The Go Go Gadget Guide to Everything Gadgets

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by TheDark, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. TheDark Devoted Player

    I was using that when I was on test server. But I'm not a PC player and PS doesn't have that.

    While using it though that's how I was able to tell the AI would be able to keep up with WM by itself. What would also play a factor is what else is in the loadout other than EMP/PDart.

    Some folks on PC can post that though. I think D3vi1 posted some pages back but he didn't include his loadout.
  2. TheDark Devoted Player

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  3. Echephyle New Player

    On high health ads, emp will still do top damage. Just don't use it on ads in low tier instances as they'll be dead before your pi's are set up
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  4. StiltzkinS Level 30

  5. Echephyle New Player

    Burn them all at once. I've had my emp wipe waves of ads simultaneously. Emp is good for groups and single targets. It's only inferior for low health targets due to the setup, but it does high damage on everything when set up
  6. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    One test I ran yesterday was to duo Nexus of Reality with an ice tank. I played exclusively in DPS role and utilized Gadgets AM. When I utilized just my Damage role gear, I would typically run out of power within a minute of any boss fight. I swapped a couple of pieces of Damage role gear for Controller gear and there were no more issues with power after that. I could keep running my regular rotation without any power concerns because I was receiving more power than what I was using.

    That positive power returns allows you to do some interesting things like run a hybrid DPS/Controller AM build. You clip all of your EMP/Dart attacks with Defib and use the positive power returns from all the other powers to cover the power cost of Defib.
  7. TheDark Devoted Player

    How much vit was on those 2 pieces you swapped in?

    With just damage gear, even in duos, it's definitely possible to run out of power. I have to pop soders when I do the t6 duos. In alerts there's a controller, or any content with a controller, so that's usually enough.

    But this hybrid and possible build with BA is really neat.
  8. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    I have ~1220 base vitalization in Damage role. After swapping that gear, I had a little over 1400 vitalization. You could probably achieve that much by just swapping in the Controller chest.

    If you're wearing IL 94 gear, somewhere in the range of 1425-1500 seems to be the minimum for guaranteed positive power return.
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  9. TheDark Devoted Player

    Schway. I might just get a separate controller chest piece and mod it with might vi and put it in a duo armory build.
  10. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    I don't use BA for solo/duo content

    This is the armory I run for Solos/Duos/Meleeing:

    Weapon: One-Handed
    Loadout: Decoy, Vortex Cannon, Sticky Bomb, EMP, Distract, Turret

    I can also swap in Battle Drone, Neural Neutralizer, or Stealth.

    It is a very low-cost power build. I use EMP->Distract for alpha strikes. For most regular mob groups, I open up with Vortex Cannon or Sticky Bomb. Then I finish off the group with Pulse Beam Mastery or Dual Flurry Mastery. Turret is there in case I need to shift aggro from the mob group to Turret. I can use Decoy if things get a little too hectic.

    I generally only use one or two powers per mob group encounter.
  11. TheDark Devoted Player

    In the t6 duos, I used to use decoy but i swapped it out.
    Right now I'm still using DW to explosive shot.

    I pretty much use EMP>Distract the same way which cost me 1277 power. I open up with BD though. I get some power back from the NPCs.

    For t6 duos, I just WM to GG until Distract is off cool down and use the trinket. With WM i'm not using alot of power. Once I get up to the bosses or sidebosses/NPCs with larger health (where 1 or 2 WM hits won't kill them) I use 3xpi then emp (2662 power cost) with BD just because they deal more total in total. I tend to use SF in the duos more than SB just because the initial hit on SF is quick and deals higher damage.

    At this point I pretty much just destroy everything quickly with all the high stats I have before the targets can kill me. Sometime's the NPCs will get close but I through in Personal Dampening Field VI to mitigate some damage. If they dealt more damage I'd probably go back to Decoy. I still use Decoy though when I run an alert with no healer.

    Now that you mention NN, I honestly haven't used it in months and stealth I won't touch in PvE.
  12. Philosophicles Well-Known Player

    Another things that helps the power back you get is to purchase the league hall power up "power received" if possible.
    And rather than fully swapping out dps pieces you might find your dps stats won't take as big of a hit if you just modded slightly different.

    Put Vit Prec 6 or Vit Might 6 in your yellow mod pieces (head and shoulders) and maybe even a few Vit / X in your red mods if needed. The hit you take on your might and prec will be less than if you completely swapped out your pieces for troll gear.

    As far as how much power people get back from battle awareness... I'm not quite sure I can understand the issue. I tried my battle display and spammed powers for literally 10 minutes straight and couldn't run out of power. (And no I did not receive power back from the sparring target and get confused haha) if you stand far enough back you won't get power from S target. The power I got back each time I used a power with battle awareness was in the range of 725-850 with occasional crits of 950+.

    My might prec and vit are at 5465, 2623, and 1260ish respectively.

    Maybe some people are making sure its active when they do their rotations? You only have 4 seconds to hit a power after using battle display to keep it active. If you run a wm combo then hit the power you might not have it active still. Just constantly make sure you got you got that little display on your face.

    If you feel like I'm off base with my previous paragraph in regards to you, then try utilizing my advice with the modding and also personal and league base vit mods and power received power up. Hope it helps!
  13. Philosophicles Well-Known Player

    Neural neutralizer is a beastly hitter on dazed targets. However, my problem with it is that it occasionally doesn't hit correctly or at all. If they made it more consistent like emp (in terms of guaranteed to hit if you use it in range) then I would definitely go back to using it.
  14. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    I ran a large number of power return tests this afternoon at different Vitalization levels. I didn't include crits in any of the test results.

    Using EMP, here are the ranges I saw:
    67 Vitalization: 316 to 386
    92 Vitalization: 328 to 396
    231 Vitalization: 368 to 444
    526 Vitalization: 453 to 551
    1020 Vitalization: 610 to 704
    1234 Vitalization: 664 to 804
    1573 Vitalization: 795 to 927
    2062 Vitalization: 913 to 1093
    2561 Vitalization: 1106 to 1281

    My baseline Damage Role vitalization is 1234. For any vitalization under that, I removed gear. For anything over 1234 vitalization, I swapped Damage Role gear for Controller gear. Even if you consider the last 3 test results, there is definitely some scaling happening.

    Based on some testing I did with other powers, the power scaling varies with the power you are using. At 92 Vitalization, I saw the following:
    Gauss Grenade: 277 to 344
    Tazer Pull: 177 to 215

    Notice how the ranges are different for Tazer Pull, Gauss Grenade, and EMP at the same Vitalization levels.

    There is definitely a formula that incorporates the base cost of the power and adds some corresponding amount based on your Vitalization stat. The percentage difference between the lower and upper values in a range varies from 14 to 20%. If I did enough testing, I think they would all end up being very close to 20%.

    *Note: All power ranges were adjusted to remove the Power Received League Proficiency.
  15. TheDark Devoted Player

    I figured that's how it addressed each power because it was always a different range amount of power returned for each.

    Just looking at those numbers tells me even modding with vit n might in yellows would give minimal returns. Definitely a return but minimal. 84 vit with 2 vit and might, and a dual vit mod in my ring of OP. I'll probably have to leave league to test it out someday. Did you leave leave or was the proficiency just not active?

    I think I'll PM around and ask the hardcore formula busters if they can figure it out the equation.
  16. TheDark Devoted Player

    I so they took a lesson from the success of Gadgets AM and let fire get tagged for using powers rather than having their PI or whatever on their target.

    In regards to pvp arenas only, our DoTs lasting longer than 5 ticks/seconds have been nerfed to last only 5 seconds. I think it also said our shields will also reduce 25% of damage instead of 100. That includes NN and distract but distract isn't on the list.

    Intimidation doesn't stun anymore when it procs in arenas. If someone can test and make sure it still stuns in controller role in PvE that would be great.
  17. AtrocitusOmega Committed Player

    What was the point of messing with intimidation's stun, i mean look at menace lol, The pvp changes look great though.
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  18. TheDark Devoted Player

    I haven't seen you post in a while.

    Only reason I can think of is because it may have been a "hard" stun. Otherwise, maybe just the randomness of the procs ability to stun probably upset people? Which would be silly. If mentals menace still procduces a control effect when it procs, then this would be a stupid change considering the powers are very similar.
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  19. FameYack Committed Player

  20. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    I will have to test this later:

    " Gadgets
    o PC TEST ONLY: Advanced Damage Mechanics in PvP
    - In Damage Role, EMP Pulse and Paralyzing Dart no longer deal heavy damage when used immediately after un-stealthing or using Distract.
    - Updated the Tactics and Devices trait tree descriptions to say that these no longer do heavy damage in PvP."
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