Price on Complex Mats Outrageous

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Stamen, Aug 14, 2013.

  1. Stamen Dedicated Player

    It just keeps getting worse - and now with so many about to slot new CR86 gear, they're going to go up even more. I just don't get the philosophy of making these so rare on the salvages if it is going to require 4 of them to make anything worthwhile.

    Four complex materials are literally worth around $200,000. That's more than the price of most any prom box armor piece, most any plan that drops, two or more stacks of exobits, and most any furniture item in the game.

    They've literally become the most valuable resource in DCUO at the moment.
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  2. Kristyana New Player

    I feel your pain. I got a Plasmic aura last night and was seriously considering selling it to buy complex mats. Those things are becoming a pain to farm.
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  3. Trees New Player

    T2s and T3s solo/duo gear gives the most complex I noticed, as well as the purple raid drops. I get a stack of complex a day usually from running duos and a few alerts.
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  4. Stamen Dedicated Player

    I typically only run my solo & duos once per week since I don't need them for feats anymore... I get around 6 complex there. I have been doing my T5 solo's almost daily and get some there... just time consuming and aggravating is all.

    I guess it would be a great way to make some bank -- if I actually ever got in a position to sell them. But there's always another mod to make, another consumable to make, and new gear to start the process all over again.
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  5. Veziann New Player

    I'm not sure what server you are on but on USPS3 I've seen a single complex sell from $180,000 to as high as $350,000.
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  6. BLK Well-Known Player

    i get up to 8 a day from gear if i do shady night club and the upper t4 alerts!
    If that helps!
  7. Maxx_Watt Loyal Player

    I may have to cash in on my stacks
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  8. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Right now on US PS3.... the lowest is $184 999 for one.

    A stack of 16 goes from $2 400 000 to $25 000 000.

    Not sure who thinks that hey can get $25 000 000 for a stack when there are couple of pages of stacks going from $2 400 000 to $3 000 000.
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  9. Whiteroom New Player

    Seems cheap. I sold a bunch of stacks a couple weeks ago for 3.5 mill each... good way to pick up extra cash. Run duos and solos.
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  10. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    On US PS3 a stack of 16 sold at $2 400 000....... they sell in about..... 5 minutes.

    So anyone looking for some quick cash... there you go.
  11. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    He is talking about on USPC. On USPC, a full stack of complex is about 700 - 800k on average. Somebody always tries to get away with selling a stack for a million but nobody ever buys them with the pages of 700k and 800k stacks.
  12. Meta Flare New Player

    I have three rows in my bank of nothing but complex materials and I don't even mod or salvage that often. So how rare could they be?
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  13. Spindle New Player

    When the last update to rings happened I saw this coming. Luckily I had stacks on stacks from multiple toons saved up over the past 2 years, and made stupid money from all the replay badge players who refuse to run lower content any more to get salvageable drops. I made myself just over $100 million in roughly a week. Their pain is my pleasure... kind of like Pinhead's Lament Configuration. :eek:

    Not gloating, just pointing out that you need to understand this screwed up economy and player base, and take advantage of it like others do or be left behind penniless in the dust. The other problem I see is that it honestly seems like some toons have better salvage rates than others. I have buddies in game who salvage as much as I do and almost never see complex, whereas I seem to have better luck. I find a lot of things in game are like that. I'm beginning to wonder if this rumour that our toons are created with hidden "luck" stats might actually be true. o_O
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  14. myandria Item Storage

    Hmm...I didn't realize how valuable complex materials are since I haven't modded anything yet either. Guess I'll have to do something about that...
  15. Statman New Player

    I got a tonne of these babies over the last couple of weeks, I may just have to cash them in if it's so outrageous.

    P.S. I've never had an issue with the rate of which I receive these, I get almost as many of them as I do simple mats.
  16. Sylo Committed Player

    Remember guys, according to the developers the in game economy is not broke or inflated it is perfectly healthy and workimng as intended:D
  17. Luthia1281 New Player

    Supply and demand say hello
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  18. darkmoon caverns New Player

    You mean that's MORE than 3 stacks of exobits? I wish I was on your not really though.
    I personally like the high price. They're so easy to farm. Just do a couple solo missions or alerts and I usually get a good amount.
    Salvaging (lower tier) purple gear seems to give me more, as does the 83 gear. Sometimes (lower tier)blue gear gives me complexes too.
  19. darkmoon caverns New Player

    Devs don't set the prices for everything. That's up to the community. Blame the players.
  20. TheLoneLantern New Player

    And to think I sold hundreds of them to the vendor for $2 each. lol