y u not run faster?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by m44v, Dec 19, 2012.

  1. m44v

    WHY my infiltrator in tights can't get into knife range of a guy that carries a LMG and a freaking rocket launcher?

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  2. kungflu

    lack of health = more movement speed?
  3. Liberty Cap

    Well I would guess infiltrators jumpsuit is related to the low hp, just like the clunky appearance of the HA and MAX is to the ability to absorb damage. Lighter equipment = more movement speed, perhaps?

    It would make sense gameplay wise as well, since infil has nothing in close quarters. LA is better taking the opponents back as well as the front, so it would definitely make sense to give infiltrator at least some edge in taking the back.
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  4. PanzerGoddess

    lol....and he didnt even notice, awesome kill mate.
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  5. loveundermytail

    HA = most armor and weapon payload next to MAX units = Same speed as every other class.

    INF = Sneaky, lowest HP of any class = Same speed as the rest of the classes.

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  6. SquirrelWizard

    needs more yakity sax.

    But yeah infiltrators need a speed boost. Not to mention a traction boost or some ability to scale steeper inclines.
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  7. Wobberjockey

    even LA's get the adrenaline pump to speed them up.. what gives with this.
  8. Blackhand

    I actually LOLed watching this.

    That was good stuff, but yea I constantly run into that situation and don't understand the logic behind it. Why doesn't sprint run out? It should be limited for quick bursts of speed, not available all the time, and infiltrators should definitely be the fastest class in the game. We have the least HP, least "visible" armor, and our whole cloak mechanic doesn't last very long at all forcing us to dart between cover. We've got a need. A need for Speed!:cool:
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  9. IshanDeston

    HA don't have more armor, they have additional shield.
  10. Wolferk

    you made my day :)
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  11. loveundermytail

    Well most heavily shielded....its the same thing bullet wise since it takes more.
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  12. ThundaHawkPS

    Heavy had slower movement in PS1 and Infil had the fastest movement. I think something similar needs to be implemented in PS2 except not quite to that degree (about 10% difference max)
  13. VoidC

    Infiltrator should have faster movement, then LA, then Medic, then Engi, then HA and the slowest one ... MAX.
  14. M3m3nt0M0ri

    PLEASE make it so that we don't get stuck all the time!
    I f"#¤"#g hate that I am getting stuck on the goddamn hillsides and **** all the time!
  15. LameFox

    Because the game world is huge?
  16. Ysanne

    You can not catch him because the rubbersuit is to tight between the legs?
  17. PanzerGoddess

    not sure if this upsets me more or falling through the ground in places you would never expect it. Ya know the one hiding place you are trying to get too...and you mysteriously fall through the ground skydiving without a parachute....
  18. Blackhand

    Hence, we have vehicles, and the option to redeploy at anytime. "The game world is huge" is not an argument for this.
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  19. IshanDeston

    Not the same thing. Shields are an energy field. Their weight is next to non existant. Thats why heavies aren't slower, until their shield gets activated.

    Heavies with their shield turned on, lose movement speed.
  20. Hosp

    The short answer:

    They're not balancing armors currently. They're balancing weapons, fixing bugs and prepping a new continent. I forsee armor balance after the next big patch.