Will you purchase a SMG for CQC?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Bloodmyth, Jan 20, 2013.


    I am still perplexed as to why the SMGs will be for all 5 normal classes. Imho, INF and Medic are the only ones who will make any use of them. Especialy.... what HA would pick a bloody SMG in their right mind? o_O I am guessing its probably due to more profit, since some people lack the common sense not to equip something that is useless for their class.

    On a side note, as with all my weapons, I will use certs to get them. Although I can already tell they will be another 1000 C / 700 SC options. Both of them. *Sigh* Would be nice if at least one of them was 250-500 certs, even if its kinda gimpy compared to the other one. Still better for infiltration than a bloody sniper/scout rifle + beamer combo.

    And yes, Stalker cloak would be nice. Anyone remember its exact mechanics? I cannot recall full extent of its properties.
  2. icesail

    SOE can keep their SMG is I can get a working cloak.....
  3. Flag

    If memory serves, Stalker Suit would disable primary weapon, but when certed enough it would recharge when stationary, and possibly also make you 100% invisible(deafult was lower draw on nanite energy when stationary)

    Note: There is a chance I'm mixing two suits together but I'm quite confident this was the specs of the suit.
  4. nkenny

    I would be very happy for some real CQB options. As always, youtube and trial before purchase...

  5. Gadamlu

    if i recall, maxed stalker suit allowed the use of either the Pistol, or the knife while cloaked
  6. altonyc

    I need to wait and trial it. I trialed the Artemis a week ago, and loved it, so I'm saving up 1k certs for the patch. If I trial the SMG and it ends up being as good or better, I'll buy that (since SMG is for all classes, even though I already have shotgun), and if it isn't as good as the artemis, I'll buy the scout rifle instead. I'm really curious as to how they're going to compare, since the automatic scout rifles are basically SMGs already.
  7. Dubious

    Who knows, maybe it replaces pistol ;)
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  8. Flag

    I'm fairly certain it is a primary one. :|

  9. Plague Rat

    Silver Lining: They said on Friday Night Ops they're working on heavy pistols, machine pistols, and revolvers, as well as more secondary weapon customization options. Something to look forward to at least.
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  10. Gadamlu

    indeed, i cant wait to trial new pistols for the VS
  11. Plague Rat

    I know right? There are so few pistols atm that if you're particular army's style doesn't suite you there's not a lot of options. I know VS have troubles in particular. Can't wait to see what they come up with.

    skip to 21:25 to see the heavy pistol making of.

    Oh and on the dev twitters they confirm SMGs are primary weapons.
  12. Daimond

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  13. Dr. Euthanasia

    I'm certainly not buying an SMG when there's a revolver on the way and we still have some vague hope of Stalker Camouflage being implemented. If I have to choose between powerful weapons and powerful stealth, I'll take stealth every time. No sense in buying a CQC focused gun that I can't use when I'm actually doing CQC right, after all.

    My only hope is that this revolver is both accurate and suppressor-compatible.
  14. Plague Rat

    Haven't heard anything about silencer yet, but I know they were talking about scopes for it, so you can probably bank on higher end accuracy.
  15. Dubious

    Can revolvers have suppressors?
    Cause I cant say ive ever seen one..
  16. nkenny

  17. Plague Rat

    As a rule of thumb no, because a suppressor is an 'aftermarket' attachment, and due to the gap between the cylinder even if the sound from the barrely is reduced, a loud noise can still come from the chamber.

    However I recall a silenced revolver existing around the WWII era that used special ammunition with a specially designed cartidge that closed off that gap and allowed it to be silenced, so it's anyone's guess.

    EDIT: Bingo Nkenny got it. The M1895 Nagant, proving Belgians can make more than just waffels. ;)
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  18. Gadamlu

    wot he said, about to post similar, but i accidentaly changed the page

    good you know about the Nagant revolver!
  19. Dr. Euthanasia

    I knew about the existence of one as well, if not the name, but it's obscure enough that I'm still worried. Even from a gameplay perspective, it's possible that revolvers could be judged too powerful to be silent despite the fact that our class needs powerful sidearms more than any other.
  20. Plague Rat

    Well one saving grace is that if you don't get a silencer, it's an NS weapon, so you won't have a vanu pew-pew to give you away so obviously.

    Stat-wise if it's a side-grade to the current heavy pistols I don't see any reason why it wouldn't get them. Like if it was 334-250 damage with 6 rounds, and a fire-rate in the neighborhood of 200 that would put it right in that range.

    From the realism and aesthetic point they mentioned that it was a breech-load, so if that's the case the way the white part of the frame forms a sheath around the front of the drum that could act as a gas-seal, and the tip of the barrely sticks out a bit like it's threaded for attachments. *fingers crossed*