Will Emerald Inherite Mattherson's Plague?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tycoh, Sep 25, 2014.

  1. Posse

    What mentality? Just go fight 50/50 fights (like what you do in EVERY SINGLE FPS out there) instead of zerging, you don't need to be hardcore to do that and that's all you need to improve, go to fights that last, not steamrolls where you spend more time camping the spawn or sitting on the point than actually fighting.

    Besides, it's not like every VS outfit is DA or AC (or NivX :p), we're only 150 guys, of which 40 are online at any given time at most, that's like 5% of the total VS population.
  2. LibertyRevolution

    Here is my stereotype of emerald factions.

    TR = Zerg
    NC = Lone Wolves
    VS = Try Hards

    This is caused partially by the lore I think..
    TR are military, strength in unity, fallow orders, overwhelm with superior numbers.
    NC are rebels, they don't want to work together, they use guerrilla tactics or drop on key locations and hold them.
    VS are methodical, they will plan for all contingency, they will lock down the area and create lanes of death, point hold or die.
  3. Tommyp2006

    I always find these threads interesting on why no one wants to fight against VS, and why VS always do so much better than everyone else on Emerald. You can easily see through stat sites, that on average VS have much more experienced players. Why is this? I would imagine that players who are winning fights more often tend to stick around more. Other interesting things in these charts like average outfit sizes, etc. NC seems to have more average pop oddly, but that might be carried over from the old Waterson NC players who aren't as active, don't know when inactive players stop being counted here.

  4. Dracorean

    I can think of 3 to 4 outfits that rely on zerg tactics more so than I would like to make a note of, but usually the way they run like that is so that they can gather new members as their platoons usually consist of 30% outfit members with the rare one squad full of outfit members. They are easy to farm most of the time because they are either filled with new players, people who just came in, or just the random guy from another outfit that comes around due to the low activity of their outfit.

    Its just easy to farm them because they are just trying to get more people under their banner most of the time, same could be said with some VS outfits or TR ones.
  5. gibstorm

    You have DA, AC, Goku, V, ZAPS and a ton more plus pop advantage. We have a bunch of scrubs that can't even fly and aren't good at using combined arms.

    I mean there is a reason VS steam rolls every single alert. It's not magic. You guys have tons and tons of people who are not gods, but have experience and lots of certs and the ability to smash what we can field.
  6. Syggelekokle

    Then double team us all you want, you can already see it happen now during alerts sometimes. You'll only be making your faction fight with 50% more players at each and every single fight or you'll have VS redeploying out from one faction to go all in at the easily farmable large facility you eventually push us back to. Please return us to the time of the old Scarred Mesa holdouts or the Hidden Ridge grinders.
  7. gibstorm

    See look, bring it, We know we have the skill needed to turn you into soup. The teams are messed up right now.

    Not that it actually happens as players would rather fight easy targets then get farmed in the bases this guy is talking about
  8. Tycoh

    I'd rather have the false sense of advancement than sitting in spawn room with the droning *PEWPEWPEWPEWPEWPEWPPAPPPAPPAPPAPPA* blasting at the shields. If you want a challenge, encourage a TR+NC alliance VS for the reward of farmable certs. 2 Factions enjoy actually having a sense of accomplishment and victory while the other farms.
  9. IrishPride

    OP, just play the game shoot some people log off, alerts mean jack diddly, just enjoy the massive fights no other FPS can do! (yet)
  10. NoobConglomerate

    I made alts on other factions when I wanted a challenge. BR 100 NC, positive KD, why not try something new and more challenging in starting over with nothing?

    Its fun too.

    Its boring playing VS on Emerald because they win so much. Its a yawnfest. Cant hardly find a fight where they dont outpop the enemy by at least 2:1 odds, often enough 3:1. At that point you're all just competing with each other to get the odd kill here and there, like vultures. Its just not fun. I dont see how they keep doing it (the BR 100s) Sure its fun winning, but its like playing the same game over and over again on Easy and never upping the difficulty.
  11. Pat22

    What I find amusing here is that I feel I've improved a lot since I started playing my TR more often and gone up against DA on a regular basis.
    Obviously I die a lot in actively seeking out DA members but the more I do it, the smaller the loss percentage gets over time. You don't get better by fighting people who are weaker than you, you get better by fighting people who are stronger than you, and when you lose you ask yourself why you lost and see if you can't use that yourself or find a way to counter it.
    That or you give up and ragequit, which I guess is the choice most people in this thread make.
    • Up x 1
  12. Paragon Exile

    I bookmarked this thread for future reading, this is some precious material.

    If you lose, it's because you didn't fight hard enough, you weren't good enough. This applies to individuals and groups equally. Nut up.
  13. BaronVonVirtu

    Lets go NC/TR. If you feel that you need that double team feeling to cut down the Vanu...do it.

    As much as I'd ever love to help out NC, seeing them recently I feel that they're fairly lost causes. It's just not meant to be. Angry that they lose, but don't care in the slightest to fix it.
  14. ColonelChingles

    It would help if DA didn't follow us from base to base. :p

    In our pubbie platoon tonight we'd go to a base... and then all of a sudden we're outnumbered 2:1 and DA is flooding out of the woodwork. So fine. They showed up to defend (except by defend they "fail" to kill Sunderers and simply sit in buildings and farm). So we go to another base a quarter of the way across the map.

    Less than 2 minutes later there's DA and associates again, outnumbering us and making the fight incredibly unfun.

    It wasn't until we switched continents where we could find fights that weren't suddenly population imbalanced within seconds. Although I gotta admit that your players are skilled, your tactics remind me of TE philosophy more than anything else.
  15. EnsignPistol

    While I can certainly name names in that category, I suspect a good deal more are simply acting in a cynically rational fashion. They don't like losing alerts, but they consider the amount of time and effort it'd take to turn the faction around not worth the effort, since it's a lot of energy for something that isn't that rewarding to them. The metagame for winning alerts is, after all, rather divorced from the metagame of farming kills, something the game puts a lot more effort into keeping track of and rewarding with things like tracking lifetime and session k/d, service ribbons and medals for weapon kills, directives that often involve getting kills (or entirely involve them in the case of weapons directives), and the like. Why care about being competitive with alerts when what the game really cares about is how many people you kill?

    But if you're looking for some Emerald NC who really do want to try fixing things, try NC Headquarters. I'm sure the admins there would be thrilled to have you.
  16. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Consider the ego stroked. :D
  17. LightningWolfTigrBer

    Buzzcut was an obnoxious ***** and this game is better off without him. I understand the desire for strong leadership, but the TR deserves waaaaaaay better than Buzzcut.
    • Up x 1
  18. xDesideratus

    The biggest problem is that TR and NC have a tendency to complain rather than work on improvement. Realtalk: All factions are sufficiently balanced so that player skill is the deciding factor, not what gun/vehicle you're using. If you ever blame something/someone other than yourself for your shortcomings, you're never going to improve. Here are some genuine tips:

    - Use orders to coordinate. Even if nobody responds keep doing it, and you'll eventually build a group receptive leaders through persistence and effort. Don't argue in orders, if someone is being toxic just /ignore them.
    - Try to improve. Use the DA stats site and/or Recursion Realtime Stat Tracker to monitor your performance, and put actual effort into playing better. Nobody but you can make you play better, so hop to it.
    - If you outnumber the enemy, leave; Make liberal use of your redeploy key to hop between balanced fights. You aren't going to improve if the odds are in your favor, push yourself.
    - Stop pulling armor, especially at bases where it's completely useless. If you ever pull up to, say, a biolab in a tank, you're playing terrible and you should feel terrible. Armor is super-situational and rarely needed. The counter to armor is not armor, it's infantry with massed rockets.
    - Avoid meatgrinders. If it's an obvious grind (like attacking a defended biolab), or you just find yourself dying too much, leave. You get more XP fighting a good fight than you do from the actual cap reward. Don't get too attached to a fight, there are always others!
    - Learn your tools. Most guns (Infantry or vehicle) excel at something; A specific range, feature, attachment, or the like. Learn what this is and tailor fight to your gear. Part of this is just knowing what range to engage at, long or short, and takes practice to learn.
    - Don't use full-auto fire all the time, you'll just miss. Learn to do controlled bursts of 3-6 bullets depending on target range and how controllable the gun is. You will win against the spray-and-pray bads basically every time at mid to long range.
    - Read the map, learn to flank. If you know for a fact an enemy is watching a certain area, here's a thought; Don't be in that area! Always look for other angles of attack, and make efforts to put up a couple sundies in odd locations.
    - Never camp spawns. You will be farmed while accomplishing nothing. Instead, hang back nearer the cap point, in an area where you have clear line of sight to the lane defenders will take. If you can see a spawn room shield, you are playing badly.
    - Teleporters can make or break a fight. Most bases have a teleporter in them; If you're a defender, always take the teleporter because the bads have tunnel vision, and never watch it. If you're attacking, watch for a crash from the teleporter. That said, see the above tip and don't get too close.
    - Love the infiltrator. First off though, NEVER SNIPE. If you need more than a 2x or 3.4x scope, you are absolutely not contributing to a fight, don't even try to pretend. Sniper bads are nothing but wasted population. That said, infils are invaluable because of sensor darts/motion spotters! These things light up other players on your minimap, and just to make this clear, they are in-game, legal wallhacks. If you are in the fight, putting down spotters, you are doing well; If you're not, don't play an infil. Use an SMG or Scout Rifle, or one of the no-sway bolt actions (Ghost/SAS-R/TSAR) with a 2x or 3.4x scope if you absolutely must have a big gun.

    Try doing all this stuff, and actually get good. If you're not improving, you aren't doing what I said so don't even try to front. As a VS main, I'd really love to see NC and TR that pose a serious threat, rather than the demoralized and uncoordinated rabble they are now. Oh and one more note: You are allowed to snipe if you're Mustarde, everyone else, just stop.

    (countdown to terrible snipers trying to argue; Warning, I will pull your stats)
  19. DatVanuMan

  20. Regpuppy

    For me, it's never "one outfit" that does it. It's that 2-3(BR 75+) platoon ********** that redeploys at the last minute and floods the point with 60/40 or better. :p