96 Gear in new dlc

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DrLobo, Feb 4, 2015.

  1. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    We can at least run older content now for extra marks...personally we didn't understand the concept of how helpful extra marks will be in HoP. Looking back, extra marks are a welcome process. Now we have the gear and I see just as many complaints here when we had extra marks.

    I think this is what should happen. Increase the 98 drop rate and go back to extra marks. When I say increase, by say 10%. So if the drop rate is 30% for gear, increase it to 40%. This would satisfy the masses.

    At the same time though, the current daily drops 98 every time. How fair is it that a daily drops 98 but the 4 man may not. I ran a 4 man with an alt and only got 96. Very disappointing when another person only got 98. I felt cheated. With extra marks, it would help me get teh MoF required to buy the vendor armor piece I need and for the role I want.
  2. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Sorry if it's already been mentioned, but here's why I think it happens:
    • If you skip a DLC and go straight to this one, you might still need 96 gear.
    • If you are one of those "I only solo" or "I don't like raids" people, you might still need 96 gear.
    • When people are brand-new to the game, they will be loot-locked daily from previous DLC content, and this will help them gear faster to catch up to the people who've been playing longer.
    These are the same reasons 81-83 gear still drops in Wave, for instance.
  3. FearsomeScarecrow Well-Known Player

    Of course you'd want 97 gear. Everyone would... but I don't understand why you're qq'ing.
    If they would've given you 97 gear loot instead of 96, you'd be complaining why not 98. <- FACT
    If they would've given a different style, you'd complain that'd you already had it, most likely. <- FACT

    & I was a complainer about what exactly?! You can follow ALL my threads & you'll see I never have any input about loot systems but instead mechanics/ powers/ Batman... lol. This would be my first, & that's only because this thread hold no water. You just want to be more OP, which the game offers pretty easily w/o increasing higher loot drops.

    I also never said Ri/Zcc was "hard" but instead only said " [R2N/AoD] is easier than Zcc/Ri". This isn't opinion but a fact. Only reason I included LoL raid in my argument IS because it's true. LoL drops 98-100 gear @ a very acceptable rate & IS the easiest thing in entire DLC. Because of this... 96 gear drops in the alerts is only fair= why i believe & support their system.
  4. just an honest dps New Player

    not always. i got 98 from the first boss only in nexus
  5. DrLobo New Player

    This guy is just putting stuff down just to sound smart. Not even worth a full reply.
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  6. DrLobo New Player

    No their is NOT. I've never got a 81 or 83 in paradox. And if you think a bunch of guys kn 96 gear are beating this new content, goodluck.
  7. Veritech Loyal Player

    My ice tank alt still had some 90 gear from A&B and I beat it just fine thankyou. (I recall beating Artifacts in raven 85 gear too)

    HoP vendor gear was 94, WotL2 alerts dropped 95/96.
    WotL2 vendor gear was 97, AF2 alerts drop 96/98.

    Nothing to cry about here.
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  8. Kuno Loyal Player

  9. Blaqgui New Player

    Sorry in my statement... can is suppose to be cant. No need to blow up... it was an honest mistake
  10. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    I don't do it for the marks. I don't do it for the gear...
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  11. Crimson Jonni New Player

    That is one of my all time favorite movies. so +1
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  12. Crimson Jonni New Player

    My biggest issue with it is this. No new Style for 96 gear which almost makes it completely worthless for anyone who has higher IL gear. so there's no reason for me to keep it, its more of a waste of space. Now had they maybe changed the style to something already pre existing in the game, a rarer style perhaps, I would have no problems with it dropping 96. But since its the same IL from last dlc AND the same style, its not worth it imo. Idk if i really like how they did this. If the alerts drop 96/98 gear, vendor gear is only IL 99, and raid gear is IL 100, it almost defeats the purpose to even have the alerts in the dlc with the exception of Collections, briefings, and investigations and feats.

    I say this because you dont even really need 98+ gear to complete any of the raids (with the exception of the hard one). You can jump straight into the raids without easing your way up by gearing up through the alerts. The 97 gear is more than enough to enable you to participate effectively in those end game instances. The only reasons besides feats I'd see for running the alerts would be symbols. But other than that, it honestly feels like a jumbled mess. Great dlc, but the way the armor is is screwy.

    What they could have done was to do AF2 like how they did AF1. Have the alerts drop 97 (or 98)gear slightly better than the drops from the previous dlc, make the Vendor gear better than the dropped stuff, and then make the raid gear slightly better than the vendor gear. I honestly cant find a reason that they'd have the dlc drop gear thats actually worse, it kinda seems like a few steps backwards. As for Derio's comment, the older content drops MoF as well, so I could easily run those if i'm just playing for marks. But usually for the longest time it'd be play the easier alerts to prepare for the raid. Now its do whatever you want it feels.

    Im confused
  13. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Mine too +1. Classic
  14. Wildboy Committed Player

    I was running the T2 Hive Alert this week and got a Hive Defender drop. Pfft. Who needs those anymore?
  15. FearsomeScarecrow Well-Known Player

    Mhmm I guess i sound smart... or maybe this just a repetitive thread from when Amazon Fury pt 1 dropped... A&B dropped 90 gear but stats were better than 90 gear in duos, different roles may vary, but there was massive qq'ing on the forums. *coughs*

    See what i'm saying? But I guess it's ok because they were different styles.
  16. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Have you ever gone into the tunnels in Paradox Wave? The adds have a chance to drop 81-83 gear, weapons and base items. If you do all four tunnels, you're likely to see two of these items in group loot (depending on your raid leader's drop settings).

    You don't need to complete the entire instance to get some drops. There are people who go in with mentality that they're gonna get as far as they can, just to get stronger and eventually beat it. Of course, most raids will swap out the person with that mentality at some point, because they want to beat it.

    The person above that responded he tanked it with some 90 gear on and beat it may've been carried, but those 96 drops were still beneficial to him/her.
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  17. DrLobo New Player

    Where's this 'I' coming from? I said group of 106/7, YOU probably had high tier people carrying you. Especially sense those are raids, you got carried.

    Edit: and and HoP alert drops were 93, WoTl2 alert drops were 96.
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  18. DrLobo New Player

    Idk if you're trolling but I obviously wasn't complimenting you in that post. And AT least in the AF 1, the style was NEW. If the 96 style was in new in AF 2, it'll be ALOT better.
  19. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Yeah, people also complained consistently about 'the best gear needs to come from Raids and Drops only', and now there's 100-101 Gear that only drops in Raids as a result.
  20. DrLobo New Player

    And too add since I can't edit, the gear drop was 90(WoTl and Af), not two cr's below, 88. It was 90 vestments and 90 Amazon, not 88 vestments, 90 Amazons. Where's in new dlc it's, 96 hive, 98 divinity. Not 98/98. See?