has WM made trolling less fun for anyone else?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Yolo, May 4, 2014.

  1. Yolo New Player

    now that everybody is doing weapon combos instead of spamming powers it's not even a challenge to keep power bars up anymore. nowdays literally the only reason i pop a supercharge is to fill my bar up after spamming debuffs because otherwise i would be sitting there bored and tapping range because dps don't use power anymore...something should be done. tweak WM so that it doesn't do as much damage or decrease power costs so much. if everyone's going to be using WM then you might start seeing solo trolls for raids and 5 dps runs...
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  2. the solowing Unwavering Player

    cant tell if working as intended or not -_-
  3. Archangel Rafael New Player

    here's a thought: try using some of that extra energy you have lying around to stun, encase or debuff enemies. You could also contribute meaningful damage. You might even choose to mod for something beyond pure vit since you don't need as much power regen. Those extra seconds of stun duration could definitely be useful.
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  4. BrownMamba New Player

    You have no idea of what being a controller really entails.
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  5. Caleus New Player

    If anything Trolling is more fun for me, I hate how the community had made us Batteries that we're not. It's not fun filling up someone's power bar, its damn annoying and tedious, that's not a challenge. At least in my eyes its not, and anyways i'd rather use that extra power I ave to control adds.

    Edit: And as our name states we're Controllers not Batteries, we were supposed to mostly control adds and give some power back at the same time, that's what we're supposed to do by design.
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  6. lordchampion Well-Known Player

    Lol no actually because unless you devote your life to feats wepon mastery isn't good for you until your finished T4 at least. Trust me you need 3 WM just to be able to get the full combo tree. Boy that's 70 sp plus you will need to get innate skills which makes it 100 cause of all the awesome boosts. I don't think WM was a good idea at all cause now it benefits PVP players for doing PVE feats which I think is bs
  7. Caleus New Player

    It would've benefited those players more if this mechanic was only available to those who payed for the DLC, making it Pay-To-Win. Making the feature free gave people a even paying field given that they have the skill points to access WM.
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  8. TheHeartbreakkid New Player

    I see more power burning than ever now.
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  9. Thatguy New Player

    No no and NO. Trolling is a thousand times better now that weapons can actually do damage again.
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  10. Darth Loyal Player

    I said this in your last thread about post WM Controlling and I'll say it again. Maybe this will give you a chance to learn how to be a real Controller and not just a Battery troll. Every real Controller is having tons of fun since WM dropped.
    To be fair we can do tons of damage already without WM, the only problem was that most people couldn't balance giving power while doing other things. I'm not even using WM as a Controller and my damage has pretty much doubled without it while keeping power bars full.
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  11. lordchampion Well-Known Player

    Guys lets be honest they will never ever try to make this a pay2win because once it is it will give sony a bad name one less free ps4 game less ps4 sales less SOE sales etc if even one game is pay2 win SOE is dead
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  12. Dazuzi New Player

    It quite literally killed trolling for me. It's extremely boring now, there's no challenge. Being a troll is now almost like being a lame version of damage dealer, you can do debuffs and some little CC, but that doesn't really do it for me, especially since we had so much more before.

    Solo trolling raids can still be interesting and challenging, but that's pretty much it.
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  13. Yolo New Player

    did you not see the part where i said i am spamming debuff?
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  14. Archangel Rafael New Player

    stop spamming things and figure out ways to effectively use the extra energy. Its not my job to figure out how to play the role for you. I find useful things to do with my time and energy on my controller. Im sure you can too. Stop "spamming" and think more is a good start.
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  15. Yolo New Player

    i don't recall making another trolling thread. you must have me confused for someone else. regardless i am not a stranger to debuffing and CCing. it doesn't take much effort to do that. you pop a power to stun and debuff then you don't really have to do it again for a while and even then ads get immunities to cc affects after a while. it used to be i would stun or debuff ads then give power while the effects are on but now that groups don't need power it's just boring.
  16. Darth Loyal Player

    Lets be honest. You never really liked Controlling anyways. You saw giving power all the time as the only thing a Controller should be doing. Just be a DPS. Its ok, we won't blame you. Leave Controlling to the real Controllers ;)
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  17. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    I feel like a terrible DPS that can give power if needed...Theres no reason for 2 controllers anymore

    I throw up a POT of 255+ and that seems to satisfy everybody...The only person that uses power is the Healer and when they get below a certain point I just spam empowerment until they're full

    While WM is great for DPS, it extremely devalues the controller role...I ran 2 raids yesterday and at no point did I feel necessary...This only increases the need for content that requires Crowd Control to get through it
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  18. Yolo New Player

    when the boss is debuffed or ads stunned the dps and other support roles are filled on power and what else is there to use my power for? damage? that's where the spamming comes in... WM combo > clip debuff > clip recharge until i need to throw pot or stun adds. i don't need you to figure my job when i already know it.
  19. Dephyre Committed Player

    Nah, still loving it, heck I'm even mixing it up and using a melee weapon (TH) with WM, having a blast doing it, that reduced power cost is awesome. I'm almost certain I could solo troll A/B up until the last room......maybe even that if I'm quick enough on the pulls. I'm not saying everyone is using it, but the ones that are know the benefits, enjoy the combos and use alot less power over the course of a raid.

    Last night my friend and I ( both equal geared, 10 point vit difference) had no problem keeping everyone at full power, by the end of the raid he had 250K power out( main pot) and I had 80k, a SIGNIFICANTLY lesser amount than the standard. I would say that as a troller I am happy with those numbers (hello CC my old friend I have missed you).
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  20. Dazuzi New Player

    I absolutely love controlling the mobs, but only when I'm tanking. I know it's hard for some people to understand, but there's the intended way to play roles, and then there's the way that works the best.

    Also, "just be a healer" would be more accurate, it's the role I play the most, right after tanking and trolling.