You said no Pay to Win. You LIED

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NietCheese, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. NietCheese

    The new SMG is blatant pay to win.

    I have walked into a flag room as a fully shielded heavy with maxxed nanoweave using my Anchor (one of the fastest shooting weapons NC heavies have).

    I knew the infiltrator was in a corner so rounded the corner shield up and full auto at close range. Every bullet on target. The infiltrator won the fight. This kind of scenario has happened multiple times now.

    You have designed the SMG to be pay to win. Why else would you give a subterfuge class a weapon that can drop a fully maxxed frontline assault class. The heavy should be winning toe to toe fights that they are ready for. The infiltrator should be winning fights when he shoots me in the back and I don't have a shield up.

    One of the way to DESTROY a free to play game is by making these kinds of pay to win weapons. Arguably it's the same for the engineer turret.

    Every time I get killed as a heavy when I am shield up and know where the enemy is and the BEST NC gun is completely outclassed by a Vanu infiltrator with an SMG I rage. It makes me want to quit and I am sure others feel the same way about pay to win advantage.
  2. axiom537

    Is the new SMG available to be acquired with freely earned CERT points? YES!!!

    Therefore, it is not pay-to-win the weapon is available for FREE with cert points or it can be purchased using Station cash, if you don't have enough cert points or do not wish to wait to earn them...
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  3. S1eB

    But you don't have to pay for the SMG, your argument is invalid.

    Also, SMGs are superior in close quarters, especially if you have the advanced laser.
  4. Leo Di Caprio

    Of course it is silly, you gave them money once now they are forced to push you for the next batch.
  5. Tasogie

    There is no pay to win, you just got unlucky an the inf managed to score headshot kills. happens all time to me. its a non issue.Your playing a game mate if you cant deal with loosing then your really in wrong gameplay type.
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  6. Thagyr

    Headshots are free.

    As to the Engineer turret, it has a tonne of drawbacks for its power. You render as a vehicle, can be locked on to by missiles, can be easily sniped etc.
  7. ThundaHawkPS

    You got outplayed. With their shield heavies have in excess of 700 hp over infils. 70% more hp and he outshot you.
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  8. Lancener

    Another person that doesn't understand what pay to win even means... IF you couldn't get the SMG any other way than purchasing it with station cash, that's possibly pay to win if it's not a balanced gun.

    The SMG is actually fairly balanced even though it seems to have really low TTK, it's balanced by the fact that there are (I believe) 25 bullets in every mag, it's meant for 1 on 1 situations. A squad of people using SMGs would die because they'd be reloading every few seconds.
  9. SgtBreastroker

    I wonder if these people ever think these threads through. Every P2W thread completely ignores the fact that you can unlock those weapons with certs.
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  10. Singed

    Or you could support a game that you care enough to go onto it's forums and whine about. Buying SC makes unlocking weapons faster, but you can still grind for them.
  11. orthus2

    correct the smg isn't pay to win, it is just not balanced.
  12. Rhinzual

    I thought the SMG was one of those 1,000 cert unlocks, or did I miss something?
  13. Veri

    It's more like, I don't like dying more than I win, so I pay to win.
    Or I like to buy new stuff because I like to show off to people that i have the latest weapons and they don't.
    It makes me feel better than them somehow.
  14. SgtBreastroker

    It is a 1000 cert unlock. But that doesn't change the fact that it is not a P2W weapon. It all comes down to how patient you are for gathering certs.
  15. Dawgpound12

    Only thing that you can't get for free is cosmetic ammo.. Seriously it's a free game, they have to attempt to make some money.
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  16. Babylon Rocker

    just because its expensive doesnt change the fact that you dont have to pay money for it...
  17. Kardes

    Sounds more like you just need to learn to aim.

    The smg does less damage per hit then the above listed LMG per hit....

    Next time try hitting what your shooting at. The smg's are not much better then a carbine.

    Basically what your saying is that your heavy can't take out a engineer at close range...... ohh and the inf has 100 less shield.

    To sum up L2P
  18. Xuram

    Pay to Win advantage is absolutely a stupid thing to be saying in this situation. How do you know they payed money for the gun? They could buy it with... CERTS :eek: the same way you can do with every other single weapon in the game. You were beaten. Get over it. At the very least this would be a BALANCE issue not a pay to win issue.
  19. Crywalker

    The new turret actually seems to be way more finicky to snipe engineers out of. Looks like I'm shooting them in the head but I just do a bit of damage to the turret.

    As for SMGs, the main issue is that they're what the infil class should've started with and you have to pay 700 SC or 1000 certs to actually have a gun suited for infiltration rather than just sniping. Not that I mind sniping.

    I do think cloak + SMG is on the overpowered side, but HAs are just as overpowered if not more. The fact that NC guns generally perform poorly, especially in CQC, is another issue however.
  20. Forsakened

    I agree

    Seriously how do expect to support this game if they are unable to attain some kind of money to pay the devs and keep this game going.

    Oh wait I know we are in the future and everyone works for free and everything is free.
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