Will you purchase a SMG for CQC?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Bloodmyth, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. Tnsr

    Hugely disappointing it will be a primary, dunno yet if I will spend Certs on the SMG. My primary is a sniper rifle.
    Giving the Infiltrators SMGs as sidearms so we can decide to go CQC and hack some stuff when needed, without the need to reequip beforehand would have been so nice as we are ******** anyway with our useless sidearms, useless cloak and useless infiltrator tool.
    I guess SMGs will have less DMG output than the available rifles, so if I have a Stalker with 20 rounds or a SMG with 25 rounds will be somehow the same and will take over the problem the available automatic Infiltrator rifles already have.

    Seriously SOE. SMGs as sidearms for Infiltrators please, let us Cert into that in a tech tree, or allow SMGs only for Infiltrators with semi automatic sniper rifles, or let us trade our cloak for the SMG. Everything's fine as long as you make it a sidearm!
    Give us flexibility on the fly. The cry about Infiltrators only sitting back and snipe some stuff without use for the team is already big enough.
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  2. MeltingCPU

    It will probably be some gimped auto weapon so chances are I'm gonna keep "infiltrating" with my Rebel pistol. And only at daytime, of course, because our suits glow in the dark.
  3. GSZenith

    so you are another of those annoying snipers forcing me to jump all over the place without being any useful?
  4. Nogrim313

    im pretty sure that only shows up to your own faction, ive never seen a TR/NC infil glow at all, if it just for your faction its probably to keep you from getting constantly team killed

    as for the SMG ill have to try it out and see what attachments are available, currently i love going in with a nyx/pistol and prepping bases behind enemy lines (always fun when the enemy attempts to fall back only to find every console/turret in the base flipped. i flip the infantry ones first so they can't switch to an inf/eng to re flip or repair them with out redeploying LOL
  5. Flag

    It's fun to cripple bases, but at the same time you cheat your faction out of a good base fight. Which is a damn shame.
  6. Nogrim313

    true but our fighters / libs love the lack of any AA guns on a tower and taking away those vehicle pads/turrets pushes the fight inside much much faster and gives us better rush on the bigger facilities
  7. pnkdth

    I give it a couple of weeks before SMGs gets nerfed one way or another for infiltrator, possibly even removed. I'm holding off on buying it. Easily managable hipfire + high RoF + cloaks... Yeah, it is not going to last. The forums will drown in the tears of people annoyed at getting blindsided by infiltrators.

    I'll stick to my Artemis and Nyx for now.
  8. VelcroPudding

    no, I will not purchase any weapons ever again.
  9. Flag

    Well, yes. True. But again if they put up resistance, your little rampage on the walls is quickly shut down. Hence the desire for useful CQC weapons.

    Edit: Fixed some wording.
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  10. Deschain

    Same, i wont buy anything more for this game, no way wil i be suckered into buying an item and then for it to be nerfed to uselessness again.
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  11. Flag

    What did you buy that were nerfed hard afterwards? The Zepher? Tank HE weapons?
  12. Skadi

    Wait, SMG,s arnt out yet? Then wtf is this gun I pull out when I hit 2?
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  13. Flag

  14. GSZenith

    meanwhile i'll zoom around be untouchable, making 0 sound, spam my 0 skill shotgun from behind with LA, cos you know inf couldn't have shotguns cos it would be op to come from nowhere with 0 warning unloading a shotgun.
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  15. AnotherNoob

    Yes. And for the tr side arm, its very nice in cqc, but >10m it is really bad, especially considering the horrid iron sight, wtb side arm reflex sight!
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  16. Flag

    However, it's superior to the guns the other factions get. So take what you get and enjoy what you have. Smiling while doing so is recommended, but optional.
  17. Dubious

    no you dont..
  18. AnotherNoob

    I'm guessing he didn't notice this was the infiltrator section :p
  19. Cirevam

    Oh whoops, my mistake. :confused: Yes, I didn't notice this was the Infiltrator Fun Club. But still, I don't know why SMGs are going to be available for all non-MAX classes when everyone else has good CQC options already. More money for SOE I guess...
  20. Plague Rat

    Because variety is the spice of life... and gaming. The more options you provide to players the more choices they get to make, the more involved and invested they become in the experience.