y u not run faster?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by m44v, Dec 19, 2012.

  1. Vortok

    Welcome to every Medic that tries to heal people. Some of them actually stop once you get the first few ticks on them. LA just jet away and some of the Infs cloak even though they're surrounded by friendlies.
  2. Chestor

    All that video needs is some Benny Hill theme music playing in the background
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  3. Frosty The Pyro

    hell give infiltrators an athletics suit item. Improved run speed, reduces fall damage, better hill climb, maybe even a slight bonus to mellee (faster rate of "fire" for example). even if it was just small boosts I would totaly take that over nanoweave on an infiltrator.
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  4. Blackhand

    Gawd yes! Just the fall damage reduction would be worth it. I want to be able to bail out of a tower after a gun fight and not die on occassion.
  5. loveundermytail

    [IMG] vs [IMG] Yeah they aren't heavier or anything, same speed makes so much sense. Not like Infiltrator has lowest hp in game or anything right?
  6. IshanDeston

    And your point would be? That the heavy has an "armored" model which isn't reflected in the game itself? Or that lower Health would mean that someone has more agility?

    Or are you suggesting that a sporty guy (featured in many situations as the Quarterback, the Alpha Dog or generall the one that is bullying the scrawny guy because he is not only stronger but also faster and better trained) isn't as fast with all their muscles than the scrawny fella that most likely has trouble lifting their own rifle?

    It might be a nerds dream that their scrawny exterior would give them some sort of advantage on a physical level against a sport jock, but lets not kid yourself. Better developed muscles means more power and more resistance.
  7. Blackhand

    Uh...remember when you made your character? How there were no customization options? We are all just clones of each other, same height build etc. So don't go acting like when you switch over to HA or a MAX for that matter that you turn into some musclebound Hulk. It's just more armor. We are all the same underneath.
  8. IshanDeston

    Thanks for making the point why Infiltrators won't run faster.

    And apperently a spandex suit convers less protection then the other gear, while at the same time heavy assault gear doesn't convey more. HA have the same Health as Medics, Engineers and Light Assaults.
  9. Sevre

    Were you dropped as a child? This has nothing to do with nerd dreams, jocks or even quarterbacks. How you even got to that topic is completely beyond comprehension.

    The simple fact is: heavies have more armor, armor creates weight, the more weight one has the slower they move. Heavies clearly not only have an extra overshield (which actually doesn't make sense to slow you down because its clearly some sort of light generated thingy, but it does slow u down to help balance the game), but also CLEARLY have more armor on compared to infils. So why wouldn't it make sense for infils to move just a tiny bit faster?

    They did in PS1 and it didn't make them WTF OP.

    Furthermore I support this topic.
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  10. IshanDeston

    The simple fact is THEY DON'T HAVE MORE ARMOR!
  11. Sevre

    Their design clearly shows more armor. And the fact that they have less health than any other class shows that something with their suit is weaker/lighter, since as you agree everyone is THE SAME underneath.
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  12. Blackhand

    Your arguments are poor, so just stop. The point is, visibly the infiltrator is the most lightly armored class,in addition to having the least health. So its not too far of a stretch to want slightly more speed to compensate.
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  13. Rigsta

    Had to be done.

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  14. Blackhand

    Two thumbs up! Perfect!
  15. m44v

  16. lainiwaku