Next For DCUO: Feat Unlocking!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Captain Liberty, Jan 27, 2014.

  1. JonnyD New Player

    Well, that does suck, but I think they just want to make sure the style is still worth $$$ at auctions for those who like cosmetics? idk...
  2. RlVER Well-Known Player

    This brings up a concern of mine from a while ago, why can we not reset these bounties?
  3. Jamie New Player

    You will be able to unlock any completed feat on any toon you have. The only exception to this is that the toon with out the feat must have the feat available to earn.

    If toon A has the sharpshooter feat then you can buy it on toon B. If toon B has the logistics officer feat then you can buy it on toon A. If Toon A is flight and has all of the flight feats you cannot buy these feats for toon B unless toon B is also flight. The dev's chose not to recognize main versus alts so it does not matter which toon has it as long as the toon that needs it could earn the feat with out any respec tokens. Hope this clears it up for you.
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  4. Joybird Committed Player

    This will be nice for my main, too. There are a couple of feats that some of my alts got, basically by accident. One of my alts has both Checkmate feats from the Vault, but my main has neither. There are a couple of other cases.

    Mostly, I'm just going to use this to turn my tank into a "second main". He's got decent gear, but is way behind on SP. This will make him much more viable (and fun!)
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  5. Phantasy2013 Dedicated Player

    Next up gender change badges and faction badges.
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  6. ARCTIC ICEBOX New Player

    tht whole thing about what "mepps said" still just sounds stupid, it still puzzles me that they allow you to get the style feat without having the style parts,thats completely foolish, atleast do something that makes some type of sense, i can honestly say this game is going down the drain because of its own bs
  7. ARCTIC ICEBOX New Player

    see the point im making isnt about new players or noobs or such, im focusing on the players that made toons and let them sit around in character list, for example, dcuo is full of dps, if one of those dps decide to troll, all they know from their experience is to get a high vit, therefore they are more than likely to leave out their crits while modding/speccing, but they are experienced, correct, but they arent experienced as their alternative power/role, which is just gonna be worsened by letting ppl bump up their sp and be allowed to say ,for instance: 103cr 2702vit troll, they wont have no crits but a lot of vit,,and all they know is to give power out,,til this day i meet troll in the t4-t5 content that dont even understand, let alone know what POT is and/or how it affects the group, this buy your feat feature will just further that damage
  8. DaMuggsy New Player

    Arctic Icebox what system do you play on?
  9. DaMuggsy New Player

    Arctic you also gotta think of ppl that are experienced in other rolls just dont have the time be using ALL the Toons they have....Feat Unlocks Will Help A Ton for those Ppl
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  10. ARCTIC ICEBOX New Player

    and along with them allowing you to purchase your way to the 2nd best gear in game,, i'll say from my PoV dcuo is literally giving things away, which is why cr no longer matters except for when purchasing gear, so any1 that ever invites me to a group, better not dare ask me my cr, because its completely pointless, and those who still have/or ask for cr requirements are just plan foolish clueless trash,or noobs
  11. ARCTIC ICEBOX New Player

    USPS, and id rather have some1 who has spent there time understanding there power/role while getting sp and are 103/150sp than have some1 who has a 103/150sp+ that are experienced in just one main role,,, and with these new systems, its gonna be more difficult to seperate the two!
  12. HalphLife New Player

    A couple 3 star exploration missions never hurt anybody lmao Maybe Blue Beetle can guest star on some of the voice-overs
  13. ComicsKid Committed Player

    And the radiant glorious light shines aglow from DCUO! Thank YOU!! I dreaded putting myself through those races over and overt again!
  14. ComicsKid Committed Player

    150sp? There's over 160

    what feats do you get from powers or roles? They're all from movements (races), collections and other things. everyone has to reach level 30. So everyone will get that feat for their role. Your powers and role have nothing to do with feats. You don't get a feat for fire or tank.
  15. ComicsKid Committed Player

    Nevermind, I missed your point b4. I see what you are saying. It has its pros and cons. They should just allow certain feats and take out a lot of races. there may be a better way than what they're trying to do
  16. ComicsKid Committed Player

    they should create a feat that allows you the ability to unlock certain feats in your other toons on your account once you reach a certain level of skill points
  17. Dark Ravager New Player

    It means that I can reset that "Reach level 30" feats and get SP by doing nothing?
  18. MayhemJim New Player

    Some people prefer to play on console...some have the PS4....should they annilate that as well?
  19. MayhemJim New Player

    I think your question belongs in another forum. Not this one.
  20. ComicsKid Committed Player

    That guy obviously isn't paying attention. This is a game in part by Sony. Sony makes play stations. He should be happy that PC even got this game in the first place.
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