Build and Play Your Characters Like Never Before with Armories!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 16, 2014.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Armories Bring Unparalleled Customization to DC Universe Online

    Building a character in DC Universe Online is a lifelong process. From the start, Heroes and Villains define who they are by creating their own unique look for their unique characters. They choose their superpowers, their weapons, their skills, then search for their gear and style as they progress on their missions to save (or destroy) the world. With all the options to choose from - and all the different situations a single character needs to be ready for - that can sometimes mean a lot of cumbersome costume changes. Sound familiar?

    It should, but not for much longer. Starting today, those slow changes become lightning fast with Armories. An Armory is a visual Base item you can use to imprint (save) everything about your character's build, including your gear, skill points, power points, loadouts, role, styles, and colors.


    Once imprinted, you can then activate your Armory in the field to instantly switch to that build. In PvE, you can even do this in combat with a short cooldown. Gone are the days of running back to the Respec Chamber to switch your points over to your role while your group waits. Gone are the days of finding a new favorite outfit, only to risk forgetting your old one.

    Now Available in the Marketplace!

    Every character can complete a mission in-game to receive their first Armory free. Additional Armories are available either individually or in bundles in the Marketplace. Every character can have up to 4 Armories per Base, for up to 16 Armories total, and up to 4 active in the field at any given time.

    Build it. Imprint it. Activate it in the field. What are you waiting for? Get your own Armories in-game today!
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  2. RageQQ New Player

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  3. ADG New Player

    OK. I understand this now. Thanks. What will be maddening is designing costumes less to wear, but more to display as some stoic totem of iconic endeavor. Unlike what I have seen before, this is kinda gravy in that we get to change the look of this base item by virtue of our costume. This was innovative. What would be unnecessary while still being kinda beast is if it also displayed current aura worn during the data save. I think a lot of good will come from these armories. Much appreciated.
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  4. GreenFreeZ New Player

    One armories for just one character and we can't trade armories (just lol ), it's just for money ^^
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  5. Void Complex New Player

    Sorry, I am grateful for something new however I'm extremely disappointed. I'm also wondering if there is a particular process of getting a refund of purchases. Let me explain.

    Disregarding my hopes that one day, the armories would one day actually use the function of its name sake and store armor . Upon my excitement to acquire and imprint my armories. But low and behold there is a problem, that's not possible as I'm premium. Before anyone chews my head off hear me out. I went to imprint and the system tells me that it's not capable as certain components are needed from the last laugh dlc. Leaving me in a state of confusion. One would think because it saves load out and specs that the particular item they are talking about would be the shield weapon it's respected skill allocation.

    However, my toons were made with the shied weapon as the default from creation. So what can it be. I respected moving everything, same results. Which makes this particular peripheral completely useless. It can't be done. Truth be told I'm not going to buy the last laugh just to be ALLOWED to use it, as that particular dlc serves no longer a purpose if I have the majority of the feats and my toons were made with the shield on hand. All the excitement vanished, leaving nothing but confusion. So what option is there but to only ask for a refund and use the funds for the upcoming dlc or another game from the psn store.

    Is it coincidental that the day legendaries expired for former subscribers was the day Amorites were deployed? So my question remains. Is there a particular process one goes through to get a refund? Keeping in mind these things aren't cheap. Thanking you in advance for your consideration
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  6. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    I have to wait till I get home to do this...but you better believe that i'm buying a truckload today (2 bundles of 8 for now). 16 will be enough to give 2 for all of my alts, and use the remainder for my main toon (who is a style who maven:D), currently doing PVE and PVP. And when it there's a sale...i'll buy even more (spending about the same amount but getting more for my money). DCUO is the only game I play (besides Words With Friends), and i'm more than happy to support this game to keep my adventures going.

    Btw, if anybody experiences any major bugs or inconveniences, please tell us about it...maybe some of them can be worked out or worked around by the time I get home...;)
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  7. UltraElite Dedicated Player

    does the Armory look change based on Base theme?
  8. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Yes....each Base theme will provide a different look for your Armories (the same way it does for your base amenities).
  9. the solowing Unwavering Player

    1 "free" armory is useless to players who dont swap sets often
    requires purchase for every set of gear i obtain
    isn't account bound..
    limited to 4 armories per base..

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  10. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    You need the Last Laugh DLC or membership to imprint specs that use Shield.
  11. Wildfire New Player

    Misread it, and yea apparently so.
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  12. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Yes, each theme has its own Armory visual appearance.
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  13. Wreckshot Well-Known Player

    I love this, but with how many characters I've got, it's just too expensive to be something I can really get behind, which is a real shame because the concept is amazing and it shows that the players are being listened to.

    It also sucks because DCUO has finally caved and is now going down the exploitive route with the; Something That Costs 500 Station Cash Now Costs 600 So We Need To Spend More Than Is Needed. I understand that going the MS Points is probably financially more appealing, and people will pay more. It just means a year down the line, we'll think all you care about is money, just like Microsoft, and probably won't be anywhere near as loyal as we once were.

    As I said in another thread, there's a good way to make money, and a bad way. But, in DCUO's defence, it's their game. Not mine. If they want to do this, it's completely up to them.

    So, no hard feelings, is what I'm trying to say. ;)
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  14. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Hey Mepps, quick question: Is the base featured in the Picture in the OP the Sewer Lair??? I bought it a while back (in anticipation of Armories, for a lair with different looks), but I haven't used that Base theme. I love the look of the Armories for that (Deco and Gothic look hideous...sorry, but they do).
  15. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    One Armory free has a ton of use for anyone who respecs, ever, at all. It's an instant trip back to your primary spec and a really cool base item just for completing a mission. More than one Armory is even better, with game-changing implications, and we know the value of additional Armories is worth the cost for most players of DCUO. And, if that's not you, the choice remains yours.
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  16. Musashi Starblade New Player

    So if i am using the celestial power and use the armory, then i change my power to quantum and use the other armory that i bought, can i change my loadouts and my power?
  17. RageQQ New Player

    Free is free, if you don't need it that's fine, then why do you care and want to keep your money ? If you don't need it, don't buy it LOL

    Would u use them if they were 1 dollar a piece ? how many gear sets do you have per toon, do you play dps and role ? I mean you get what you need. Anything more is a bonus really.
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  18. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    I would also point out you don't NEED to buy them all at once. Grab them over time as you cycle through chars. :)
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  19. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    You'll have to re-imprint your new loadouts. If you try to change to your old power loadout it will give you an error message. This will not function to get around having to buy power change tokens everytime you want to switch back and forth between powers.
  20. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    No, you would need to use a Respec Token to go back to Celestial. Or, you can re-imprint your Armories.