ZOE Is still a problem.

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Ned, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. Van Dax

    Pick a peak and hover your mouse over, VS will be least.
  2. MavCooL

    Most of the TR will think ZOE is OP but not so much on the NC side, WHY??? Coz most heavy TR and their mother carry striker and didn't learn how to properly aim. Learn how to aim with RL coz that's what VS and NC do everyday
  3. Rhumald

    *looks at Matterson"

    hmmm... hmmmm... nope.

    Overall though, they're pretty in line with NC, and just today they saw a peak pop of TR 3092 VS 2661 and NC 2639.

    Now go sit in your corner and wear the hat.

    ... this is also rather off topic, we were all talking about ZOE maxes, not population.
  4. Furluge

    In my experience the ZOE's are typically most dangerous in any kind of group scenario. Even after you've gone to extreme risk to finally put one down it can typically have decimated your forces in the area enough so that they can revived. I know when play a ZOE I never have any difficulties with resources or my timer, and you're fast enough not to become a burden moving from place to place.

    Everyone in close range is pulling a decimator. If you aren't you're doing it wrong. It doesn't really matter though because a decimator won't kill a ZOE with a direct hit. It'll still have plenty of health to use it's increased speed to fall back and get a repair. Currently the only way to attempt to deal with a ZOE is to decimator it, switch to your LMG, and try to take it out, which works ok as long as the ZOE is distracted and doesn't have kinetic armor.
  5. Van Dax

    so today we were ahead of NC by 22 people fair enough, yesterday we were behind by 200 and 300 the day before that.
  6. Rhumald

    You just said to pick a peak, so I picked a peak ;).
  7. Van Dax

    I can't argue with that
  8. WycliffSlim

    Just buff the other two MAX abilities. Seriously, I don't think I've EVER seen a TR using lockdown. I see a fair few NC using Aegis... but I just shoot it a few times with dual Comets and then their nice juicy face is all unprotected and ready for me. :D

    Hell, I wouldn't even care if they removed the damage buff of ZOE as long as the damage taken was also lowered somewhat accordingly. I like it for going fast while I pew pew. Also, ZOE dual Comets is fun times :D
  9. Badname707

    No, the NC hate the ZOE too. Don't kid yourself.
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  10. Furluge

    Even if it was 200 or 300, you're talking about 200 or 300 across every single server. That's not a significant amount per server. That's why I gave you the answer I did earlier. I was expecting somthing a bit more drastic. Now if we were to talk /per server/ I think you can find some significant trends per server, but they aren't universally one way or the other.

    Oh and this still has nothing to do with the fact that the other max abilities need to be more effective.
  11. Van Dax

    IMO they are practically incomparable.

    You give one faction an offensive ability and the other two defensive and everyone seems surprised the offensive one gets more kills. They could have just given us the jump jets or another of the thirty pages of tactical abilities but they went with the lone wolf booster. Bad design.
  12. Furluge

    I do tend to agree on that score. I think what happened was that since they ruled out Jumpjets they coudln't come up with anything else and just decided to rework overdrive from PS1. Yay.
  13. Xasapis

    This is last week:
    Apart from yesterday, that the populations between NC and VS were about equal, every other day VS are indeed the lowest population worldwide.

    The month graph is a bit too condensed, but it shows the exact same trend. VS last, NC in the middle, TR on top with a considerable margin.

    As you can probably understand, the presence of ZOE alone had little to no impact to the VS population, besides the couple few days after the introduction. But that was also true for lancer and other weapons, people were just curious.

    The reality of the situation is that people flock to the faction that is perceived the most powerful. ZOE alone obviously is not considered enough of an incentive to swap factions and increase their numbers, something that is happening with the TR. And it happening with the TR exactly because the weapons and vehicles of that faction are at this point in time considerably better than the other two factions.

    The bottom line is simple. Your game has serious balance issues with one faction having a considerable overpopulation difference. Would you go ahead and nerf the least populated faction, further widening the imbalance, or you'd try to balance things at the top?
    In other words, don't expect changes for ZOE as long as VS is the least populated faction in the game. It's the only thing going for them right now.
  14. DurandaI

    Agreed, on Connery we call ZOEs "super maxes" because they can easily kill half a squad each.... and max crashes are literally unstoppable.... they take 2 decimators to kill, dual weild LMGs and kill infantry in 4 rounds...
  15. Van Dax

    The most frustrating thing was we tried to stop it from being released, we seriously tried. Everybody else was to apathetic or thought we wanted a buff to actually listen to what we were saying.
    As you can see most wanted either jump jets or a defensive ability.
  16. Furluge

    You know what might have been interesting? Drifter jump jets (Especially with the skiing changes.)

    That way it's not just regular jump jets so it's not treading on that aspect of LA, but you get MAXes with more mobility able to get places their counterparts can't.

    Too bad that won't happen now. We're stuck with ZOE because it got made. Don't worry though, I'm pretty sure once ZOE hit PTS it was too late to change. So much stuff goes straight from PTS to live without a moment's thought, like the PPA balls of doom and.. actually pretty much everything from this most recent patch. ;p
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  17. Van Dax

    I would have loved drifters.
  18. WycliffSlim

    The only weapons that can kill in 4 rounds are the Comets and they have 4 rounds per magazine... so there's that...
    They take 1 decimator and a light tap on the jaw to kill. A non-ZOE takes 1 Decimator and a considerable amount of weapons fire to kill.
    TR MAX weapons are extremely similar stats wise to the VS ones.
    ZOE is fun to use, therefore a lot more people pull it than they used to... I know people still aren't used to seeing VS MAX's but... they're here now guys... deal with it. ZOE MAX's really aren't that hard to kill, just don't stand in the open and let one shoot you in the face... flank and C4.
  19. Xasapis

    Actually SOE had jumpjets on maxes already and had showcased them in one of those Friday Night Ops videos. That was before they released ZOE to live servers.

    Personally I don't know which would be more powerful. The jumpjets would definitely be more tactical. Especially considering how Esamir is these days. ZOE is more of a lone wolf ability, which is probably why they chose it in the end. Squad based abilities like the aegis shield don't seem very hot for the majority of people. As for lockdown ... I can't think of a reason to use it in it's current incarnation.
  20. Furluge

    If you're playing your ZOE right then you should be moving around enough that C4 isn't that big of a problem. Should you accidentally stumble into a some a friendly medic can usually pick you up off the ground. I don't just say ZOE is broken because I have to fight it, I say it because when I play my Vanu alt I find no reason to use anything else.

    And I'm not even that good with the blueshifts. You should see what an outfit like DA can do with them.