Bundles and DLC Packs On Sale For A Limited Time!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, May 13, 2014.

  1. The Aerovenger Dedicated Player

    These bundles would sell more if you bundled a stack of Focusing Element VI with them ;):oops:
  2. NVAemilianus New Player

    I like this option despite purchasing all DLC up to Sons of Trigon making me a Premium User I would consider something like this to be considered for the European/Australian markets also with the 50% sale this was when I converted from Free to Play.

    And the 3 tiered Legends Pack would make me convert from Premium to Legendary user.
  3. jamvaru New Player

    no, just eliminate subscription service altogether... pay as you go or prepay minutes, etc.
    sub is for yuppies
    final answer: just don't play (play minesweeper)
  4. 1ndab0x176 New Player

    “This is exactly how you can tell a true veteran dcuo player from a so called veteran. If you look at the past 50% off sales, they drop twice a year.
    Once during the christmas holiday times and once on or just after the summer aquaman content event. As far a ppl crying about replays be glad
    they give us that option. I cant remember how many times i ran the F.O.S. raids w my league without a drop because replays never existed. I know
    people want the big sale now, but this game also needs to draw in new fresh players to keep the game going, so no this sales wont interest us, but

    the new revenue it will generate will allow us to look forward to the big sale.”

    The revenue will hardly be substantial that's why
    the ultimate edition sale is being redistributed. The
    sales only cater towards a very small side of the
    community, those who are F2P and willing to go
    beyond the restrictions.

    It's funny how SOE come out with some ridiculous
    nonsense speech about how valued our loyalty is
    yet we have nothing to show for it ? A trash DLC in
    which we have to wait various months for DLC 11
    and likewise a trash sale where we will have to wait
    months for a decent one. It's worth noting that the
    last time badges were on sale was in aura bundles
    which looks like a strategic sketchy financial
    exploit. The last spring sale only saw benefit to
    armouries, genuine (usuable to all parties) items
    have not discounted since last year.

    Exactly it caters to the f2p to generate new income, duh. The sales are the same time every year, this has not changed. As far as the waiting goes what mmo releases 4 dlcs a year. If u dont like waiting for the next then grind the content instead of replaying the heck out of it. Then theres no wait for the dlc. Especially since the new content resets daily, lol.
    • Like x 2
  5. NewAgeHLDPS New Player

    I agree I spent around $60-$70 on the last spring sale bought all DLC I didnt have, replays, body type respec token and a power respec token

    havent had 1 since that spring sale though that I recall anyways.
    • Like x 1
  6. NewAgeHLDPS New Player

    I agree I've been at 0 replays for like a year I think now lol so any new content thats been released I've done it the ol' fashion way :p

    and by time I've finished that content (like gotten full vestment of 98% anyhow) DLC10 is live for everyone, allowing me to go on to T6 stuff.
  7. Captain Chivalry New Player

    Although I have only been playing for two months, and it is my first mmo (uspc) I went ahead and invested in a full year sub. It's a bit cheaper, and I figured when in smallville... Thank You for this game. tis dope.
    cr: 88 ish
    sp: 60
    skill level: solid
    "Time to take out the trash" & "He's a healer not a fighter, but don't be mistaken. He Can fight too"
  8. JustSome_Chick New Player

    It's odd... I set my PSN not to automatically fund, because I wasn't sure how to set the membershipt o not auto renew. Before, that meant when the bill came due, if I didn't have the funds already loaded in PSN, it would try to dun my credit card if I had it set to do so - but if I'd set it to NOT do so, it wouldn't.

    Well, here's the odd part. It never tried to load funds from my card. It has my service listed as a one month membership, which should have been billed 4/23. I assumed it had tried to billed, wasn't able to automatically load funds, and cancelled as it had other times I took a break from the game.

    Well, no billing came. My service has me listed as a one month membership, last paid in March (23rd)... no transactions since March (23rd)... and (get ready for weird) not due to be billed again until 06/08. So after logging in today and downloading the update, I still have legendary for another 3 weeks, even though I am on a monthly this time (since my previous 3 month sub got glitched and I decided only to resub for 1 month at a time) and could have been playing the last couple of weeks instead of assuming (correctly) that once the bill wasn't paid (without funds ready on the psn) my legendary would have been cancelled.

    Hence my inability to buy DLC - because I am legendary.

    Look, I will play til the 8th of next month to decide if I want to pay again. Sure. Why not. I have characters I've had for years that I can't stand to delete, maybe I will decide to go ahead and sub again. Won't be the first time I've come back. I'm sorely disappointed that the current dlc is for level 30, 100 cr only folks (not because I don't have toons to fit the bill - i do - i just get sick and tired of seeing all creative new content go to end game players with nothing for new players / players who want to level another toon and are sick and tired of seeing the same. exact. missions. for a 20th time.)

    Whatever the glitch is, I suspect it reaches all the way back to the ORIGINAL glitch which INCORRECTLY nerfed my 3 month membership, robbing me of the special sale price I'd gotten on that. The billing / renewal dates reflect both when I decided to go monthly... and the original should have been date for that 3 month membership. Since your system screwed it up in the first place, it's only poetic justice that it has then screwed it up again and given me extra time on my 1 month sub.

    Let sleeping chaos dogs lie, and when the 8th of next month comes I'll see what happens and report to support if it doesn't charge me a 1 month on a 1 month plan. (I set it to go ahead and autofund again. I'm very curious to see what it does.)
  9. the solowing Unwavering Player

    because with the removal of low level walkin the older tiers are going to be relevant again
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  10. Redscreen5 New Player

    That's really not how it works, from a marketing aspect they'd have to consider the demand. Right now I would say the demand is towards badges, respec, armouries and functionalities of that Ilk. It's basic principle to business they change the game with GU36, the discount should be reflective of that by using a pricing strategy.

    My take on DLC 10 has nothing to do with the replaybility of it, it's the genuine bore the content gives off. I'm only half T6 and I really can't be asked to play out the alerts and duos at this moment in time. Very rarely I criticise DLC but this one takes the biscuit, I think it's alot worse than home turf. Now that we have gotten used to the whole new feel of WM the hypes died off.
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  11. RedeemerD New Player

    That and arrogance, yes.

    On the point of the raised topic, yes, it would be nice to see more sales for the legendaries. I mean, we already paid for the game, and I'm all eager to put some more money into it, but the amount of attention that legendaries get is abysmal. For example, I hate the monetization system in Perfect World games, like Neverwinter Online for example. Yet they always provide some weekly deals, and some interesting opportunities to spend money. SOE are more fair priced, but the discount rotation is nowhere to be found. And I think it will not only help the legendaries to get excited and spend more money, but the F2P or premium users too. Right now the market seems stale. As the deals for SC, which I think should be every season, while also throwing something in the market, making it cost full price, while cutting the price on everything else. And there should be some deals only for legendaries, or making them bigger than F2P. You said you cared, yet there is not much caring to be seen.

    And for everyone who says, that they will not cut the prices, because they need money - it's better to have even 1$ in your pocket, than have none. Look at the Steam sales. They give the biggest discounts, up to 90%, and a person who couldn't afford to buy the game will most likely buy it, yes you will not make those 10 bucks you wanted to make, but you will make 1, when otherwise you would have none.

    And DCUO has the biggest opportunity in this, basically dealing in digital wares, in which you don't even have to put resources into copying the product, once made, copy all you want. They could open some contests for armor, weapon, base, etc. designs/sketches, they could just make the community to make and vote for something that appeals to them. Just like with TF2 and DotA 2. And then make money from it. Damn the opportunities are endless, but somehow, only Valve are brave enough to experiment and involve their audience.
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  12. Sbel Devoted Player

    Why isn't there an ad for this on the USPC launchpad? I see it under latest news, but that's not as good as an ad.

    I know you have an ad for it cuz it's on the test server launchpad, which is stupid since you need to be legendary to access the test server.
  13. Darsch New Player

    okay awesome, I thought the legendary/all access discounts were only for pc, thanks for clearing that up mepps!
  14. WickedRhys Well-Known Player

    is there going to be a 50% off sale for everything?
  15. badname24 New Player

    Hey it says
    EU PS will have a similar sale from May 21, 2014, to May 28, 2014.
    Is it EU PC or EU PS3/PS4?
    Also does it apply to legendary membership? So 30% of legendary membership?
  16. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    who cares about this sale only new players would even want any of this stuff.. even if you were buying DLC's you 2would already own all these offers. Sad devs with this pitiful excuses of a sale we want MC sale or 1/5 off or 40% sale or something on things people actually use like replays and power change tokens things of that nature
    • Like x 2
  17. WickedRhys Well-Known Player

    yh exactly there should be a 50% sale coming up soon they usually do those in may, no point getting dlc's that are months behind where people are now.
  18. badname24 New Player

    Can someone please reply to my query. Does this apply to Legendary Membership prices?
  19. WickedRhys Well-Known Player

    no it doesnt
  20. badname24 New Player

    ok thanks. so i checked through announcements and they had a december sale and they had a july 4th sale last year for pc players. 40% off. I guess i'll hold out till then for legendary membership.