What competitive pvpers want

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Ace1, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. PaperGirl New Player

    *Please Mepps , as suggested , give us a pvp lobby where we could setup our matchs in close arenas with the options we want .

    *Another very welcome thing is group dueling , so we could also do our matchs in Robinson park .
    Actually in my league we are playing against eachothers with 2 groups pretty often , and we really really like to be able to do that in Robinson park too , wich is not possible actually .

    *Also a barebone arena is nice and welcome , but a lobby room with more options that we can choose could be far better for pvp leagues .

    *There are many specific things and differents configurations we could setup .

    *The last thing is lobby pick up group could be welcome , so a pug healer for exemple could queue for arenas , then a troller could join his group then some dps and for exemple another healer .
    IT could make all the matchs very interesting , create new pvp leagues , and make a lot of pvpers back to the game , you can trust that 100% .
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  2. seapeetea New Player

    Shrinking the ui when entering arenas could improve performance/stability
  3. Ace1 Dedicated Player

    Mepps I love you long time :D thanks for the response
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  4. Ace1 Dedicated Player

    I agree #2 is a stretch but if we could have custom matches in place where we setup what can and can't be used, I know we do this now but it's not nearly as effective.
  5. Yallander Loyal Player

    I await more details on what the devs are implementing. Hopefully with a unitied voice from PC and PS3 players commenting the PVP in this game will improve.
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  6. TK PUSHA Dedicated Player

    creating two options is better than just one way or the other.
    some people actually enjoy the exact opposite of what another person does.
    The only true solution for arena "restrictions" is to create ranked/unranked or hardcore/normal modes.
    then the "competitive" crowd will have their stripped down mode, and everyone else can just have fun.

    People really need to remember to be "careful for what you ask for" as well.
    splitting the player pool any more than just 'normal--hardcore', or whatever, will make queue times unbearable.
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  7. Ace1 Dedicated Player

  8. Kroye Loyal Player

    This idea is solid gold. I'd love to be able to form pick up groups from a lobby. The only potential issue is pairing t1 healers in groups with T4-geared players, but on hte flip side, being able to inspect someone's gear from the lobby could exclude newer players because the more established players don't want to introduce that weak link into their group. It could still work, but would need some minor additions.
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  9. seapeetea New Player

    “The last thing is lobby pick up group could be welcome , so a pug healer for exemple could queue for arenas , then a troller could join his group then some dps and for exemple another healer .
    IT could make all the matchs very interesting , create new pvp leagues , and make a lot of pvpers back to the game , you can trust that 100% .”
    This idea is solid gold. I'd love to be able to form pick up groups from a lobby. The only potential issue is pairing t1 healers in groups with T4-geared players, but on hte flip side, being able to inspect someone's gear from the lobby could exclude newer players because the more established players don't want to introduce that weak link into their group. It could still work, but would need some minor additions.

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  10. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    im on the USpc side and im not a big fan of pvp but i am starting to get the hang of stuff. but the pc side not much pvp happens and there is no competitive pvp on the pc side or none that i am aware of, i wish there was tho from watching youtube videos they look really fun.
  11. seapeetea New Player

    If your not getting grouped with balanced an geared players an playing against other blanaced an geared groups your pvp experience could seem meh. Like queuing into FoS3 an having 5 tanks 1 healer 2 dps your just not gonna have much fun as having a nice balanced team.
  12. Woodler New Player

    @Mepps, thank you for your response - but you also have to understand that the vast majority of our requests have been circulating for over a year (some since launch). Much of which we expected to have in the first PVP DLC - so while we have to understand things will not happen overnight, you also have to understand a lot of the frustration that comes with being seemingly ignored.

    In regards to PVE items in PVP, I don't necessarily have an issue with them so long as they are balanced and are OBTAINABLE through PVP. This is a no-brainer if something is a massive game changer in PVP like utility belts for example than we should be able to buy PVP versions with PVP marks.
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  13. Ace1 Dedicated Player

    Devs I know you all worked hard on last laugh but I think the pvp community wants these fixes in an update rather than a whole dlc tell me if I'm wrong.
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  14. Woodler New Player

    I think the best case scenario for the PVP community is we receive most of what we want via updates.

    Things like adjusting availability of PVE Items in PVP whether that be through better conversion rates or outright limiting them is something that is suited for a update imo.

    I can understand though if they were to wait for a DLC for something like Lobbies though. That is something that seems like a relatively big change (at least the way I'm imagining it)
  15. TK PUSHA Dedicated Player

    only thing that i care about changing in PvP is the technical issues.
    ...lag, class balance, counter mechanics, etc.
    fix all that, and i could care less if there are 1000 pets, or jumpads, or buffs, or whatever in the room.

    IMHO, addressing the overall playability of pvp arenas should be the entire PvP community's # 1 concern, including the quote /unquote "Competitive pvpers".:cool:
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  16. Woodler New Player

    Technical Issues should be priority, you are correct.
  17. Mista E New Player

    what are the updates you are considering?

    Because the last time you guys said this, we got the blue immunity added and 3 maps no one wanted...
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  18. BaddestJade New Player

    Thanks again mepps,

    You really shouldn’t have bothered to answer – don’t worry those of us that really care know full well your position regarding pvp at the moment. You could have just cut and pasted quotes about it recently from yourself, spytle and Deadmeat.

    But that won’t be enough for these kids who obviously just discovered pvp for the first time and are fighting pugs, and bad pugs at that. So please I’ll do you the favor and re post them in here later.

    But alas I know full well it will go in one ear and out the other, and people wonder why they are angry and don’t understand.

    If you are angry and upset, you have yourselves to blame for not reading and understanding what the devs are telling you. I don’t know if many of you know but we had one idiot on the pc forum who raged hard and stupidly at spytle and ruined it for us and therefore – reduced his communication to us.

    I probably pvp a lot – won’t say more than anyone – but its majority of my time in game for a long long time – I am not happy there are none of these things as suggested, but I am more than happy with the direction they will go ONCE they have finished their current work. There is no point arguing and qq’ing about it until then.

    Besides there is only about 10 premades on the uspc that might be queuing at anyone one time.. 1-2 decent EUPC leagues (excluding happytreefriends) so technically it is not worth the time and effort for them to stop doing what they are doing for such a small number of people.

    Otherwise there are other games out there that have all of this and more. You are only going to make yourselves more mad at the wrong people. And that is FAR from fair on the devs. Go teach new people how to pvp rather then qq in /v at them and then bring it online.
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  19. SlayingDaimon New Player

    My list
    1. balance above all else
    2. the ability to kick out free loaders
    3. the removal of breakout immunity
    4. tank cleanses adding a damage shield to up to 3 allies in line of sight for 6+ seconds
    5. equal bonuses added to all weapons and a possible way to control thier speed
    6. dual pistols slip shot to deal 3 hits again and a fix for the channel power canceling bugs
    7. fix transformation lag I reported here and other have posted here and here. Here they said they identified the issue so feedback on it would be great,
    8. a tiered arena system where if you have high level gear your stats will be adjusted appropriate to that tier
    9. a fix on the tracking issues on sticky bomb, gauss grenade, napalm grenade, sleep dart, and tazer pull (I don't have enough data to reproduce it at the moment otherwise I would filed a report already) in addition to fixing energy shield and distract
    10. a huge boost to controllers survivability if we are not allowed to control anymore
    11. making controller and healer gear might and precision the same as tanks
  20. Woodler New Player

    LOL at one troll coming and writting an essay in a thread he/she obviously didn't read.

    IF you want to find a game where players don't critique and campaign for things they want in game I suggest you go out and look for one. Otherwise please refrain from claim "QQ" in what is otherwise (for the most part) a constructive discussion on how a percentage of the population wants PVP

    The general direction of this thread has been constructive - lets keep it that way please :)