Will Planetside 2 Kill GW2?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheBull, Nov 20, 2012.

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  1. RobotNinja

    SWTOR couldn't even kill Maple Story.
  2. VodkaGR

    What does GW2 even mean
  3. Toast

    Young people playing online PC games with character progression. I'd say there's a lot of overlap.
  4. Bigperm

    GW2 Is still alive?
  5. Toast

    Also, how can people say there's no overlap when they not only know a lot about the other game but have also clearly playedit. Are you guys ********?
  6. xpsyclosarinx

    This thread gave me cancer.
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  7. Meldity

  8. Omegataco

  9. Goats

    If you throw it hard enough...
  10. Fuse

    I think this is a joke, and I'm laughing. GJ!
  11. n0pax

    Yes GW2 is still alive and going strong.
  12. Nalothisal

    Everyone and their mother has had tried to do that. WoW is it's own enemy.
  13. AlterEgo

    We should be trying to kill Eternal Crusade. I mean, go Space Marines, but that game's economic model is a COMMUNIST model...

    And therefore deserves a full three-days' bombardment of Phoenix (Freedom) launchers and SCREEEEEEEEEEE (Space 'Murican) missiles... just to show them Capitalism's unfailing superiority.
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  14. Obscura

    Remember the enclave? They went to go play GW2, I guarantee you if that game gets ****** planetside will be on the table for alot of people again.
  15. iLogan

    Rewarded for a 3 year bumb!! HURRAY
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  16. Sovereign533

    Necrophile detected! :p
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  17. FieldMarshall

    Will Starcraft 2 kill Call of Duty.
    I realize that its a 2012 post but i have to get it of my chest that you are comparing 2 completely different things.
  18. Dualice

    Well played!
  19. asmodraxus

    GW2 died the day I realized it wasn't anything like GW1

    Several days after installing it and playing it.
  20. Crator

    People bounce around to different games all the time, if they are hardcore gamers....
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