Arasai/Fae Wing Movement = Discomfort for some

Discussion in 'Look and Feel' started by ARCHIVED-Faerless, Jun 18, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-RenfieldEavan Guest

    I completely agree with you Allena. Having the ability to "remove" or hide our wings is grotesque. But surely there should be a way for us to stop moving them. Personally, I would love to be able to walk on the ground. We do have feet. We could then fold our wings as we do when we sit. I do often have a problem seeing past my wings when using 3rd person view, especially up close. This particularly becomes an issue in tight spaces, dungeons, especially, when there is a wall or other obstacle close behind my character. I often use 1st person view in those situations. Alternately, there are several illusion options available. Enchanters, naturally, have it easier here; but some of the collections offer an illusion, don't they? I forget what they're called. And many folks have shapeshifting abilities or totems. I sometimes play my fae dirge with his orc illusion turned on. That not only hides my wings, but also makes me taller. For those of you non-fae characters who complain about our wings, try playing a fae caster who can't see past the group's butts! :-? I inevitable get stuck behind some ogre or kerra and have to dodge around trying to see my target! (All part of playing the class!)
  2. ARCHIVED-Raston Guest

    Guy De Alsace wrote:
    [p] Possible Guy. I get that same feeling on places like the chain to Hoo'loh, the drop down to do the SoD quests in New Tunaria (water tight case), one of the steps in the Call to Ro series that I helped a friend with (where you had to climb a huge pillar in PoF past the giant fields) but I normally chaulk that upto my own personal fear of heights. I find in these situations, it will take me far longer to traverse the area than others, but it is doable by me. I know of another who sufferes from similiar experiences as well.[/p][p]The Arasai/Fae wings don't bother me. I do have issues with the frogloks hopping however, but I can pretty much ignore them :) I've had similiar impacts from things like the frostfell maze thing this past christmas, I literally was ill (as was my wife) after doing it (and yes, it was the only time we did it)[/p]
  3. ARCHIVED-SageGaspar Guest

    Can't see why not to do it. I know frogloks have a walking animation too, can speed that up a little bit and let people toggle that if they're having problems. It might look silly, but then again so does my froglok when he's got a bunch of speed decreasing effects stacked on him and hops backwards slooooooowly :p
  4. ARCHIVED-Chayna Guest

    Jalathan@Lucan DLere wrote:
    OMG! I had that too. It was the only time I've ever felt ill while playing this game. I was breaking out in a cold sweat and felt like I was going to puke or parts of me were going to fall off. I have no idea why that zone did that to me. I blamed it on them making me play a gnome (one of the races I absolutely H A T E).
  5. ARCHIVED-Offem Guest

    I hate how that happened to me, and to be honest, (I forgot to add this in my last post) the Neriak tradeskil area does that to me from time to time also...which is bothersome cause I really love that area). It's due to our eyes seeing movement but our bodies aren't moving...this throws our equilibrium off balance and makes us sick. I would have to pay for medication like Dramamine or motion sickness bracelets just to play games I love and have played for years. The meds are not expensive, but it's the principle of the matter IMHO.
  6. ARCHIVED-janell Guest

    my my seems to me a couple people need to chill out and get some self control. Why would you feel you have to be so hateful to someone that is expressing a real and legitimate problem for some people. I mean telling a person not to have children sheesh . tacky is as tacky does and I havent seen a flame that ugly since I left wow.
  7. ARCHIVED-transcendant Guest

    [p]I would say, rather than turn off the wings entirely, make it an option that stops their motion. The wings of a fae/arasai are part of their total appearance just like their hair is, plus it would be silly for little faes to be floating around unsupported.[/p][p] And of course, I posted without reading the entire thread, so my thoughts are totally redundant and add absolutely nothing to the discussion.:XD:[/p]
  8. ARCHIVED-Faerless Guest

    [p] [/p][p]Arasai/Fae wing movement speed is already variable to a small degree. For example, an Arasai/Fae that is standing still flaps its wings at a much slower speed than an Arasai/Fae that is in battle.[/p][p]I believe putting a slider to adjust wing flapping speed into Options/Display/Animation ( or another appropriete location in setup ) would go a long way toward resolving this issue for those affected by allowing them to set the speed to a more comfortable level.[/p][p] [/p][p]Faerless[/p]
  9. ARCHIVED-Thaych Guest

    [p]You guys should move to a game that does not have fae-folk if they make you sick to your stomach or causes you other, health-related issues.[/p][p]This is not a flame directed to you...but a serious suggestion to go elsewhere so that your health does not suffer more than it currently does.[/p][p]If you are a hard core player that plays for several hours a day its already bad enough on your health; so to make it worse (by continuing to play when the fae make you nauseous) you're doing yourself a disservice and could be causing irreperable harm to your body you won't even notice until later on.[/p][p]Have you tried dramamine? Changing lighting conditions in the room you play? maybe changing (higher) refresh rates (if you play on a CRT)[/p][p] [/p]
  10. ARCHIVED-Galithdor Guest

    Well if its about the in-combat and moement of the wings while moving i guess they could slow down the
  11. ARCHIVED-CrypticFirefly Guest

    [p]While I personally think adding a "stop animations" performance setting would be the best solution to the problem, it would not bother me if the solution was to give a client-side "hide wing" option. [/p][p]But I agree that this is probably a problem that SOE should address. I myself don't have an issue with it, but I can easily believe that many do. In fact, I'd be surprised if they don't do something about it, seizure warning notwithstanding, because it obviously is a serious health issue (and potentially could cost them players).[/p]
  12. ARCHIVED-Faerless Guest

    [p] [/p][p]At Fan Faire I brought a pair of 'strap-on' wings and wore / flapped them while chatting with people. I tried several different flap speeds and tilts. Several different people informed me just how annoying it was to have wings flapping in their faces while trying to hold a serious conversation. One guy even threatened to rip them off and stuff them into a rather uncomfortable sounding location on my body. [/p][p]Does this prove my point? I don't know. It was an interesting test though.[/p][p] [/p][p]Faerless[/p][p] [/p][p] [/p]
  13. ARCHIVED-Josgar Guest

    [p]I dont think it causes nauseia like it does in game... it probabbly just annoyed the heck out of people :p[/p][p]Im all for a stop wing animation... but it would have to be off by default... and they should not make a remove wing toggle... that just defeats the purpose of playing a fae no?[/p]
  14. ARCHIVED-Faerless Guest

    [p] [/p][p]Perhaps another solution would be a client-side opacity slider to make them variably transparant. This might also help with the issue of wings hindering visibility in close quarters.[/p][p] [/p][p]Faerless[/p]
  15. ARCHIVED-Wyxt Guest

    The only time I have problems with fae wings is when I fall off a cliff and then my girlfriend touches down oh so nimbly next to me, and then I have exp debt and she doesn't and our %s are all messed up again. ._.
  16. ARCHIVED-Sapphirius Guest

    [p]I play a Fae and two Arasai. If I could change races, my human warden would so be a Fae. Why? Because I have got to be the world's clumsiest player. I've died more from falling damage than anything else. Their wings do not bother me at all, but that does not mean that they don't bother other people.[/p][p]I spend most of my online time on my monk (a wood elf) and my warden (a human), and I've got to say that, even as a 70 monk/70 warden, it is impossible to stay away from Fae. You get into a group that picks up a 6th after 30 minutes of blasting channels for a back-up healer (or whatever), and it happens to be a Fae. What do you do? Do you tell that person, "I'm sorry, but you can join us in Unrest because you have wings."? Do you just leave the group and say, "I'm sorry, but I can't play with you because you have wings."? Then your group is blasting for another 30 mintues to either replace that Fae or replace you.[/p][p]Not grouping with Fae is just not much of an option. They're darned near impossible to avoid, and in fact, I have been asked to leave groups in the past while on my Arasai inquisitor because of this problem.[/p][p]I would fully support a /stopwings command to stop the animation of Fae/Arasai wings. I wouldn't support a /hidewing command though. Yes, it's not really hurting my game play to have the wings hidden, but it is hurting an integral part of my character's identity on your screen. a /hidewing would be tantamount to me having a /hidehead option for everyone else that would removed their hair, eye color, and individual faces.[/p][p]So, ummmm, devs. Why don't we have a /stopwings command yet? The Fae have been around for some time, so this problem isn't exactly new.[/p]
  17. ARCHIVED-GryphCoppertail Guest

    Some of you seem to be missing a point here. Not playing the fairy races isn't going to solve the problem for alot of people as they are often GROUPED with the fairies as well. It doesn't matter if they play as one or grouped with one the problem of the wings will remain the same.
  18. ARCHIVED-Laiyo Guest

    I find it discomforting as well. Another troublesome thing, I find, is just how much screen is obscured by the wings. I would like to see a client side wing fade or similar option that could be based on camera position. I know the camera can be pulled back further, etc, but that strikes me as an inelegant solution, but certainly a workable one. First person view I find to be somewhat cramped as it limits what I can see to the sides and immediately behind the character, also I do enjoy seeing the casting effects and such. I do agree that any wing removal, transparency, or animation adjustments should be kept client side. I hope this is something that is looked into, they're fun characters.
  19. ARCHIVED-Kimage Guest

    [p] While this makes perfect since for those who are playing the race and having problems this doesn't apply to some people. I for one dont play a fae - but you may group with fae during a raid, a pug ( though I really stay away from those ) or whatever.[/p][p]Thanks for being insensitive jerkoff.[/p][p] Solution: can we have an option to hide wings - like we have the option for everything to be in soga or everything to be in default models, etc. ( yes I know you can change which models for which races ). That would allow those who love thier "flies" to keep thier wings and as one said keep thier identity while allowing other players who are expiernecing problems to avoid that. :)[/p][p] ( PS please excuse my spelling .... I know it sucks )[/p]
  20. ARCHIVED-Frobus Guest

    I find this thread interesting. It seems odd that someone playing a 3d video game would suddenly get motion sickness just from flapping wings. That doesn't make much sense. Scientifically, I wonder what's going on. At any rate, I don't have this problem, but I'm interested in what SOE chooses to do with it.