Wow. More ESF nerfs.. GJ ._.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by YeOldeSammich, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. YeOldeSammich

    Seriously? The ESF's get another nerf? Where's the nerf to the OP max AA weapon? and WHY an increase for AA turrets? They are seriously killing ESFs at this rate. They were already pretty weak and easy to take out (not to mention lock on rockets and flares [which need a lower CD IMO]), so how much more paper thin are they going to be? Why even have ESF's if you're just going to make them weak as all hell?
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  2. Ak69

    You must be a poor pilot, cause the skilled ones are still going to laugh straight to the bank.
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  3. ajappat

    Skilled pilot doesn't hang around if there's AA. It murders ESF so fast now.
  4. phungus420

    My A2A mossy hasn't died to enemy air in a couple of days, always AA MAXes that kill it, can't even keep up with the timer anymore either. I can usually shoot down 5 or so planes in a run before I get instagigged by an invisible god mode AA MAX group. I'm going to try the afterburner pods, because boosting is the only way to get out of flak fire.

    On Connery sever it's also impossible to enter a major battle and get close enough to spot enemy armor in an ESF, flak will kill you. You pretty much have to stay behind your armored column now, though as a lib you can sometimes take strafing passes, but never within render range of infantry. This isn't true on Helios though, air still rules because the population doesn't create massive flak filled no fly zones, so I really think the experience is limited to the server. Also NC pilots on Connery probably have it the best; I like it when the TR push that way because you can actually take cover from both A2A missiles and flak in the reaver canyons.
  5. Selerox

    Maybe because you're a fighter. Not a bomber. Not a ground attack aircraft. You job is to clear the skies. If you're trying to take on ground units or operate at low level, then you're doing it wrong. Simple as that.

    Maybe it would be a more constructive use of your time in doing something useful for your faction? Like escorting friendly Libs and Galaxies? I've lost count of the times I've seen an ESF just fly right by and ignore a friendly Lib/Galaxy under attack from an enemy ESF.
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  6. phungus420

    I do this alot, it's kind of fun to escort full gals and libs, but it's hard to keep trak of them. The minimap is so small the once you engage an enemy aircraft the craft you are escorting will leave the minimap, and unrender making them nearly impossible to find again (and downright impossible if they are not in your squad).
  7. YeOldeSammich

    You obviously haven't much time around AA's. It takes ESF's longer to kill them than AA's to kill ESFs.
  8. maxkeiser

    Whine, whine.

    I've used AA turrets A LOT. Pre-patch, an ESF could just laugh in the face of an AA turret. They could fly right towards it taking no evasive action and still survive. Hopefully it will be different now.
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  9. YeOldeSammich

    You must suck at using AA weps then. The only trouble I've had in a AA weapon is when a Lib doesnt render for me and they are doing bombing runs.
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  10. HappyZaps

    No, this is fantasy. It is fantasy because in reality A2G weapons do exist, and so the A2G role is obviously an intended option. If the A2G role was not intended, there would be no A2G weapon. Surely that makes sense to you.

    Attacking the ground forces of the enemy is quite useful.
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  11. YeOldeSammich

    ESF's aren't strictly AA. What do you think the rocket pods for ESF's are for? There are A2G builds for ESF.
  12. maxkeiser

    Nope. I'm expert at them - used them from BF1942 onwards. The simple fact is they didn't do anywhere near enough damage. An AA turret should DESTROY an esf - not damage it or force it to run away.

    If an ESF gets near an AA turret he should die. Quite simple.

    Hopefully it will be like this now.
  13. Azren

    No it doesn't
  14. Azren

    Stop crying, ESF are still ridiculously OP. Kill an MBT in one pass? Sure! Kill anything else in one pass? SURE!!!
  15. HappyZaps

    Yeah, I routinely wreck eggshell fighters with those turrets. Turret vs. fighter is an ez-mode kill. Even more so now, I guess.
  16. YeOldeSammich

    Lol i've never heard so much Bs in my life.
  17. maxkeiser

    Hopefully the Skyguard will be more lethal now.
  18. maxkeiser

    You think a fixed, dedicated AA turret should NOT destroy an esf? lol? What utter nonsense. Anyway, it's good to see the Devs ignoring people like you. :)
  19. HappyZaps

    Only if you hit it from behind. At any other angle a tank will absorb an entire magazine of rockets.

    Not even close. A Sunderer will absorb a whole magazine of rockets no matter where you hit it. The turrets don't go down in one swing, either.

    I understand you want this to be a ground-only game, but that doesn't mean you can just make stuff up.
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  20. YeOldeSammich

    you probably got hit in the back of your tank (it's weakspot) by rockets.
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