Coming Soon: New Rewards Outside of Mark Relevancy

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jul 27, 2015.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Announcing New Rewards Outside of Mark Relevancy!

    Coming soon, new rewards for players in non-relevant content! Missing those old Marks of Triumph? Think you need more reasons to revisit content you have already mastered? Keep reading!

    Wait. What is Mark Relevancy?

    When content is of appropriate challenge for you, it rewards you guaranteed Marks of Victory, which you then use to progress your character through the game. When content has become trivial to you, it no longer rewards Marks of Victory.

    This system is in place for numerous reasons, not least of which that it sets up the launch of our new monthly Episodes. But, we have heard your concerns about how your play habits have changed without Marks of Triumph luring you back to earlier tiers (even though gear drops, styles, and feats remain unchanged), about the variety of content you experience day in and day out, about missing that feeling of awesome you get when returning to once-challenging content and blowing it out of the water.

    Let's face it, there is a ton of really fun content in DCUO outside of your relevancy window, and while you probably don't want to return to all of it every day, and while it makes perfect sense that returning to it does not advance your high level character, it does make sense that you would want to return to some of it, on some days, and that you want some reason to do so. Marks of Triumph were a small and shrinking reward, mere pennies on the dollar the farther back you went, but they were a reward. They were a reason.

    New Rewards!

    Going forward, we plan to return that reason in the form of new rewards. When playing content trivial to you (outside your relevancy window), you will receive a random item from the list below each time you would have received Marks previously, meaning generally one item per boss. (For most modern instances, this means three bosses, and thus three random items per instance.)

    • Mark of Victory
    • Compound Omega
      • This is a consumable that buffs your group's stats by 5% for 30 minutes, and persists through death.
    • Token of Merit (x100)
    • Token of Prestige (x100)
    • Exobit Cluster
      • This item includes an Exobit of each color, Red, Blue, and Yellow.
    The common items here are of use to everyone, something for your time. The rare items are split between an incredible, scaling new buff consumable in the Compound Omega, found otherwise only in Promethium Lockboxes, and actual progression for your character in a Mark of Victory.

    Our goal with this addition is to provide a reason to return to trivial content that is still meaningful and motivating, so that everyone has cause to experience the fun of yesteryear, while still maintaining that character progression must be accomplished through content appropriate for your level.

    Look for this change on PC Test as soon as tonight, and for the change to launch on live shortly after testing completes.
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  2. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    That's pretty cool.
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  3. Aren Sul Committed Player

    You know what, I can't tell you how impressed I am. It's not what's in the rewards it's that you are doing your best to keep progression going with a natural feel, balancing that against player feedback and the call to keep older content relevant as well. And, this keeps the door open for more rewards in the future.

    Thank you. This is very much appreciated.
    • Like x 8
  4. Mickestro New Player

    This sounds great!
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  5. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Fantastic news!
    • Like x 5
  6. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    Wait let me make sure i understand this we can go back and enjoy old content is this what you are saying? we can get tokens of merit And Tokens of prestiage?!?! And we get a chance for a rare Mark of victory? Sir this is awesome
    • Like x 4
  7. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    I like this. There were a bunch of other ideas like marks of style and the like, but I think you have addressed those other topics in your own way.

    Not perhaps the way people had envisioned, but I personally feel satisfied with this. One thing I might suggest is to increase even more the tokens of merit feat. There are a bunch of us, especially high level players, who used pvp marks or other saved marks and already have the 30k feat, so tokens of merit would not be that much of an incentive.

    Make it 50k or more and watch how lower end content becomes repopulated.

    Another suggestion, and I know this takes much longer, could you guys give us an update on optional stat-clamped instances and non-clamped walk-ins for every instance? I truly hope this doesn't scrap that idea. I believe that would be an excellent complement to this new addition.
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  8. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    To be clear, you have a chance at any of the 5 items listed when you previously would have received Marks of Victory or Marks of Triumph.
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  9. Sivulla Dedicated Player

    Why not some faction styles as well, lockbox style, would be the biggest draw for me to do old content.
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  10. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    This is great news. I hope it effects all content. I only go back to old content for Exceptional Recovery Kits, double base drop, farming T1 weekly boxes etc.

    So I approve.
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  11. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    Yes, The locked boxes are rare chance but if these old content drop those styles too for a chance I would pick them.

    I actually got the Gotham Knight style pvp back today. Heroes been so happy with that back style well now I have it too. :p
    • Like x 2
  12. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    That's awesome Good Job Can't wait too Tell the league really looking forward too this. When can we except this too be on live i know its on test but live i guess possibly Gu 51? ;)
  13. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    THe marks and,omega alone are op
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  14. RTHERMITE Well-Known Player

    that is awesome, just for the chance of getting Tokens of Merit, will make it worthwhile, it will make getting that 3k feat easier, plus a chance at a MOV. can't complain. something is better than nothing. great job.
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  15. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    My only suggestion is to increase the amount of exobits we get in the clusters and make them fall with far more frequency than the others. At endgame, I have no interest in Merit, nor Prestige. I also can get a compound omega with a lot of frequency because of lockboxes. My best and frankly, most useful, item on that list is the exobit cluster. A T7 mod costs 18 bytes. 18 bytes for 10 pieces of gear, 20 if you run both roles, more if you have alts. That's a lot for someone who just doesn't have the time to farm, even with recovery kits.

    Marks of Triumph helped me significantly more than any of this will. Those 3000 marks I got for running Gates bought me my 4th slot of base mods. The 30 minutes of time I put in to run Nexus, AnB and Paradox got me my base mods for a month. I got something of use everytime I ran content above T4. And for alts, it bought me my synthetic mods. Running Gates and getting 200 prestige and 3 exobits isn't really doing much for me. If this is the direction we're going in, and we're not getting MoT back, then I want to see more bits or else I'm not sure this gives me much incentive to keep running older stuff.
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  16. GoldenDodge Dedicated Player

    I find this quite enjoyable, especially since I am still working on duo, challenge and alert cumulative feats. This will go a long way in helping on those and actually make them meaningful again.
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  17. Skidmarc Committed Player

    This is a much needed and welcome update. I am very happy with this change. Would it be possible to up the merits feat level to 35k for thpse old timers that have finished all the others up and are nearly done with the 30 as well? Just a thought.
  18. The Horn'd One Well-Known Player

    In other words; look at the rankings on said missions. If your CR is within the range to receive both MoV and Loot, you get both. If it is above, or in the 'Loot Only' column, you get the 'Common' reward plus a rarity.
  19. Aren Sul Committed Player

    I'm already thinking this can lead to special events week/weekends where other hard to get loot can be offered as a rare drop (e.g. certain auras). Once you have this mechanism in place, based on participation numbers you can really be creative.
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  20. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    More accurately, if your CR is in range, you get loot and Marks of Victory. If your CR is out of range, you get loot and a random item out of the list of five items above.
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