You said no Pay to Win. You LIED

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NietCheese, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. Nocturnal7x

    the new smg is ****, its ok for inf, but still you can cert it. Troll harder.
  2. Thagyr

    Ahh, that's a bug with the turret. It apparently has the shield you see on regular MANA turrets but it's invisible on the new one currently. You might have clipped that or something.
  3. Tanelorn

    I am also unhappy with how quickly you can take down people with SMGs. They cost 1000 certs which basically makes them unattainable. It will take weeks to get 1000 certs. So that basically makes it pay to pwn.
  4. MaxDamage

  5. SgtBreastroker

    Everything you just said maked me rage a little on the inside.

    Just because it is 1000 certs does not make it unattainable. It takes a while to gather those certs and does not take weeks to get. I don't know about you but without any XP boosts or anything I would still gather that amount of certs in about 8-10 days.

    Your last part is full of fail. Please think about what you post.
  6. Wobberjockey

    Pro tip.

    those pesky infiltrators killing you with those gosh darned OP SMG's?


    2-3 rounds to the dome will fix your problem fast than you can say OWNED!

    p.s. the OP fails to realize that some of us SAVED OUR CERTS in anticipation of the SMG release. Science has yet to prove it, but rumor has it that SOME humans have the ability to plan ahead for future events.
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  7. AtomicGerman

    You have invited the wrath of the red marker.
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  8. PaperPlanes

    All of the SMGs are worse than their best faction specific carbines. You may as well be calling carbines OP. And LMGs. And everything.

    SMGs are not that great of a weapon. Engy and LA are better off using a carbine. Medics have some of the best guns in the game in their assault rifles and let's not get started on LMGs which are probably the most versatile guns in the game. And you can buy SMGs with 1K certs so stop whining.
  9. Sebyos

    Your kind of complete idiot is what makes these false and greedy f2p models succeed these days. Get a clue.
  10. PLZ0080

    Its not pay to win if its grind for countless hours to win.
  11. Caydn

    1000 certs screw that I paid sc , certs is for upgrades not buying weapons
  12. Vertabrae

    More likely you walked in, shield up, knowing he was in there, panic fired missing all your shots while he calmly emptied his magazine into your face. It happens, no need to rage at SOE simply because someone in the game beat you.
  13. Sifer2

    Actually it was probably that most of his shots missed due to the flinch from being hit by such a high ROF weapon as the SMG. They are real accurate when hip fired to so the Infiltrator just had to point an click. Despite people saying they are worse than Carbines I believe they are actually quite on par with them at close range maybe even better. They are only worse if your using sights at medium range as I think they get less ADS accuracy bonus. Personally I don't know why Infiltrator got them as they already had Scout Rifles. Oh wait yeah I do Infiltrator whining.
  14. LameFox

    I've had head-to-head fights with shielded HA end as a win for me or draw (as in we both die) using an 'Emperor' on my infiltrator before. Which is apparently regarded as being utterly terrible.

    Weird things happen in this game, a lot.
  15. SOE-MOD-05

    This thread has been closed for being non-constructive and degenerating into trolling and personal attacks.
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