Wow. More ESF nerfs.. GJ ._.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by YeOldeSammich, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. Pockets

    I've repeatedly seen posts basically telling me I'm supposed to sit there and dispense repair xp to pilots because "AA is supposed to deter, not kill." Thread after thread of AA discussions.

    It sure is deterring now, now isn't it?

    I have no problem with ESFs ruling the skies. You stay up there all day if you want. Problem is they were ruling the ground too often at the same time. You like playing with the ground forces so much? Now we have a way pull you down for some quality fun.
  2. RaTzo

    So you have no problem with ESFs unless they attempt to contribute to the actual battle then?

    The war is on the ground. ESF on ESF action is useless for the war effort.

    AA is, as stated by the developers - not me - "supposed" to deter air, not kill. AA is now going WELL beyond that purpose. ESFs are SUPPOSED to engage ground targets hence the A2G airframes, weapons and certifications available to the ESFs.

    I bet if I could sit up in the air where you couldn't touch me.. and stay in one spot where you can't even see me.. and kill everyone who dares come out from cover on the ground that you'd be upset about that. In fact, though it is mostly balone, that's what everyone complains about Libs. You sure love it when you're on the dealing end of the stick though don't you.
  3. Pockets

    Seems like they may have changed their minds.

    Lets see here though. Hot fix went live...yesterday from the looks of the announcement post. It hasn't even been two days and yet somehow you've thought up and worked though every single way to work with these changes, tried team tactics with other aircraft, and already know its completely hopeless?

    That be some extensive testing there.

    I use a skyguard though, so don't be grouping me in with the MAX units that get the render range shield. You know, the game issue they've clearly stated they are working to fix but is a bit of a tricky issue?

    And I have been on the receiving end of that with libs with daltons. A long ranges you can't even tell where they are firing from, just sudden damage.

    Lesse...useful things ESFs can do besides kill each other. Kill libs. Kill incoming gals. Kill vehicle reinforcements onroute from nearby bases and outposts. Replacement tanks and sundies rarely travel in packs to get back to the fight and should be easy targets. I also consider killing enemy ESFs so they can't do those things useful, even if you don't.

    Hell, if friendly pilots asked me to I would pilot a gal over the enemy base to draw fire long enough for them to dart in and hit their targets.
  4. mags

    Now all they need to do is nerf rocket pods, and we're good
  5. dumbo

    IMHO ESFs were supposed to be capable of engaging unprotected/lightly protected ground targets. A tank moving between bases, a convoy lacking air cover, a sunderer parked in a bad position.... those would be ESF-bait... and if the enemy had AA it would 'deter' the ESF from carrying out the attack.

    That all seemed sensible to me.

    In PS2 the balance was more like 'a tower with fully manned AA guns and several AA maxes was mostly capable of "detering" lone ESFs'. That doesn't sound sensible, and IMHO it was silly.

    My only criticism would be that vehicles should have the ability to change loadout at suitable vehicle pads/airpads.

    AA is the most thankless job in the game. it requires little skill but yields almost nothing in terms exp. points, the only people who do it are dedicated team players trying to deter enemy libs and esfs from ravaging the ground game.

    and "deter" is about all AA amounts to, unless at least 4 AA maxes or turrets focus fire on an esf to bring it down before it escapes. good luck with a lib at full health. a lib gunner or rocket podder quite literally earns more exp. in 15 minutes than an AA max or AA turret gunner will earn all day.

  7. Pockets

    I would kill for that. Skyguards are so useless if air isn't in the area its not even funny.
  8. AzK

    Want to keep arguing that the number of kills done by aa is relevant as to how easy and effective it is to use? Fine, have it your way, if you just refuse to see things objectively, i can't help you.

    You're a joke, not only your arguments make no sense whatsoever, but it's also clear as day you have no idea of both, what you're talking about and how things actually are in game from an objective perspective. Esf is currently pretty much worthless, and as a result the number of libs is rising exponentially because they're the only aircraft actually capable of attacking ground targets and survive to tell about it.

    I've played last night and i haven't seen anyone flying esfs a part from noobs getting blown to pieces by flak left and right. All the big dawgs switched to either libs, lightnings or tanks.
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  9. Purg

    If you fly the same way you dodge, buffing AA will have no effect on you.
  10. Callyste

    Of course they have the mobility, what I meant is it can be really dangerous to pull off if the targeted MBT is not a loner, as usually their rear armor is where the rest of their army is (unless none of them got any sort of AA, but then that's their loss :D)
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