Equipped combat rating needs a toggle option

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by rival exe, Nov 15, 2014.

  1. RapidRay Committed Player

    The problem isn't whether or not we can see other player data.

    The REAL problem is what people do with it.
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  2. RoxyStormbringer Dedicated Player

    As you stated, Prefab Mods shouldn't factor into a player's CR: by allowing these mods to affect "Equipped" CR you would actually be allowing them to affect CR. Equipped CR is the CR you have with the gear you are wearing.
  3. Stark23 Committed Player

    No, the logic would be to not allow Prefab mods to be placed into PVE gear. That's logic. I'm not sure what the end game is here with these, a PVE version of Prefabs? Why were they allowed to be placed in PVE gear from the get go?
  4. Sore Steadfast Player

    And the real problem is those people themselves. They'll find ways to make your experience miserable one way or another whether asking for lead and then kicking you. Berating players based on scoreboard. Throwing a hissy fit if the group wipes once at a point they feel it shouldn't. Bragging incessantly about how they're the best anyone has ever seen.
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  5. Rejoicer1 Well-Known Player

    been waiting a long time for equiped combat role. Bring it on!
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  6. Dylan Top5 New Player

    Hmmm, you must not have read carefully enough... I'm saying for prefab mods to not affect your overall combat rating required to enter content. But to allow them to affect your "equipped" combat rating, (you know, because they are two separate numbers).

    So a player with a full 94 set and prefab expert mods will still not be able to access WOTL2 content, but when in a raid, his equipped cr will still reflect his stats. It's the only way to make the system work, without that equipped cr will have no meaning of real stats. Did I make it more clear? Or are you just disagreeing because you don't like the idea of prefab mods?
  7. Dylan Top5 New Player

    But that's not the discussion at hand and a different topic altogether. Fact of the matter is, prefab mods are allowed in PVE gear, and unless the devs change their mind and ban them from PVE gear, it will be a problem with equipped cr not showing real stats.
  8. Burnt New Player

    If we ask and you're silent you get da boot. These ratings are in the game for a reason.
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  9. RSL New Player

    i'm not against teaching new players here and there. i'm against the idea that i HAVE to teach EVERY player or else i'm part of the problem. and no, we don't lose our right to complain about controllers who don't give power just because we don't stop gameplay and explain to them their role. sometimes, you need to take initiative and read and learn. you can learn enough from just reading the tooltips for your powers to get a decent grasp on how POT works, etc. you might not know everything but you'd know something. it's 100% not my responsibility to teach the "controller" who comes in in all DPS gear, modded with synthetic restoration, meleeing with his bow, never using power or giving it either, what they're doing wrong.
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  10. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Or what? Speak up and get booted anyway? I did a little experiment several months ago, seeing what happened if i was honest about my cr, having no difficulty healing lockdown. I was booted every.single.time. Where had i kept quiet about it they wouldve overlooked me, heals wouldve been fine and they would be none the wiser. But they didnt care when i told the group ive done lockdown many times, they didn't believe i could do it, looking at cr or resto alone.

    So i can understand why people lie, its not cool, but i can totally understand why. They have to lie to prove themselves , or if they didnt nobody would give them the chance to..
  11. rival exe New Player

    The positives might outweigh the negatives IN THEORY, but the negatives happen way more often. I really don't understand why you devs can't just please both sides of the debate. If I don't want to share then don't force me to. If someone wants to share then let them share. Both parties will be pleased.
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  12. Twilight Man New Player

    It is interesting how this topic doesnt get the usual "both sides" treatment.
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  13. rival exe New Player

    This kind of post/view really irks me. Why? Because this type of player is the one who's really in the wrong, shutting people out based on their ignorant view of how the CR number works, instead of letting a player's performance speak for itself. They make the GOOD players just trying to play the game and have fun look like the BAD guys. These kids of people, THE REAL BAD GUYS, are the ones who don't see this game as a game, but instead as a job, which kills the game for many others. But the thing that really bothers me, is that the devs are siding with these elitist types of players by giving them what they want and hoping they won't screw the ones trying to have fun, when we all know the community has repeatedly shown this will not happen. SMH
  14. apocalypsegodx Loyal Player

    Jus think of cr as your lvl
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  15. rival exe New Player

    Cr isn't my level and I don't want my level shown to people.
  16. apocalypsegodx Loyal Player

    Oh well it gnna happin bro srry :(
  17. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Well, I'd argue that until a green name says "Sorry, we're not adding that function....ever." or something similar that there's always hope.

    If we stopped raising concerns (about anything) because "it wasn't going to happen", we'd be better off just leaving the devs to do what they will. Which they probably will do anyway :p
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  18. rival exe New Player

    yes and the way I'm raising concerns is 1) making this thread and 2) not paying anymore for the game
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  19. yagamison New Player

    It's a double edge sword. I'm for CR being visible and would never kick someone based on CR or SP, only lack of performance & communication. We all had to start somewhere and every time some fool joins any group that I'm in and their first words are about gear & CR they go on my ignore list immediately. Just like they don't want a 103 in LD, I don't want my 108/182 toon helping them clear content either.
  20. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Sometimes people need to read between the lines too... IMO, Mepps' post in here is basically saying that. And just like with the app, in a month nobody will care that their CR is shown...

    I'm sure we'll get a thread just like this when the official app drops too... And then a month after that it'll be a non-factor as well.
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