Server Downtime - July 23, 2014 - Game Update 39!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jul 22, 2014.

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  1. brothernumzy Active Player

    are servers down ?? im having trouble converting from pdt to est
  2. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Nah. Unless you can't beat Themyscira Divided, then you aren't suffering :p Your progression is in no means being hampered by your chosen powerset, therefore it isn't a matter of urgency that it's "fixed".

    Besides, a developer confirmed they're doing a fire revamp/changes in a future Game Update but they don't know when. So it's coming :)

    Content > Not being able to top the scoreboard or whatever people are still complaining about.

    You want suffering? I'm still waiting for my Mad Hatter content after seeing that wallpaper in 2011. I continue to wait.
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  3. Viktoryos SS Active Player

    Is this meen that DLC 11 allso is ready to realise
  4. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Not today.

    It'll probably be available next week once we've had chance to buy our League Halls.
  5. Octantis New Player

    Are the fixes to the Armories going to stop certain builds from being copied by other ones as soon as we leave the Lair?
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  6. kawe Loyal Player

    Does it mean SM is taken down today? Or when DLC11 hits?
  7. Gale Reaper Dedicated Player

    Urgh, I hate surprises. Even surprises like this.
  8. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    28th, same day as the Seasonal ends.

    Nothing confirmed about whether that's the DLC11 launch date or not though.
  9. TrueOlympus New Player

    You must not look or remember what LFG chat is like at the release of new content. Many fire tanks wishing to pug are pretty much excluded from new content......... But for the sake of he thread it's best not to get into this :cool:
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  10. kawe Loyal Player

    Ok, ty.
    That's at least a few more days.
  11. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    To be fair, though, that's the bastard communities fault, not the games developers fault. I don't believe fire tanks have an issue in beating any content. Maybe SM, but SM is a fun, non-progressional extra.

    Besides, DLC11 has been optimised to be on par with Round 1 of Survival Mode and I know for a fact that there are definitely fire tanks out there who have beaten it.

    Really, the community should stand up to bullies. If someone's whining because you're a fire tank, kick them instead of waiting to be kicked yourself. If any group NEEDs a Rage/Ice/Earth tank, then I NEED to find better team mates. I don't tolerate BS like that.
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  12. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Get online tonight and run as much high end content as you possibly can before 1am GMT. The resets are tonight which means any Prestige we earn today can be earned again after 1am. That'll speed up things for a lot of leagues.

    Start with the T6 alert and work backwards.

    Edit: Don't know why I quoted you with this XD but if league halls are something you want, I guess it applies to you, too.
  13. Draconicflame New Player

    Yes it update 39 can*t wait im so exited
  14. kawe Loyal Player

    lol, nw. Was just like... eh... YESSIR!

    Our leaguers are all hyped up and are ready to grind their butts off. :3 I'm proud of my boys.
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  15. The dark knight New Player

    Yeah, I'm sure waiting a few more days for an update nobody thought would be released today in the first place is what deserves the designation "suffering".

    People who annoy the devs with "is DLCx/GUx going live in a minute/this hour/today/tomorrow"-threads are the people ruining this game in the long run because they're putting unnecessary release pressure on the devs.
  16. Seth Grey New Player

    Super excited about the fire improvements...mixed feelings about league halls.
  17. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    I'm sure waiting for an actual revamp rather than an update that allows a mechanic to work, as has been promised for the future would be fine too. Give me my content.
  18. Deranya Dedicated Player

    Actually ... there was at least one, who thought it would have been yesterday xD Jafin and his predicting signature.

    Can't wait for this to go live. I am glad though that I will be out of the house for most of the downtime :p I will get distracted yay
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  19. The K-os X Active Player

    Thanks Mepps and all of you other devs. Thinking about it that today is July 23 and that my birthday is on july 24 ...all i can say is thanks for the nice Birthday gift :)

    PS: am i this close to Batmans Birthday to ? lol ... did not know.
  20. xxxxcristianxxxxx New Player

    anyone know if after today's update fixed the error 1004 stay??
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