RE: Old PvP Styles in STYL Vendor...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by AJPro, Jan 8, 2014.

  1. oasenhoheit Loyal Player

    As I said in another post I don't know the exchange rate, so no idea how long it would take.

    But the PVE-gear is also GEAR and not just STYLES.
    They are an acutal upgrade in stats. The former PVP-styles are now just that: Styles, nothing else, so you can't really compare buying a pure style with buying a piece as upgrade.
    So it's still that PVP-players can even buy PVE-gear with their PVP-marks (converted), while pure PVE-players can't even buy those styles, which are only available for PVP-currency.

    If they would introduce old PVE-styles as style-only-items, then I'm totally with you again, that it should be the same the other way around and that they should also make them available for PVP-marks, same as former PVP-styles as pure style-items should be available for PVE-marks.

    Good question, which I didn't think of yet, since I don't know how long it takes to get the PVP-marks needed in highstest PVP-gear compared to PVE-marks.
    I bet the Devs would come up with something though. ;)
  2. Mighty Hyperion Committed Player

    There should always be a MoT option for stuff like this. There are some people that just dread PvP and they should have the chance to get these feats as well. Maybe not the high end stuff but the low gear that people use for a weak, ya.
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  3. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    I had full Venge gear, completed the Checkmate styles, and I've been able to buy my first piece of CR 90 PvP gear. For 1000 Marks of Valor. Others I need to get cost 800 Marks, and 400 Marks, when they're not 1000.

    Do you feel sorry for me now?

    You shouldn't. We earn marks by playing the game; we all have the same rules to play by. Enjoy it, or don't.
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  4. Poo New Player

    Why can't we convert Mot into MoV?
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  5. Yochanan32 Well-Known Player

    Go to the style vendor in the hall of heroes. It is style only not gear for old PVP styles. I don't want PVP gear just the style. I don't play PVP and don't care to play PVP.
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  6. Public Enemy Active Player

    I'm having the same problems, I got on yesterday and went to the pvp vender to see what the gear and stuff was like and it told me I had to re-buy all my pvp gear again!? I was done with my logistics officer and had my rings and neck for vengeance and it restarted me. I'm just trying to figure out if you have to just get your pvp cr up to were it needs to be and it will jump back to where I used to be or if I'm really having to restart.
  7. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Seriously? I hate the races; can I forgo them and buy them by doing a FoS? I also hate the Toyman carry the bouncing ball; can I buy that one for MoT? In fact, how about letting me buy all the feats for MoT? If you're doing it for one or three, why not?

    Say, why not do away with feats altogether, since they're hard to complete?

    Also, could we get all gear for 0 Marks?

    And could we start out with 50,000 Marks of Triumph? It takes a long time to earn as many as others have, and it would only be fair if we all had the same gear, stats, and Marks.

    Could we then keep it that way? It's a pain to keep up with other players.

    Actually, maybe we could just shut the game down, and have a scorecard posted with our names every ten minutes. It'd save everyone a lot of effort.
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  8. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    And before we couldn't get them at all!

    So now we have a solution, and you're complaining? If you don't want to spend marks for styles, here's a radical solution: don't.
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  9. IvoMnik New Player

    But why do you suck at PvP ? Is it because you can't press 3 buttons in the correct sequence , or because you can't survive through losing more matches initially while you build up gear and skill ? As it is now , Legend PvP and Arena PvP give the same amount of Marks , thus even if you dislike Arenas ( Pure PvP ) you can always hide in the Legends PvP and still gain marks at the same rate . In the days of old ( Mortal Kombat , after that PC 3D shooters such as Doom , Quake and so on) players didn't QQed I HATE PVP - we just PvPed , cost those games were 99% PvP . But then again people back then weren't made of the QQ/Wrist-cutting material that people today seem to be made of , and we could suppress our own egos and continue to play those games regardless that initially we lost more times than we won .Also back then we considered that one can only learn through facing more skilled opponents - seems that today's generation does not want to do PvP (heck maybe PvE even ) if the outcome isn't certain victory - they wont even engage unless there is 3000000000% certainty that they will win , and preferably against a target that has no chance to retaliate whatsoever .....
  10. Yochanan32 Well-Known Player

    Ms Tickle Fate,

    Some of us like king of the mountain (PVP) and some of like mission oriented (PVE). I am not asking for free but fair. the PVE Styles in the War room are for cash only. before this the archangel was cash only from a vendor. Now its 150 MOV a piece. You PVper can play all day and I think that is great for you. I don't do PVP and I stay with PVE. I also hate the Races but forgo those because of the jerkiness of the game and the lag interferes with it. So No One os saying free. I stand for fairness. The Style vendors in Star Labs is cash only. The WarRoom Kiosks are cash only.

    Either make (PVE and PVP) styles Marks + cash or make them cash only. I paid MOT for styles in the warroom. After I did they removed the MOT requirement. So eventually the PVP Style vendor will go the same way. Then let hear the cry of the PVper when that happens.

    Oh by the way, I won't be buying them since I don't earn MOV. Don't care about PVP.
  11. TK PUSHA Dedicated Player


    pvp styles and feats take about 1/100 of the time they took originally.
    seriously, get a grip.
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  12. Yochanan32 Well-Known Player

    Those games were PVE. You played missions by yourself. Single person shooters like Wolfenstien, DOOM, etc where PVE.
  13. Nekron 99 Loyal Player

    I'm hearing what you're saying but I'm not understanding the logistics behind your reasoning. The first thing you should be focused on every PvP season is gearing up. This is because the better the gear, the higher your combat rating. The higher your combat rating the more Marks you earn for wins/losses. Additionally the better the gear the easier it will be for you to win and earn the higher reward.

    At the lower combat rating getting 2 Marks a loss you could easily get 1 piece of gear every other day or every 3 days max. The PvP season will last 6-8 months so you have plenty of time to get all the gear. There is no need to have it all and have it now although some feel they do. At CR89 you get 40 marks a win and 10 marks a loss so you'll be able to buy all that older gear for style feats very quickly once you are at that combat rating. This is why I'm recommending focusing your time toward gearing up first.

    I would suggest PvP'ing in a preset group as well. If you don't have a league or group to PvP with then you can either form one via LFG which I personally have had mixed results with, queue up randomly and when you get in a group of skilled people send a tell to one and ask if you can group up with them, go to the PvP section of the forums here and ask if anyone can assist you, go the league recruitment section of the forums and see if any leagues that PvP regularly are recruiting, or of course run 1v1 matches. If you don't want to do any of those and you just want to randomly queue and pug all day and night I think you will not enjoy PvP nearly as much as if you can get in a group. Preset groups will equal more wins for you. More wins will give you marks faster, gear up faster, get a higher amount of marks faster, and ultimately make you happier.
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  14. RSL New Player

    nope. please to PVP for PVP feats. sheesh.
  15. Dogico Loyal Player

    I would love for them to do this type thing with more styles going forward, (hive defender especially, jesus christ over a year and between two toons I only have 6 pieces).
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  16. oasenhoheit Loyal Player

    Then remove the option to convert MoV into MoT aswell. How does that sound?
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  17. Yochanan32 Well-Known Player

    I will go further. Remove all PVP from the PVE world. If I don't have to look at it I won't miss it. Make a separate world for PVP with all the vendors, missions, etc..
  18. RSL New Player

    this is provided so PVP players can fund their home turf equipment. please try again.
  19. Wonder Wiccan Dedicated Player

    I am not of that mindset I said I suck I never said I don't try. I have enough pieces of the old tier one gear from before the update that even if I do suck at least I show I am willing to give it a shot. But the fact of the matter is for some reason I can't pick up on the mechanics of PvP and I lose and believe me farming marks on the loser's side of the loot table is not fun. I think it was 2 marks of valor from losing a legends pvp match so think about it. I got 150 marks from my losses That is 69 times that I lost in the legends matches on four of my toons EACH (I think there was about three I won.) Does that sound like someone who would only go in if they had 1000% guarantee of victory? I did try but other people are a lot more skilled because they focused on the PvP side. If anything PvP is no guarantee there is always the possibility someone that could be better. I am just stating to me it seems insane that it's 150 marks of valor for the look and not actual gear. Is it fair price? Maybe it is I don't have a clue about marketing and their economy or whatever I am just stating my own opinion on the matter and my own skills and I am not going to get into an argument on these threads because that is stupid so thank you and have a good life.
  20. winter13 New Player

    You dont learn anything by dying in 2-3 seconds. Not enough time to learn. That's the problem. Its like being a fresh 30 in pve and going to fight brother eye or zeta drone - not going to happen. The system of "keep losing/getting crushed in a matter of seconds until the system figures out your in starter gear, and you shouldn't be thrown in against people with the best gear. It is not fun, and just makes people go back to pve.
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