T6 Styles Preview

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Rasta, Mar 29, 2014.

  1. UMBRA Well-Known Player

    Swords on the back are awesome :D

    Headpieces look good :)

    Almost everything else is mehh... :(
    (they look Ok, but they don't add much variety)

    And the skirts... they... have... pants :mad:


    I hope the styles for gathering collections, briefings and investigations are better.

    I wish they add the basic amazon styles

    And some sandals.
    No, not armor, sandals.
    No, not sandals with armor, just sandals.

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  2. SkullGang Devoted Player

    They should make a variant style for the legs that has no pants. Mainly for the women but I suppose the dudes can rock em too ? Lol
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  3. Cosmique Active Player

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  4. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    I was hoping we would get some real cool and different styles since there is such a massive lack of content in this dlc but they just appear to be the recycled Amazonian set even with the two sword back styles it's a big let down .
  5. TheBirdOfSteel Committed Player

    Yeah because being wonder woman/Circe theres nothing they could have brought that looked great.



    Maybe tis just me and my hopes are too high , but it seems the majority are impressed with the styles so who am i to judge SOEs costume design.

    Why spend ages putting in work making new designs when they get the same reaction for rehashing/altering styles already in game?

    Saves money and man power.
    • Like x 6
  6. CHUD Loyal Player

    I think that this is the sort of redemption the devs are going for. Grant it, GU 36 is going to annoy several players, but I think folks will be getting over that after a while.

    But...the new styles???

  7. Cosmique Active Player

    If they really felt the need to make every female toon wear pants now days that second image would have been awesome....
  8. Azrael New Player

    I agree with your statement. But I EXPECTED rehashed material since the DLC was announced. I’m just happy about the swords b/c that’s something the community has been asking for a while.
    DCL 11 w/ Leagues I hope will bring new and original content we so desperately need b/c afterward we will be just receiving part IIs & part IIIs to complete the trilogies; which is more of the same
  9. HeirToThaThrone Committed Player

    Sword back styles.

    YAAAAAAAAAS. Now if we can get guns next, we'll be good to go.
  10. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    These look great overall. I'll finally be able to update my knights' armor. I was just hoping for some nice gauntlets & greaves, but I'll likely use the cuirass and the chausses too. The double sword style looks much better on males because they shrunk the swords too much for the female version. I also like that there are head guards compatible with hair!

    With these being in the rare styles vendor, I'm hoping they're not actually too rare when this goes live!
  11. TheBirdOfSteel Committed Player

    You know i think thats the overall feeling now , people just expect rehashed or "meh" content so are literally happy or make the most of whatever they get.

    Which i totally understand and totally agree with.

    Just a crying shame its like that now.

    I guess im always going to be expecting that FOS T3 style level of detail and passion.
    IMO nothing in the game comes close to those 4 styles in terms of imagination and perfection for the world of DCUO.

    Maybe 1 day SOE will surprise me.
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  12. Blight KOBRA Commander

    The Psiloi and Peltast head pieces and back pieces are genuinely new style pieces to DCUO, much needed, and are long overdue. The rest look like the same Greco-Roman, Amazonian style types we've seen before.
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  13. NexGenX New Player

    Great now bring us Rifle over-the-shoulder straps and Pistol holsters on our waists. Obviously won't be in an Amazonian DLC, but this is a step in the right direction. Also we need waist sword sheathes as well.
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  14. Eranthis New Player

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  15. Eranthis New Player

    Those Skirts with pants though ....
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  16. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    I was kinda hoping there would be some magical glow or effect to them something to make them special they look like drops from Gates instead.After seeing these styles I was thinking maybe since the drops look like the style from Gates maybe the alert will be just the main room in gates .
  17. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Yesss I needed my Samurai toon to be complete.
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  18. DanXVII Committed Player

    Need, Katana, sheathe!! But this will do for now, finally :)
  19. Will Power Loyal Player

    I think the Styles we are looking at are just that Styles remember the vendor in Alt Metro this maybe the Style vendor for those of us that want to complete styles before we get every piece of gear so we can pop the feat before we actually get all the pieces.
  20. Drakonicus New Player

    OK, i have to ask. Why is every time someone ask for sandals that pic on the lower left is used ? That girl sure have cute feet, but...Damn, i just googled "sandals" and that pic is like the 4th one...
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