T6 Styles Preview

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Rasta, Mar 29, 2014.

  1. SkullGang Devoted Player

    We will also have a vendor for tier gear correct otherwise there would be nothing to buy.
  2. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Hmm I disagree. As far as actual armour goes they are slimline. A lot of people have said for a long time now that they don't want bulky styles like the Tier 4 gear, Knight gear etc. In comparison these new Amazon styles are slimline. Of course I completely understand what you mean but Spytle did say that they were Greek inspired and I can't really imagine anybody back in the time of Greek myth wearing what Wonder Woman is wearing above.
  3. Stardazer Committed Player

    Yeah, that's true. Perhaps my expectations got the better of me, I really did want a slimeline like that. But yeah, the armours are "slimeline" compared to most other armours we have in the game, but the hands and feet still seem a bit bulky to me. Overall I'm happy about them, I would just like for them to remove the under armour bit.
  4. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Not bad if I had a Greek warrior inspired character I'd def get these
  5. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    The thing I don't like is there are dozens of mmo's out there that have those styles this is suppose to be a SUPERHERO/VILLAIN mmo the styles should look more in that style the t6 styles look like they came out of WOW, FF14 or ESO.
  6. Cataclyzm New Player

    I'm not head over heels for this style but I could def see me using a few of those pieces. It's all about mixing and matching.
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  7. Black Stem Well-Known Player

    Only piece that looks beast is the back. The rest looks like recycled amazonian styles.
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  8. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    It is based off of a section of the DC universe that use this style. This is not generic Super Hero Universe online. The is DC Universe online. The Styles should reflect that. We just got Flexsuit tier gear in WotL and now we have armor. I dont get the Hate. Are people going to complain when Halls of Power has Fourth World inspired gear that looks more like science fiction inspired and less super hero inspired?
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  9. Sgt Bombero Committed Player

    Looking forward to that dual wield back!
  10. krimzonk Committed Player

    After taking a closer look....the three styles are almost exactly the same! Poor, poor design and art-work if you ask me. They could have come up with awesome Amazonian and Myth related type gear (just google for a few suggestions), but no, we get the same old recycled garbage seen in previous styles, only this time we get a swords backstyle to appease players.

    In my humble opinion they look too similar to the Greco-Roman and Amazonian style (drops from Gates) already in-game. I do not know why but the 'rehash' of these so called new styles stinks of cash-grab....

    There is zero creativity in these styles. Really, really disappointing as I was looking forward to seeing some awesome Amazonian inspired gear sets.....
  11. Echephyle New Player

    Imo they should keep these styles for males and have more revealing versions for females, like the male to female difference in seraph, rapture, angelic, archangel etc. The design team had time to make 2 styles for themed armor, so they should have even more time to make 2 different styles for iconic armor.

    Why is it that all iconic armor is identical for male and female? It makes no sense to me.
  12. Rapidfire New Player

    The swords are cool... Everything else not so much. Feels a lil uninspired unfortunately.

    I was thinking about this... Why don't the devs run a contest where they let the community design an armor style to vote for & add to an upcoming dlc? I'm sure there are some artistic ppl on these forums that would be interested. Letting us be a part of the process would be an added plus.
  13. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    I like the idea swords on the back but I'm not happy with the legs. I was hoping for actual skirts like the amazons.
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  14. VillNess Well-Known Player

    Some people should think before crying... These styles are on the vendor which has hive defender, sector agent, incendiary and runes of the norsemen. Can you buy any of those styles elsewhere? No. Are they Tier (T12345) styles? No. So these styles are Drop styles and there will be pure T6 style(s). So think before you start crying. Every day I start agreeing more with one review which said the game is great but its Green Kryptonite is the community.
  15. Rapidfire New Player

    Also, if they add something maybe like the cosmic texture to the inside of that unfinished middle cape style, I might like that a lil bit more...
  16. Pingvinozavr Dedicated Player

    The point is devs could do better things than wasting time and resources on creating sets that are very similar to the ones already in the game.
  17. VillNess Well-Known Player

    Yes but some replies looked like people think these styles are the tier styles.
  18. TheLoneLantern New Player

    You have proof they aren't? Vestments of Rage is on that vendor as well.
  19. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    Honestly, why can't the players get the best styles? I didn't want to comment being a negative nancy but seriously, why did they make weapon mastery when they could've made better styles that didn't look like Greco-Roman+Amazonian+T4. I'm sure someone will comment with some petty excuse as to why they did it. My only concern regarding that is that I'm waiting. Bring it on
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  20. VillNess Well-Known Player

    Again Vest of Rage is Not the tier styles Im talking about... Metallos maw, frozen fury, jokers punchline, kryptonian medico, heart of the lion, strength of the ram, manta... so T12345 styles not T5.9 or w.e. So these styles might not be t6 styles (you know, the ones you buy from vendor with furys and which give actual stats and not just style). Im more interested in the t6 style(s) than ones that drop from instances.
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