Legends Characters Tier List

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by CrazyArtBrown, Dec 25, 2014.

  1. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    It costs 625 power to use that counter punishment combo. So you're really only going to be able to do it once per fight realistically in a 2v2.
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  2. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    I went over to EU with Clutch. He showed me a few things with Sinestro and we should bump him up to mid tier. He was getting around 2600 burst damage and minus the actual counter damage all of it was AoE and in a 2v2 that can do pretty darned good.
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  3. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

  4. CrazyArtBrown Dedicated Player

    I moved him and updated the description to talk about the AoE burst damage.

    I also added Shazam. I was tempted to make a special Best Legend Ever! tier for him.
  5. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Yea, stick him and Two Face in there :p Unless they update shielding along with the damage and health bits this list is going to need to be rearranged somewhat.
  6. CrazyArtBrown Dedicated Player

    That sounds about right. I split them out and put everyone else into a new Lower Top category.

    I'm wondering if Catwoman should go down one level too. I don't seem to hear about her in serious matches anymore.
  7. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    You don't want me to get started on Catwoman. The reason you don't see her often is her difficulty in comparison to other top legends.
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  8. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    Oh I'd say she deserves a high tier spot. She's just not as easy to use as Luthor or Bizarro. But her burst damage is wonderful, sometimes the combo can be used so fast opponents won't even notice before it's too late, even without getting a counter.
  9. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    No, she wasn't adjusted at all recently. She's still certainly top tier. The main reason why she's not being used by someone like Clutch as much is because when he plays her from EU servers, there can be a 300 millisecond delay before his stealth tray pops up and he's able to use surprise attack, which really hurts his burst damage. DevDirt was supposed to be looking into that one as it seems to be effcted by lag/latency a lot of the time.

    That happens to me a more often than not, and it's part of the reason I don't play Batman nearly as much as I used to. If there's too much going on in the match it seems to make the problem worse.
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  10. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    So that's what the problem was with stealth. It's quite frustrating sometimes.
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  11. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Yea, like I said, it seems to be all lag and latency related. I haven't found a way to reproduce it other than having a lot going on at once, but that's not really a repro. It's similar to how a lot of players have issues with mechanics under the same circumstances.
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  12. Absolix Loyal Player

    So ummmm GU47 has come and it looks like there might have been some shuffling in the tiers.

    I've only had a few matches so far, but I'm getting the impression that HBs might be even stronger.

    Anyone got better insight into who might gotten bumped around and what got buffed/nerfed?
  13. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Note this is just from my experience on test and I'll need to actually confirm a lot of this, or just wait until Shiny can :p

    Now with the increased health we have though, any weapon that uses a lot of taps just got wounded. In some cases fatally. Dual Wield and the shield got a slight nerf because as far as I know, taps weren't given increased damage. Two Handed was completely destroyed because prior to this update, it's taps, while still under powered, didn't give terrible damage. You can take a guess as to how it will perform now.

    I'll need to make sure shielding is updated.

    I'll also need to see where pet damage and health lies now. Also how health buffs were effected. We may get a couple more better balanced characters out of this deal.
  14. Absolix Loyal Player

    Was the no mitigation from blocking ever fixed?
  15. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    It was. Thank god.
  16. Absolix Loyal Player

    I think Shazam has passed up Two-Face as Two-Face's safe damage taps were not buffed, and both Backfist and Launching Uppercut both got buffed above the standard the standard 65%. Backfist got 116% and Uppercut got 122%.

    It looks like HB and to a lesser extent Brawling are pulling ahead of the other weapons as the only thing that gets even close is MA with Smoke Bomb, but that can't fit in counter punishment.
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  17. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Yea, Shiny said based on what he knows so far, their patch notes were actually mostly accurate.
  18. shiny mackerel Committed Player

    ok I did it

    Ability health buffs were not changed. Fate's circle and pet chant still buff by 1500 HP. I also noticed though that the circle and pet buff don't stack anymore, so you only get one 1500 HP buff at a time. I know it stacked to 3k HP before, but not sure when this changed.

    Pets were unchanged or actually nerfed a bit. They now have 929/619 HP, which is what they originally had before they got a slight buff (down from 1025/683 HP). Pet damage I think was unchanged. Fate's displacer orbs were still doing the same damage and overall pet damage seemed low.

    SC related health buffs got the 50% boost too. Bane's forms have 9828 / 10810 / 12285 HP, atro's SC has 12285, and harvey dom has 11793 HP.

    Shields were buffed like they said. Shazam, CW, WW's shields absorb 2250, 2478, 3750 damage
    SC shields did not change though, and still absorb 10k damage.

    Weaponization didn't seem to get buffed and got a bit nerfed instead. bane's rock throw and first tick of the melee seismic slam were doing like 1/4 less damage than before, about the same damage as the average single hit power.
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  19. CrazyArtBrown Dedicated Player

    Circe's two absorption figures should get confirmed too, if you didn't check those yet.
  20. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Hey, I know modified brawling wasn't buffed. What about Cheetah and Cat's MA. Those two could have just gotten screwed over.