known Player

    Let me ask why ppl that think like you do like the other 2 ppl that made the same commets its. on this. Its like y'all wanna cheat end game content. Giving out full marks will make it so ppl wont have to play end game content without playing the hardest content out to advance in cr and basically skip content they cant beat. No this makes more sense cuz ppl would take the easy way out doing that then beat the hardest content. It doesn't make since to give out those amount of marks for missions you OP for. This is a great way solution for both us and them. And oh ive been playing for 3 years so I'm not a new player. I know this game just like you do.
  2. MajorThor New Player

    It's like they realized that relevancy brackets were a silly idea and now they're applying a weak band aid fix to something that shouldn't have been changed at all.
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  3. Tygerfyre Committed Player

    Pretty much. If only they had been warned ahead of time that this was a bad idea, so they could have implemented this before GU47. Oh right....they were. Numerous times. By large numbers of people.

    I'm glad to see this system coming out. I just wished they had listened to the feedback they were given so this could have been done before GU47, along with fixing stat flattening and CR differential before rollout. It might have meant not having as many people ditch the game because of GU47.
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  4. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    You will see one item from the list here (chosen randomly) at each boss with a loot lock, where you previously would have gotten some amount of Marks.
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  5. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    1) There is no choice with this system - you simply receive one item randomly from the list.
    2) The rewards are standard regardless of what content you are in, assuming it is trivial to you - one item from the list. The chance at a Mark of Victory is always one Mark of Victory.
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  6. Scar-Red Nova Dedicated Player

    So are you implying that you guys abandoned your plan to retroactively apply the new loot system?
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  7. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The expectations or assessments here just do not match reality. Old styles have been put on a special vendor and cost 10 Marks of Victory. All Lair/Mainframe/Utility Belt boosts were reduced to just 7 Marks of Victory and extended to last 60 days. We've provided a full six months of content (two old quarterly Episodes) as fully relevant and awarding Marks of Victory going forward, and even more than that in older tiers.

    With 12 pieces of content relevant (again, keeping in mind that more content is relevant in older tiers, and thus awarding even more Marks), and without spending replays, a player can earn 180 Marks of Victory in a week from content, plus a Mark per day from the Vault, plus Marks from Lockboxes, and now plus Marks (rarely) from all old, non-relevant, trivial content.

    The reality is we have significantly reduced the costs to upkeep your extras while significantly expanding how you can earn Marks on the whole. There are plenty of Marks to go around. There are arguably way too many Marks available to be earned.
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  8. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    No, that's not in any way related.
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  9. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Omegas stack to 12.
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  10. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    One thing that may not have been clear: you receive a random item from this list each time in content you would have received Marks previously. For most modern content have three bosses/three loot locks, this would translate to three random items, one for each boss.
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  11. ErnieB Loyal Player

    That maybe, until you reach T7 and realize you lost relevancy on 90% of T6.
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  12. inferno Loyal Player

    What I am taking away from the announcement is that the Dev team are aware that there is a lack of interest for high tiered players to do lower content and they are trying to find solultions.

    THAT is the most important part for me.

    Is it the type of rewards that I wanted? Of course not. I wanted more, I suggest a different reward, a different method but let's be honest here.; they have other limitations, concerns and guidelines that we are NOT privy to.

    What I know of this game is that it is EVOLVING all the time and it needs time to figure out the effects of the changes they put in the game, if it creates a positive reaction or not.

    They know the problem, they put it in a solution. Let's see what happens.
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  13. BumblingB I got better.

    They expanded it to include AF2. In AF2 and HoP2, you can get a lot of marks.

    1 solo 7/w
    2 alerts 70/w
    3 raids 30/w

    1 solo 21/w
    1 bounty 1/w
    2 duos 28/w
    1 alert 35/w
    2 raids 20/w

    212 total at the moment.
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  14. RTHERMITE Well-Known Player

    Getting that MOV is great, even if it is a rare drop, as far as everyone complaining about the MOV as it pertains to ammeneties, right now my toon is at 116 and I play mostly solo stuff, each day I get around 14-15 MOV a victory a day. I don't do alerts, duos or raids, because of how toxic the community is, but does that bother me.. No. that is my preference, with that In mind, right now I am not buying new gear because it will bump me up over 116 and I will lose content to play that is relevant to me. but in the meantime I am catching up on styles and other feats, and a measly 5 MOV for 60 days of amenties is nothing. so I really do not see the problem. plus when the cr requirement drops to 113 for certain content, more MOV will be available. I guess you can't make everyone happy.

    remember people this is an MMO, there is grind involved, if you want to hit the road running and finish quickly, go play COD.
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  15. ErnieB Loyal Player

    how do you get 70 marks from 2 alerts?
  16. Radium Devoted Player

    2 alerts x 5 marks x 7 days
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  17. BumblingB I got better.

    5*2 = 10
    10*7 = 70
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  18. Necromonica Shade Well-Known Player

    5 marks x2 alerts x7 days/week

    edit: LMAO, we can math.
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  19. ErnieB Loyal Player

    oh yeah i forgot they don't have resets anymore.
  20. ErnieB Loyal Player

    i forgot they don't reset dude, no need to insult me.