The real reason behind SP

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by drzdonn, Sep 15, 2014.

  1. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Not really.

    Did one of the T6 duos not long ago with a DPS that had 0 survivability.

    He kept on dying.

    He kept on pulling too many mobs. We were already fighting a group of mobs... and he would pull another group of mobs... or worst would jump at the other end of the room into a second group of mobs while I was stuck fighting the first group by myself... and then would die because I was stuck fighting the first group of mobs on my own and could not go and help him.

    And for extra fun.... he would waste the healing stones by breaking them when we did not need them.... at all. And then when we would need them..... oups.... no stone because DPS idiot had already broken it.

    And the cherry on top..... one of the last time he died..... instead of taking the path we had already cleared to come back to me.... the idiot took the path where there were still mobs..... so I saw him pull 3 groups of mobs on my mini-map.... and again dies too far away for me to do anything about it.

    And then the idiot ragedquit. When we were pretty much at the end. Only about 2 groups of mobs to reach the boss left. Freekin idiot.

    About halfway through the mission while I was seeing him die over and over..... I was curious and checked his character on the App. The guy had like 154 SP.

    My character did not even have 120SP yet. I think I was at 118 at the time.

    So to those who think that SP are important.... or that SP means that the guy is a better player...... I say..... "NO".

    It does not matter how many SP someone has.

    All that matters is can he play the mission???

    The rest is malarky.
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  2. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Yeah that is the only real way to tell how good or bad a player is.

    But I ask.....

    Why even worry about the other guy???

    Instead.... I worry about MY guy.

    I try to get him the best gear I can instead of worrying about the other guy.

    I focus on getting my guy the best gear I can.... that way if I end up with a BAD player or a BAD group.... I know that I can pretty much carry them.

    And if I can't carry them..... then I wish them good luck and leave to go do something else.

    But it is much easier to gear my guy to the point where I can pretty much solo the mission.... that way it does not matter if I am stuck with the worst players that DCUO can offer........ and DCUO can offer plenty of those.

    Damm how many times do we see a player pull/drag behind him what seems to be all the NPCs of CC behind him???

    If you are undergeared..... you wipe... no miracle there.

    But if you are overgeared..... you can survive and carry the group even if your partners are idiots and do the worst things possible.

    And again.... if your partners are the worst idiots in the universe and there is no way for you to carry them..... then you wish them good luck and leave.
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  3. Mad9 New Player

    I said preponderance of a high SP player being better than a low SP player is greater. I did not say that SP amounts to skill or knowledge or makes you a better player.
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  4. ermike Committed Player

  5. Volkenraider Loyal Player

    There is, I even did some testing this week

    23 instances, Screen shotted the scorecard and recorded who was who

    Not once did a low cr/low SP player out performed someone with high cr higher SP

    Its easy to fool yourself when a group carries someone
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  6. Volkenraider Loyal Player

    This like +1 million

    True overall skill is shown in PVP when underpressure and need to perform
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  7. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Doesn't matter.

    Preponderance.... shmeponderance..... does not matter. (did you have to use preponderance??? just saying "the odds of finding a high SP player being better than a low SP player is greater" isn't that simpler and more to the point??)

    If the guy has 50SP or 150SP..... the difference does not matter.

    In the end what you want is a good player. A good player will still be a good player even with 50SP.

    A bad player will still be a bad player even with 150SP.

    So at the end of the day.... it does not matter how many SP. And asking form more SP does not improve the odds of finding a better player.

    It is like the vault.....
    You roll the dice and take your chances.
    If you are lucky you will get a good player.

    And for all you know.... the guy with 50SP is playing is 12th Alt...... meaning that he has a truckload more experience then his 50SP will lead you to believe.

    The true test is doing a mission with someone else. That is how you can tell if they are good or bad. Not with SP.
    And there are enough bad players with high SP that no.... there is no more chance to find a good player just because he has 150SP.

    I know that some will say.... "But...... but what about WM?? You NEED 190SP for WM."

    50SP is enough to get access to WM. Sure you will need to chose between either the range or melee WM... but just having one is usually more then enough.
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  8. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Now we HAVE to see all 23 ScreenShots that "proves" that SP do matter.

    Because of course.... the result would never have been the same had everyone in the group have "only" 50SP each.

    And is it low CR??? or low SP???

    Pretty sure that a 106CR with 50SP will out perform any 50CR with 180SP.

    So were they top DPS because they had more SP??? or more CR????
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  9. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    If it's common, why are people telling the OP it is wrong?

    I agree with the OP. Bad players can exist with high CR and high SP, but they're less common than good players with the same high CR and high SP because they put the time in. I have seen some 140+ SP players who were not very good, so there are definitely some bad players out there with higher SP. They still outperform players who have 37 SP, though.
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  10. the solowing Unwavering Player

    did you have something called variables? because you are only looking at dps... this is from a SM run i did and this guy out-geared me at 106cr and he was around 130sp i heard him say. Now i did not purchase AF so i was sitting at cr 100. But ive seen less experienced tanks, tank better then higher sp ones. lesser geared new trolls work miracles with what they had, healerswho didnt have the best resto but had the best use of powers. Ive seen crap SP players SCHOOL high sp player and watch the bragger with his sp start making excuses.

    Stop taking from only 1 variable as fact and take from all[IMG]
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  11. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    A great player will still be a great player..... even with only 50SP.

    So again.... does not really matter.

    A great player will know how to time his potions in order to take them when needed as opposed to wasting them when he is still half full of health or power.

    A great player will know when to break the healing barrel/stones in order to get the maximum benefit from it.

    A great play will know not to pull to many mobs.

    The high or low SP will not change that.
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  12. Volkenraider Loyal Player

    I said both CR and SP... All in T6 alerts/raids

    I usually run with anyone, I focus on my part of the job since I assume others will reach content to the best of their ability and have the decency to gear up before attempting something that requires a slight gear check

    Top of my head we ran a necro 4 dps run.. My league mate and I doubled the damage of both DPSes combined (yes combined).. One had 91 SP the other had 105

    One troll who had 3600 vita comes into our group, we ask him if he can solo he says yes... God you should have seen the power lol.. that guy 84 SP

    Its not true for all but chances are someone with higher SP will have more experience than someone with lower. Of course it doesn't take alts into consideration but then again most alts run with their leaguemates and usually unlock their SP

    Of course if you put 3 undergeared guys into a raid group with 5 other geared ones you won't notice the difference.. Reverse the situation and see what happens.

    When pugging alerts, one of my healer friends out dpsed someone in league hall breach lol
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  13. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Putting more time to gather 25000 exobits does not make you a better player.

    It just means that you have wayyyyyyy too much free time.

    The same with all the explores.... killing 5000 Reapers...... heck doing 100 missions.

    Will I be a better player if I do the Gorrila Grodd mission 100 times to get the feat??? no.

    Again.... all it means is that I have wayyyyy too much free time.
  14. Volkenraider Loyal Player

    Trolls and Healers too, not only DPS.. Also you have to factor power in.. If the group is topped up you aren't gonna spam healz. Also electric doesn't reflect well on the scorecard which I'm assuming thats what the other healer was
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  15. the solowing Unwavering Player

    so after looking at the scorecard tell me why does that 130sp 106 cr have less then a 100cr 95sp healer?
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  16. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    And players who take the easy route to get their skill points instead of doing it at tier and learning their roles are the same players who will have higher SP and lower skill. As I said, those players exist. I still meet more good players who have higher skill points than I meet bad players who have higher skill points.

    I don't discriminate based on SP, regardless. If a player can run the content, I'm fine with that player being in the content with me as long as he/she is not hurting the group to the point that we cannot progress and as long as he/she has a good attitude. If the group is having fun and working together, that's all I want when I play.
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  17. Volkenraider Loyal Player

    You're gonna have to show me a video to assess that properly but I'll take a stab in the dark

    1) No need to spam heals since the group's health bar isn't dipping and simple healing over times will do

    2) If he is an electric healer then its more about burst healing and that doesn't reflect on the scorecard compared to other healing powers

    3) You never showed power in, the more power used the more healing out you will get

    Do you have any footage of that?
  18. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Again.... does not prove much.

    If you guys had 108CR gear and the other guys had 100CR gear.... guess what.... SP were not really the reason.... or at least the only reason why you did more DPS then them.

    Heck we could add if you were using Rage VS guys using Electric or Mental..... again..... not really SP that made the difference.

    Heck your Troll with 84 SP is another example that it is the player.... or maybe also the gear.... and not really the SP.

    I have carried more then my fair share of lowergeared group.
    It does make things more difficult... but it can be done. But then again..... the low gear is the deciding factor here..... not the SP.

    If you really want to make a meaningful test..... give the same gear to all your group (same gear.... same type of mods.... same soda...etc).... then give 180SP to half guys..... 50SP to the other half..... then look at the score.

    Then reverse the SP.
    Give your 180SP guys 50SP..... and give your 50SP guys 180SP.

    And again look at the score.

    That might tell a different story.
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  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

    #1 im sorcery so speed isnt exactly our game.
    #2 he was nature, ya know the best healing class in the game..
    #3 my power was in was slightly higher then his, but that big of a gap?
    and no i wiped my ps4 recordings about a week ago besides SM runs past 5 hours, you can only max out 15 minutes of footage at a time. I wanted to but thought it to be illogical as i dont think i have access to post a video that long on youtube, and i dont like fragmenting footage across several videos
  20. Multiverse 15000 Post Club


    Are you saying that you did all the T1 feats before you bought a single T2 piece of gear and did a single T2 mission???

    Then you did all the T2 feats before you bought a single T3 piece of gear and did a single T3 mission???

    And you expect every player to do just that???
    Otherwise it means they are not "learning their roles"???

    Is that what you are saying??
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