Will we ever get this gun?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheBloodEagle, Apr 15, 2014.

  1. Killuminati C

    I wish these were in game. Especially that VS gun model. It's sooooo much better that the types you see in game now :(.
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  2. Hoki

    Wow wtf happened to our good looking ARs and carbines? And medics with blood kits.

    Maybe we'll have that game one day.
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  3. Scr1nRusher

    ^ T-ray happened
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  4. AdmiralArcher

    that will be 1000 SC please
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  5. Ripshaft

    It's possible but there's absolutely no reason to expect it, that screen is from alpha before they had finalized the game's aesthetic .
  6. z1967

    Also, what the **** is that abomination. it looks like the blutsager from TF2 :|

    EDIT: added link for blutsager.
  7. BluescalesNZ

    Which makes me sad, because in my opinion it looks a hell of a lot better than the other TR ARs, and would add more variety.
    There's more important things for the devs to focus on currently, but I hope at some point in the future once the game is in a good place metagame and balance-wise the weapon models get a major overhaul, they aren't bad by any means, but more variety would be nice. I'd love it if more NC guns had those things that look like capacitors/batteries/electrical dodads that the GR-22 and Carnage Assault Rifle have, It makes them look like heavy, solid, no frills, no ******** weapons, that's just me, though.
  8. Shadowomega

    The Blood kits are still on the Medic [IMG] Also I started to look at the Old AR model in the screen shot and looked that the SABR-13 and the models look close but not spot on.

    At least the TR heavy looks nearly Identical except for some small armor detail and color swap.

    Hmmm, come to think of it looking at the armors in the alpha pics looks like they didn't have a defined class system. The top pics the Heavies have ARs, the medics and engineers have ARs, as did the Light Assaults. The pic of the guy with the MCG his armor looks more like the Planetside 1 basic armor where you only had a flak jacket and no leg armor. The last pic, the Medic using the repeater, has the Light Assault helm on instead of the medic helm seen in other pics. So its likely they had various or interchangeable cosmetic armor pieces based on the armor type you had. Basic, Agile(currently Medic, Engineer, Light Assualt), Rexo(Heavy Assault) However, these armor look very high polycount so its likely they cut that down further taking some of the smaller details out of the armor. Armors in the alpha shots look great and would be great for 64 v 64 but this launched with 2k per continent, and we saw how the servers and recording team had trouble rendering that many players during the UESD last year with all 3 empires crammed into Bastion.

    In the end just get the composite armor, only difference is the color scheme. Though I do agree with the guns.
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  9. WyrdHarper

    I really do love the old pistol design. I hope (if we ever get it) the full auto pistol uses that model.
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  10. Llaf

    The old TR and NC armor was way cooler looking as well.
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  11. Shadowomega

    Oh remember that T-Ray did post these on his tweeter image section a couple months ago, concept for armor of the Heavy Assault at least. So just hope these come about, as well as the client hitches.

    [IMG] [IMG]
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  12. DirArtillerySupport

    Yes the cheers were deafening....and now my old computer plays fine on ultra....and makes this game look like it was released in 2010 for a next gen console...which is probably what they were going for from day one.
  13. David Lancaster

    My guess would be that in a few years they will revert the dumbed-downs to the game graphics and textures when PCs can handle PS2 a bit better. I also expect to see new models for TR that do, actually look good.
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  14. Paragon Exile

    Asking for great graphics in a game of this scale is... unrealistic.
  15. TheBloodEagle

    Too bad at the rate it takes things to get into the game, we will see these armors in late 2015.
  16. DirArtillerySupport

    How would that be good for their PS4 sales?
  17. Jogido

    personally I would love a weapon model pass.

    Maybe the VS ones are ok for that sci-fi look, but generally the PS2 weapons look like toys and definitely not enough variation in looks for many of them.
  18. Hatesphere

    man I love asymmetry in game design, it makes it easier to identify classes at range and I think that pauldron looks bad ***.