Arasai/Fae Wing Movement = Discomfort for some

Discussion in 'Look and Feel' started by ARCHIVED-Faerless, Jun 18, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Dead Knight Guest

    Their purpose was indeed to fly, as is clearly displayed on the EoF art. The reason why they do not actually fly and just hover is because the game has no Y-axis.
  2. ARCHIVED-The_Cheeseman Guest

    EQ2 has an axis for all 3 dimensions, that's why /locs show 3 numbers. This is evident simply by finding a flying MOB in the game and testing the range of your spells/combat arts as it gets higher up. MOBs have been designed in such a way as to bypass limitations imposed on players by zone geometry and altitude in order to prevent exploitation. The reason fae don't fly is because the development team intentionally did not include flight for PC's, as a design choice, to avoid the complication it would impose on zone design.
  3. ARCHIVED-tantric Guest

    [p]I guess I'll pit my 2 coppers in. I recently created an arisai and while I do not get the upset stomach I do find myself getting Migrains after prolonged play on this character. I also find the Flapping of the wings a draw to the eye. I find myself being hypnotized by the wing motion and frequently get lost or into trouble since I do not pay attention to my surroundings. It's embarassing to be a scout and get loast all the time! I think that the Stop wing motion option would be a great client side option with minimal effort to impliment and impact to others would be nothing. [/p][p]If for some reason SOE cannot impliment this, I can offer another solution that would be rather fun. We can hire an army of Trolls and Ogres to go out and Pluck the right wing from all of these annoying yet tasty little bugs! This way we can laugh as they fly in circles. Those that don't want the uni-wing option can opt to be covered in Honey and dry roasted by my wizard.[/p]
  4. ARCHIVED-Slaskia Guest

    [p] Actually that is wrong, there is a race that had been available since the game went live that has this: Iksar.[/p][p]Iksar tails are constantly moving back and forth (with the exception of when they are fighting I think), so I wonder if folks that have this problem with fae wings get the same thing with Iksar tails?[/p][p] Edit: I have noticed that Fae wings fluttering are hypnoizing...but then I remember how much my main (a Iksar bruiser) would like to have them for a snack....[/p]
  5. ARCHIVED-Alxandra Guest

    [p]I wouldn't be surprised at all that SOE is either working on a fix to this problem or is in testing to find out how severe it is. [/p][p]I occasionally get some motion sickness in game. For me, it is rare. Faes used to bother me a tad. They dont anymore. I guess I have learned to position their wings in my camera view so it doesnt bother me.[/p][p] I raid a lot, and we have a fae healer, and it's not uncommon for us to be instructed to clump up together somewhere. I used to have trouble with her wings obstructing my view and that was actually more problematic for me than the repetitive motion, but, as I said, Ive gotten quite good at positioning my camera cause it doesnt bother me anymore. [/p][p]I expect that SOE will likely create an option to stop wing movement. This will make game play more comfortable for a lot of people. In my case, however, I would feel horrible cutting the fae wings, and will just continue to play as is, but just making sure that i dont leave my camera in a position where i can see the wings afluttering.[/p][p] PS Valita... grins thanks for the memories.... I got sick to the stomach just remembering the Frostfell maze. GAG[/p]
  6. ARCHIVED-Ruut Li Guest

    When I used the fun, bright colors for the winged races I experienced nausea, which was surprising since Im usually not very sensitive to those things. Thankfully it stopped when I switched to more neutral colors and I could keep on playing my winged cuties.
  7. ARCHIVED-Faerless Guest

    [p]That's a good point about the brighter colors having more of a draw upon the eye.[/p][p] [/p][p]The Iksar tails don't seem to have the same effect, on me at least. Possibly due to the position of the tail being lower in the character frame and relative slowness of the swishing movement compared to the Arasai/Fae wing movement.[/p][p] [/p][p]Faerless[/p][p] [/p][p] [/p]
  8. ARCHIVED-Winter Guest

    [size="medium; color: #ff66ff"][face="comic sans ms,sand"]Hmm... They don't bother me at all, I love the wing animations... but I guess I could see how they could cause one discomfort... I wonder if there would be a way for them to make wings still. I personally don't agree with an option to turn wings themselves off as they are integral to the characters, but I can agree with the option to turn the animation off.[/face][/size]
  9. ARCHIVED-Seraki Guest

    [p]My fey and arasai only flutter their wings when they jump or are in combat. Other than that is a slow gentil movement. [/p][p] I do have problems with the crafting tables for some reason but I have not been able to pin down exactly what it is. [/p][p] [/p][p]I would be sad if my little fey bugs lost their flutter .. its so cute ;-)[/p]
  10. ARCHIVED-Siogai Guest

    Much like using Original vs SOGA models, if someone turned off the Fae/Arasai wings in their display options, you'd never know it. You'd be a little, floating elfing thing to them. ... if they implement such an option, that is.
  11. ARCHIVED-Magik01 Guest

    I am playing an arasai now and don't have a problem at all with motion sickness and fae/arasai wings, either on my own character or grouped with several others of them. (Now the carpet mount..bleh..that's another story.) I think an option to turn off the 'movement' off the wings would be fine, but not an option to get rid of the wings entirely. Then you still have the actual race there and not some miniature wingless elf-like-thingy floating about looking ridiculous. That would be about as odd as turning off other random body parts of the races.
  12. ARCHIVED-Skywarrior Guest

    When I log into EQ2 I have the option to go into my control panel and turn all of my graphics down to extreme performance quality. Know what that does? It makes every single character ugly as sin, for starters. It smudges all the colors and makes everything muddy. Looks worse than EQ1 when it first came out. I can also select whether I want that barbarian standing in the corner to look like a distinguished nobleman or a punk rocker by simply changing the model I view. And guess what? Not another player in the game is affected by any of those changes in my viewing pleasure.
    I really don't understand the really vicious attitudes displayed by some in this thread for folks asking for a simple graphic adjustment feature that would have absolutely zero effect on anyone else's gameplay. Frankly, SOE could implement an option to make all characters look like cube monsters if the player so chose and it would still have zero effect on anyone else's gameplay. It has zero effect on anyone else's 'immersion' (as if that were a significant factor in a game where the vast majority only want to know what is the fastest, best, most damage, easiest to play, most needed, etc etc.).
    My wife cannot play a Fae although she loves their looks and would like to. The wings bother her. It's a problem. It's a fairly common problem. It should be addressed. Addressing the problem will enable more players to play the game comfortably and will not interfere in any way with the visual enjoyment of any other player.
    People ask for changes on these boards all the time that, if implemented, would affect all other players, sometimes dramatically, without getting the kind of drival that some on this thread have dished out. It's totally unnecessary since the fix for the problem does not in any way affect any other player other than the one who chooses to implement the feature. Have I said that in enough ways to get that through?
  13. ARCHIVED-Josgar Guest

    [p]Remove wings= please no[/p][p]Having a way for the animations on them to be turned off= yes[/p][p] [/p][p]Chopping off a fae's wings would be like chopping off legs of other races.[/p]
  14. ARCHIVED-Offem Guest

    LOL The Frostfell maze made me so ill that I actually did develop severe headaches and vomiting from "motion sickness" There are caves in Enchanted Lands which have the same effect on me. Solution? I don't go to those places. I have both a Fae and an Arasai, and yes, the flapping does give me those same ill feelings. I choose to play those toons in first person view - therefore I do not see the wing flapping. However, when I'm in an area where there are many Fae/Arasai around me, I can't toggle them to first person view. Therefore, I have the same motion sickness feelings. Result? I stay away from those areas to the best of my ability. By doing so I'm still trying to enjoy the game, but also trying to alleviate the sicknesses. It's taking away from some of the content for me, but no, I'm not going to stop playing this game. Why should I? I've never had any issues prior to the examples I've cited above. I've spoken with doctors and no, I am not having seizures (obviously). It's not a health hazard, but it is very uncomfortable at times. I think a toggle to cease the fluttering of wings is a very reasonable request, and it is NOT hurting anyone's gameplay. At the same time, it allows paying customers like myself to continue playing a game we love. I think the OP's idea is a really good one.
  15. ARCHIVED-Devilsbane Guest

    [p]Fae wing crunchies +5 Agi, yummy![/p][p]Anyway, anyone playing a Fae/Arasai have illusions turned off? There are dozens of spells and items that can be used to alleviate your discomfort. [/p]
  16. ARCHIVED-Skywarrior Guest

    [p]And for me to choose not to see the wings (or my wife to so choose actually) would affect your gameplay how, exactly? I'm really curious. I understand that you would never choose to do so on your computer due to the reason you stated. I'm curious to know why you believe your gameplay would be affected by how something looks on someone else's screen.[/p][p]Edit: After I posted this I got to thinking that it's possible some folks are thinking about the Hide Helmet, Hide Cloak, and even the Hide Illusions commands, where the setting actually does affect what others are seeing. I would be against that as well. If an option were to be implemented to hide the wings it should be client-specific, something set in the Game Options and not in the Persona Options (which affect how others see you).[/p]
  17. ARCHIVED-Winter Guest

    [size="small; color: #ff66ff"][face="comic sans ms,sand"]In EoF beta, when the illusionist personae didn't have wings yet, they looked ridiculous. The wings are tooootally a necessary part of the Fae. As I said before though, I could see turning the animation off for people who prefer that.[/face][/size]
  18. ARCHIVED-feldon30 Guest

    I can't believe some of the reasons people are coming up with why this shouldn't be a client-side option. I think it could appear as a Performance option "Still Wings". I have never experienced motion sickness in a game and that Frostfell Maze was something else! White on white is just rough!! Some of the mean and shallow arguments posited in this thread could just as easily be put forward on other features already in the game. Some rhetoricals (which are COUNTER to my actual beliefs, just making a point): Why do you want to hide your cowl/headcovering? If you really care to see your character's face and/or hair, don't wear a head covering. You can make up the plusses with other equipment. Why should we have a Changing Room? If people want to see how some piece of armor, etc. looks, they can buy it, or research the web. If you don't have the money, raid more you lazy slob. ;) Did we REALLY need money to automatically change from copper to silver, silver to gold, gold to plat? Isn't that actually very UNrealistic? As a Ranger, I have never gotten anywhere near my weight carrying limit. So what if mages can't carry a sack of flour without being burdened? If people didn't like having to change their money all the time, they can just play Scout and Fighter classes. We can go on and on with rhetorical reasons why something shouldn't be added. I turn off flora (grass, flowers, bushes) not for performance but because it makes it easier to see gathering nodes (sandwashed rock, ?'s, !'s, etc.). While turning off particle effects was put in there for performance reasons, I'm sure some people turn it off because it's distracting in battle. If there are enough requests for the fae/arasai wing "freeze", just do a straight up-and-down vote on whether it should be added or not as a client side feature. I can't believe people are downright attacking people for a feature request. It's not a "nanny state" thing.
  19. ARCHIVED-Faerless Guest

    [p]My thanks to everyone who has considered this thread and posted constructive input. It surely proves that this is an issue worth looking into. [/p][p]It is my sincere hope that the developers will review this and take action for the benefit of those affected.[/p][p] Faerless[/p]
  20. ARCHIVED-ke'la Guest

    If the Wing Animation is causing problems with people's eyes I would support giving them a /stopanimation command, this could also stop the other caractor animations too, such as the Carpet bobing/animation, the Warg Bobbing, the Cape Fluttering and so forth, I say it should stop all of these is because if the Fae wings are causeing a problem these other things are probibly are also causeing the same problem just to a lesser and less notacable extent. I would NOT support a /hidewing client side or not, as the Fae/Arasai wings are the difinitive caractoristic of the caractor. Giving people the ablity to remove the wings completely would be like giving people the ablity to make Gnomes Tall or to turn DE's skin White.