Sony/DC - you're just making it too easy for them

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ScarletGhost, Nov 18, 2014.

  1. Stamen Dedicated Player

    Nah, not at all. We've played together since Beta and we offend each other all the time. It's not a biggie and as league-mates we just keep rolling on and having fun. I wouldn't "not be myself" so much as work to show her the respect she deserves as a friend.

    I've always said, "Leagues are like families," that means we get up in each other's stuff at times, learn to adapt to each other, work to keep the peace, and keep the love light burning! :)
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  2. ScarletGhost Level 30

    I love you, man :)
  3. akaivy Dedicated Player

    That's awesome. I, too, agree that leagues are a family. But part of being a family is accepting them for who they are, warts and all. And there's a big difference, in my opinion, in the behavior you described and just listening to vulgarity and profanity in general. No one any any league I've been a part of has ever said anything that offended me enough to try to change their behavior or avoid them.

    And as I said in my first post, most of the time when randoms find out I'm female they tone the bad stuff down. If they don't I mute them and when the run is over add them to my ignore list.

    I'm not big on creating conflict with people I know for a moment and have no hope of changing in that brief time. I pick my battles and my means to fight them.
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  4. Scarlet Mysty Loyal Player

    It seems we differ on a quite a few things lol, but I can respect your opinion. Although my gauge for skimpy and yours clearly fall at two different levels

    I'm a male so hard to answer:p but it depends on the character you are trying to portray. Scarlet (my toon not the OP) would still choose to be more modest, thats how I made her;) .....she also has no use in her brain for menial terms like 'hot' nor does she think she is something that can be got, or had.
    EDIT:[IMG]Just because

    Not one for deleting stuff I posted, so feel free to respond to the stuff I wrote above but my heart isn't even really in that statement....I only wanted to point out that people also want less revealing clothes too. Thats not a judgment on how anyone else (within reason) dresses their toon or how the game portray's females.
  5. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Don't know why people behave like this; it makes not sense at all...
  6. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    It's the Internet. People are rude. It's also freedom of speech. You like those boobies you can say you do. If you don't you can say you dont.

    My suggestion is you add them to ignore. The other options are get thick skin or don't play online games. There is always gonna be that person you'd like to slap in real life.
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  7. Venus Void Dedicated Player
    I never stated what my definition of skimpy was.
    I was just saying that if you wanted to go that route with your character, you have very few options compared to what the npcs get to wear.
    Sorry, I can't send my pic on this device
    Venus Void USPS3
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  8. Scarlet Mysty Loyal Player

    Your suggestion that there aren't enough skimpy outfits made me draw that conclusion. Almost all the female styles are skimpy in my opinion, so for you to think there need to be more tells me you don't consider what i consider skimpy
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  9. Venus Void Dedicated Player

    That's pretty far fetched, there's literally like 6 outfits that could be considered provocative, you saw my toon and I saw yours, do you consider their clothes skimpy?
    Or do you consider short sleeves skimpy?
    If so, then I agree, our opinion on the matter differs greatly
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  10. Naudia Nyce Well-Known Player

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  11. Scarlet Mysty Loyal Player

    Seems you're still in argument mode, I humoured you at first but now I'm bored. Re-reading seems to be in order
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  12. gnu247 New Player

    totally fun story involving 1999, it involved me and a stripper(/exotic dancer ) on the stroke of the new millennium, fun times
  13. Venus Void Dedicated Player

    I don't know what you mean, I'm not even trying to argue with you.
    Most style options are not provocative, that's not just my opinion, even if we disagree slightly on what is provocative, there's more gaudy, full-body covered styles than anything.
    This is something you can easily see for yourself by simply scrolling through the styles.
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  14. Dr DeviI Active Player

    You're absolutely right, I thought about what Mysty said about most of the styles are provocative so I looked formyself, and they aren't, actually the opposite, most of the styles by a huge margin are pretty much like you said, gaudy and pretty unappealing, contrary to what he said to you, it seemed like he's the one trying to argue so don't let it bother. You
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  15. Naudia Nyce Well-Known Player

    Lol what? "Almost all styles are skimpy in my opinion" wow man you must think sweaters and long dresses with some ankle showing is skimpy I'd hate to be your daughter I'd never get out of the house
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  16. Chungweishan New Player

    "Huh huh. Stroke."
    By the way, I like the fact it seems like the Devs put a little extra time on some Style's textures than others, as in some "pants" have flat-butt, but one has the perfect gluteal sulcus. Provocative. I had to walk by that character a few times. /camera

    In the future, just in case anyone wants to remain offensive, just say, "earmuffs" first. I believe it's sanctioned by the United Nations as a way to communicate effectively without disturbing the moral standards of others.

  17. Baby Sister Committed Player

    Haha yes that fatality outfit was just too much for me lol
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  18. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    And just so you know, I *DID* call a guy out earlier today for calling the NPCs in Zamaron '******* sluts' - I'm not a woman, fyi (y'all can stop speculating now) but I am a member of a Star Sapphire league and yeah... Lines folks.
  19. Scarlet Mysty Loyal Player

  20. Dr DeviI Active Player

    Was that supposed to be a reply? Or did you decide to finally get off your high horse, turn on the game, look through the styles, and realize everything you said is complete nonsense.
    The bulky unappealing outfits out number the scantily clad outfits easily 10-1.
    I'm sorry you needed 3 different people to help you count styles.
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