GU39 Preview: League Halls

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Zinbik, Jun 25, 2014.

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  1. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    On the Live stream, I didn't see R&D vendors near the R&D tables. Any chance of those being added? I don't usually walk around the R&D vendor purchasable component in my inventory, so if there isn't a vendor in the League Hall these R&D tables would mostly be used for salvaging (at least by me).
  2. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    I still think the cost is a bit high for league halls and I don't know about those numbers based on league size most leagues have taken a big hit in members with the powers/weapons changes in the past few months and the large gap in time since we've had some raids . In all honesty what could it hurt to lower to price of the league base ? None this is stuff people have been waiting on for years and now it looks like a lot of us are going to have to wait alot longer to get it because we don't have big leagues or we don't run and reset raid all the time .
  3. Pingvinozavr Dedicated Player

    Will we be able to set styles for amenities in the LH? Does the view from the window changes for different seas or craters or is it 1 view for all seas and another for all craters?
    Even if it will I doubt there will be a way to set base there - you cant set your base in the Gotham Wastelands or Central City for example.
  4. Ronamus Well-Known Player

    Another question: When the Halls first hit will only the League Leaders have permission to affect the Hall? Just thinking about if it's enabled for everyone right off the bat before a league leader can get on people will spend points willy nilly.
  5. Captain Test Man Active Player

    Thank you ZinBik and DCUO for all your work. League Halls look very exciting. The Statuaries build a very cool social aspect to Leagues. I would like to see more ideas like the Statuaries in the future please.

    My question is, if League members are donating base items for added prestige points, items that wont be used to decorate the base, isn't that going to fill the decorator inventory with volumes of unused 'junk'? Especially the larger Leagues with hundreds of members.
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  6. Drakonicus New Player

    I would imagine that would just use the same system as the bases: its just pull up a list with everything you can use
  7. Meanstriker Level 30

    Im even more excited for this after the stream! It may take us a bit before we can have a hall due to the cost and the amount of active player in the league but oh well!
  8. Zinbik Developer

    That's why we based all of our balance decisions on current numbers, rather than numbers from a few months ago.

    New permissions should be disabled for everyone but the Leader by default.
    • Like x 4
  9. Lacedog Loyal Player

    any idea when the live cast will be added to youtube for those who missed it?
  10. Drakonicus New Player

    Lol, they pay you overtime ? :p
  11. Zinbik Developer

    You can see it right now in all of its no-longer-Live wonder on Twitch:
    • Like x 5
  12. Lacedog Loyal Player

    not loading properly for me at work, but i will try it when i get home. thank you
  13. ValyrianSmurf New Player

    Hey Zinbik, that cast was awesome! You were really good and comfortable in front of the cameras and have bee super great on the forums. How come we only starting seeing you around so recently? Hope you keep in touch with us more, I know you've made a lot of fans!
    • Like x 4
  14. Zinbik Developer

    A lot of what I've done over the last year that I've been here has been internal stuff, namely creating better tools for my fellow designers to use. In terms of public facing systems, aside from building a lot of recent marketplace stuff, I've mostly been dealing with systems that have taken a long time to actually come out, like these League improvements, Generators, Teleporters, and Armories.
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  15. Dephyre Committed Player

    Well it's good to meet another member of the team.
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  16. Drakonicus New Player

    Cant wait to see whats next in line. Not to diminish any other menber of the dev team, but you went above and beyond, not only with the stuff thats is coming out, but also by talking to us, in a clear, conscience and direct way.

    The forums can be a hostile place, but dont let that stop you. Thank you, for all the hard work you, Jens, Ted and the rest of the team do. It is, clearly, a "labor of love".
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  17. TrueOlympus New Player

    So basically you are the secret weapon that was working on all the good stuff
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  18. TheLoneLantern New Player

    You mentioned changing colors, does that include the floor lights?
    Will the Moon locations have the same (gadgety) theme?
    Are there going to be league-specific base items?
    Do the base items that are placed transfer if you relocate?
    Will there be different layouts? (seeing as how there will be content in the future, i'm guessing no)
    Will there be random PVE events (boom tubing mobs) in the base or does that only happen during the raids?
    Will there be some customization regarding the windowed backgrounds? For example, in the security room, have a caged Giganta or Apache Chief in the large space or the Rogues in the smaller spaces.
    If you don't want use a statuary location, does it cover up the wall or leave an empty hole in it?
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  19. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    Semi-related question in regards to the entire update, will we see more techy items released soon?

    When I think of a personal base and see the base themes, I can at least picture "okay my bed will go here and my bar will go here". However league bases dont give me the same vibe and it seems like all we have are "homey" items like beds, couches, tables and things of that nature.

    This should essentially be my own mini-watchtower. Im in one of the most high tech facilities ever created. I have the technology to land on the moon, build a base to house tons of people, a jail cell, a reactor core, build statues, yet I dont own a computer. It'd be nice to be able to get some items that fit with the theme of a high tech moon base.
    • Like x 4
  20. Ronamus Well-Known Player

    Your starting to become my favorite dev Zinbik. Thank you for answering my questions sir! Great job with this awesome project!!
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