RE: Old PvP Styles in STYL Vendor...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by AJPro, Jan 8, 2014.

  1. Gunny New Player

    Amazing pricing and I havent logged in.

    Hell, worst case scenario, if you are terrible at PVP you could just que the fastest match in the que and sit there for a free 20 marks a que.

    you'll get your style feats without even getting a kill.....yet some people come on here to say the price is too high?

    hell, 50 point feats, I wouldnt care if they sold the pieces 1000 marks each, its feats you can obtain.

    Get to it, you can easily get 1 set in a few hours - without effort. What more could the give-me-everything-for-free players ask for? Login and the feat pops?
  2. AJPro Committed Player

    not to be obtuse with the obvious but with 86 gear its 2 MOT per lay down...that aint happen in no hour. And again my point all this work and time for one style piece not able to be used. I love feat points like the next guy but that much man hours toward 50 points...when it used to be quite easy (i have all sets on my main..back when you bought with influence). Hey DCUO how about 50 MOT per piece still will take the average player awhile and the "pro" player i bet at worse needs like 2 random pieces...hence the reason they think 150 is cool
  3. Gunny New Player

    Dont try buying those sets while at 86 CR. gear up and progress to 90 first. Then go back and pick them up. You will find 20/loss and 40/win to be far faster - and im sure you'll realize you'll wind up getting all those sets for feats anyways, why not do them in an order where getting each one helps you get the others faster?
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  4. AJPro Committed Player

    does not seem equal to the payout, its a game of PVE and PVP these prices makes the options 1. play game all day and get fired/have no life or 2. just play PVP when on....and I won't hide the truth I like PVP like eating rocks covered in slime resting in pile of animal "mud"
  5. tukuan Devoted Player

    Agreed, given tne length of the season (6 months min and likely more), as well as the removal of lockouts with marks for legends and 150 is perfectly reasonable. Without doing the math there's close to 4 sp there, it shouldn't be handed out on a platter.
  6. AJPro Committed Player

    and yes, and maybe its the lag or more likely just me but in PVE I am an excellent to tremendous player in PVP...I how do you say "stink" so lower rewards and more time at getting my butt kicked in a GAME that is supposed to fun...for 50 feat points...sigh. Also it does not help that the post in GU 33 made it seem like it would be cash....if they had listed out MOT would be involved probably would not have been sooooo annoyed, still would think it was ridiculous and not do...but would have ignored and put next to my 150000 gathering feat....
  7. Vexedbit Well-Known Player

    Even if you're horrible at PVP this shouldn't be that difficult. Don't forget there are no lockouts now so you can farm marks as long as you want. If lockouts still existed, maybe.
  8. RawR New Player

    You want it to go back to the vault?



    Which is better? It just naaag nag nag lol
    Just want to throw a cookie at you
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  9. toast Well-Known Player

    correction - if it were back to the old pvp there would be far more than 5 or 6 maps, there would be about a dozen maps for both arenas and legends not be limited to a small handful of maps that it is now. which sucks because most of the feats i have left to do are pvp feats, and it looks they are still not going to be completed because the maps are N'EVER in rotation.
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  10. BumblingB I got better.

    That is not what I'm talking about and you know it. Don't bring in something that is completely unrelated to styles. I have feats I need from some maps too. I'm upset about the moon and the one safehouse, but I'm happy about this. You aren't correcting anything, just trying fuel a fire.
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  11. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    It was the first thing I did when I logged in...Best part of this update by far.
  12. B0NE DADDY Well-Known Player

    No its the fact that these are styles not gear think about it
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  13. BumblingB I got better.

    They were styles that were originally associated with PvP gear. And as I said, they were meant after you gear up, not while or before.
  14. The Equalizer Well-Known Player

    So why do we have to play Marks of Valor for old styles like the Archangel and the Raptor Infiltrator that don't give you stat boosts? What is the reasoning behind that?

    It's quite asinine and confusing. Why should we waste marks on something that doesn't even help progress your PvP strength, especially considering that one of the sets was previously a cash-only buy?
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  15. Vinny Tireshine New Player

    for the feat points im guessing since it's lower level gear
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  16. warpax New Player

    you forum signature says you have multiple toons with 110+ skill points, one even over 140. and you asking why do you have to pay for this? are you sugesting everyone should get free gear cuz they dont play pvp? and what about those who actualy spent time grinding those styles before? would you sugest them to get the marks they spent on it back?

    those are iconic styles. if you want them pay for them. why are there 4 diferent style sets of t4 gear? same thing. it's for enthusiastic players who want those styles or want to get iconic suit feat
    it's pretty simple, and a fair deal. no reason to complain about it.
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  17. Too Many Toons Dedicated Player

    crazy expensive...
  18. Agla New Player

    What's wrong with it?
    Every stuff has always had its related marks: you get pve styles with pve marks, seasonal styles with seasonal marks, pvp styles with pvp marks .
    It's 100% legit.
  19. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    My advice would be to get the styles you need as fast as you can. The way these crazy people are complaining, the devs will probably change it back soon. These players don't have a clue about what they're saying, but the complaints could easily be enough to ruin it for everybody.
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  20. Ace1 Dedicated Player

    These styles were in the vault, people complained. They made them purchasable for everyone and people complain.