Server Downtime - July 23, 2014 - Game Update 39!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jul 22, 2014.

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  1. Hey dad New Player

    Did the world already shutdown?
  2. The dark knight New Player

    Not sure if that is what you wanted to say, but I'd be less frustrated with the league halls part of this GU going live and at least the fire revamp part to be postponed. I have been longing for the league halls update for ages (same for the fire update), and sadly almost none of the plethora of awesome suggestions by the community has been taken into account by the devs (whereas the worst suggestion has been taken into account), therefore I am not excited about the league halls part of the update at all. Another concession, I guess, to the people putting time pressure on the devs. This update, both in terms of fire revamp and in terms of league halls, as far as I could tell from the test server is a bad rush job.

    This game could be so much more awesome if the devs listened to the awesome suggestions that the community offers and if they weren't put under release pressure.

    I am seriously considering quitting this game, that I have been supporting with a membership for 18 months now and a plethora of purchases.

    But btw: this update doesn't have "content". It's just a new kind of base and some league organization changes. The actual content comes with the DLC.
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  3. spack2k Steadfast Player

    what ? the dominance fix is not coming with this update ???
  4. GuyverVII Well-Known Player

    how do I get to gotham?
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  5. Alexonic Committed Player

    fake buff for fire tanks, stoke flames cooldown has been reduced while fiery weapon cooldown has been

    ah, @people who never used fiery weapon as tank: i will show you why it was good and how to use it...yh, there is a way to get the heal without attacking...
  6. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    will the test server be down as well? i wouldn't mind doing some power testing during the down time
  7. Marine Death Committed Player

    It is. They just didn't add it to the patch notes.
  8. GrimmjowSaero New Player

    Repair error 1004 on PS3
  9. brothernumzy Active Player

    is the world shut down im not even getting patch to download uspc
  10. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Again, though, it was not a fire revamp. It was changes to allow the Advanced Mechanics to work with an already existing power.

    Post by Loche:

    Link here

    A further post on the subject was made:

    Link here

    and finally, the original point was repeated in a 3rd post on the matter here:

    Link here

    Updates are coming. Be patient. The sooner this update is out, the sooner DLC11 is out. It's content but not in the form of an instance or whatever. It's still something new to play around with. I'd rather that than wait a few more days to "fix fire" which still won't result in your happiness as it won't be what you're expecting or wanting.
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  11. BigAl Devoted Player

    QFT this applies to many aspects of the game. How many times have we seen "here's a new shiny thing to play with," followed by, "its nice, but 'we' wanted _____"? QFT
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  12. patrick86 New Player

    io spero che con questo aggiornamento ripariate l errore 1004....xke' altrimenti e' inutile che mettete nuovi contenuti e nuovi dlc quando il gioco nn funziona come dovrebbe e ve ne fregate se le persone sono bloccate nn possono giocare ne scaricare il gioco x colpa di questo errore ridicolo!!!!pensate prima a risolvere i problemi gia' esistenti apposto di mettere nuovi contenuti....senza parole!!
  13. TwisterDvl New Player

    When do you possibly think survival will be taken out of the game? Will it be when the summer seasonal ends or will it have its own time of ending?
  14. Incredible Wrecker New Player

    Still will be. Very very little improvements to tanking side. Super disappointing
    • Like x 3
  15. princeofdetroit Well-Known Player

    So you're basically FORCED to join a laeague even if you dont want to...THIS SUCKS!
  16. Incredible Wrecker New Player

    Haven't heard anything else about the dominance fix. Didn't see it in notes either.
  17. Incredible Wrecker New Player

    Make your own. Heck have one member if you want.
  18. Lando Level 30

    I cant believe how hard they've made it for the smaller leagues impossible to get prestiege to get a League Hall but once you get 1 its easy to get pretiege WAY TO GO SOE!!!
  19. princeofdetroit Well-Known Player

    didnt know you could do that...interesting
  20. Generation EL Active Player

    Didn't i say it??? didn't i just say it.......Told u this release was gonna be within a few weeks from the announcement. And u ppl thought i was crazy....bwahahaha. who's laughing now batman!!! ahahahaha! join my league.....FTW!!
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