Worst legends character?

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Funk Lantern, Dec 8, 2013.

  1. DPRINCE New Player

    Dude I wanna duel ur Hal Jordan. I feel like my health is vanishing faster than normal when I use him. Great in mobs terrible in 1v1
  2. Bendmetal Dedicated Player

    I would say that... Kilowog is the worst. I can't play with him as good as others. My best ones are Bane and Bizarro.
  3. Solutha New Player

    Superman is on the weak side. Whats funny is Bizzaro is considered one of the better Legends. I always thought the clone was a lesser version of the original.
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  4. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    Hal Jordan isn't really one of the best legends, but he's also better than average. Even in 1v1s he's pretty good, you have two dots which you can utilise as well as your boxing gloves which are a hard hitting single target move which is clippable because of the combo. He's capable of putting out some high burst as well as DoT, but he's weak against great players using characters with a lot of dodge. This is because both of his dots miss completely when dodge is applied on opponents as well as his number two. He also doesn't have the hold brawling BB which hurts as it's hard to BB on reaction with him.

    He's certainly not bad though, let alone terrible.
  5. Aminder New Player

    i think FLUX is the worse charater ..... lol
  6. Nebula153 Well-Known Player

    Any legend can me made great, from personal experience I can be good with every character on the roster(mostly because I have played hundreds of more legends matches than arenas). However, if anything, Kilowog and Arkillo...I mean...they're good but...so boring...I honestly don't know why but I just hate using them
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  7. Dark Wáne Active Player

    thers no worst character because for some point all of legends characters are good.

    Per exemple bane is strong but when comes to against john stewart and future batman dies so easy.
  8. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    I thought you would have known better than that wane, batman for instance is low tier and bane completely destroys him :p He's also better than John, nearly 1K more health in base form (increasing with each SC) DoT is stronger, shout is better for clipping than mini gun etc

    There is definitely a group of worst & best legends characters.

    I can also do the same, that doesn't mean that all legends are equal because they're most definitely not.
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  9. cadaverhead Well-Known Player

    Superman. It's not that he is completely useless, it's just that he is a marketplace toon and has two useless channeling powers; no DoTs unless you count that spin but I don't count it. He needs some serious rework. To be the most overpowered superhero in the DC Universe and beyond, he sure is a pretty weak legends character.
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  10. Emerald_Starlight New Player

    First off, enough of this, "there's no worst legends toon & it's the player not the character." The question isn't, "How good are you at legends?" It's, "Who is the worst legends character to play as?" Second, the answer is obviously Superman lol. Powergirl and Ursa are also fairly terrible, but Superman takes the cake; especially considering he costs real money. Also whoever said Hal Jordan must not be very good at Legends. Hal is easily in the top 3 best Legends characters, right up there with Steel & Sinestro. John Stewart is not far behind them either. Robin, Nightwing, & Batman aren't great either, same with Faust & Fate; but as a rule of thumb the worst Legends characters are the Metas (save for Bizzaro who is actually pretty decent).
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  11. KryptonHealz Well-Known Player

    Superman Faust fate and steel steels only on there cause eff steel and flavors of the month although I don't see steel getting toned down a bit I'd at least like to not see one in FNL finals for once its become which steel combo wins week to week and the devs are front row so I'm hoping they notice a pattern eventually and either revamp all of legends or tone a couple down I'd rather the revamp personally these tourneys set the standards for community pvping and currently the message were sending the community is good luck without steel skill still matters just less skill necessary to get the big W if you pay hold off season 2 and polish the characters and ill be happy
  12. TheLoneLantern New Player

    The USPC Tourney Dynamic Duos had their finals with Batman/Robin vs Joker/Harley, played by The Vengeance & Arquiero Robusto and Clutchmeist3r & Future Slob, respectively.
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  13. WonderCleric New Player

    Worst for me is Nightwing or Donna Troy (though I'm still getting the hang of her... but so far, most of the time I'm getting beat haha. I think she's just not good in 1v1). Best for me are Circe and Catwoman. Cheetah has been in my best matches and my worst ones... I think she's just fun to play. I can't way to play Saint Walker.
  14. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    Wait till you get the hang of Donna, she's actually top tier in 1v1s she just struggles in group games :p
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  15. KryptonHealz Well-Known Player

    You dont see that here on USPS anymore kudos to them thats hardcore lol
  16. Dark Wáne Active Player

    well usually im playing with different chars but bane always been weak against future and john its my opinion is not about having more hp or dots if bane takes too much stuns its easy to kill and i think u already know that clutch and at this time every player can take ur half of hp with all stuns per exemple john , future and amon the best stun makers my opinion.
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  17. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    No i don't know that, Bane is much better than future batman (he has no dodge, no mitigation, no shields) and when he doesn't have stealth attack his damage is mediocre not to mention he's unable to BB on reaction due to the slow BB. Bane even had his health recently buffed back up to 6552, so he's not even as squishy as he was previously which took him out of the top legends.

    It's not about having more health? Are you seriously telling me having 1000 up to 2500 more health is not a benefit or an advantage? That being able to also heal 1000+ on top of having so much more health is not a benefit? JS's shield is one of the weakest in the game now, his mitigation doesn't really serve much use other than to delay for respawns and yes having a DoT that hits as hard as Bane's does is an advantage. Bane also can do more damage when you counter someone, he has some of the best counter punishment in the game being able to consistently hit for around 2.3k without having to rely on long cooldown moves such as stealth. The most you're going to do with John is around 2k if you get two rounds of bat off and light grenade off and none of the ticks are mitigated through block or other means (not consistent damage like Bane's, if we were to include dots Bane's could reach over 2.5K).

    If stuns were such a big part of legends, powergirl would be more powerful than she is because whirlwind is a great move for CC. And no, none of those legends (or any legend) can take off half of Bane's health/3.25 K damage with their stuns (or 3.5 in Bane's second form, or 4K in his final form), not even cw can do that with her burst. The only people capable of doing that much damage is Harley when she counters a blockbreaker, but that's not through stuns (can't reach 4K though).
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  18. Maxx_Watt Loyal Player

    My favorite are nitghtwing, harley & 2F, although in my opinion they have serious disadvantages against the new toons.
  19. Yesnanie New Player

    i think u right i also had the same problem.
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  20. Yesnanie New Player