Will Emerald Inherite Mattherson's Plague?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tycoh, Sep 25, 2014.

  1. Tycoh

    The fight is about not getting dominated by the VS again and turning Emerald into another Dramattherson. Double teaming might not make us better but it will keep more enemies busy and spread out while allowing the opposing lower players to catch up in experience and skill.

    What? You're going to get better by going to fights where you don't win by numbers? So it must be very difficult for Emerald VS player to get experienced in their zergs they hang out in, huh?

    Or better yet, do you fly an aircraft into a group of 3-5 enemy ESFs to gain a better understanding of how to kill them? Or charging a tank into a group of enemy tanks will make you better at killing tanks? These are, what we call in TR and NC, suicide tactics that don't result in anything but XP for the VS. :C
  2. Shanther

    Don't get me wrong NUC had some skilled players, however a lot of it was also just straight abuse of specific weapons and tactics. TAR Medics + Engis + Frac MAX circle jerks. Or even Marauder Harrassers. Combine all of that with constant 3 - 4 squads and its just nasty.
  3. Posse

    Well, yeah, that's your fault for not having good outfits, almost every single TR outfit is a zergfit, that's why all your good players left, no good player wants to play in a zergfit where the only thing they know if to throw 3 platoons against 2 squads.
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  4. miraculousmouse

    BWC :)
  5. Posse

    Idk, I always threw myself into fights where the enemy has between 25% and 50% more people than me, that's how I got gud.

    Fighting with the odds slightly against you (like 40/60) =/= going 1v5 (which is 14/86 odds)
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  6. gibstorm

    That doesn't make the game better. They games is doomed like this it's just a CoD pug stomp.

    I mean are the top players in this game really happy with an endless pug stop against low skill players?? People just go welll..... I guess i will switch to VS so i can win or make a good unit

    TR and NC are going to bleed out then they will turn the servers off. Cause once they have to merge east and west coast it GG the pings will be a joke
  7. ScienceKills

    FRZA will answer the call
  8. Tycoh

    Where is it that we're showing that the VS are OP? You're the only one who has been bringing up weapons and equipment that were considered OP while we're just generalizing on how easy it is to play as VS.

    They're easy, which i guess would be considered unfair and in other close minded perspectives "OP". Just saying we're sticking our thumbs up our ***** isn't helpful or encouraging.

    Here's a summarization of what i'm trying to get at in this thread. The VS have better players. They are better than us. You, me, or any single player aren't significant enough to push the VS back. We need to find a friend fast before the server turns into a lack luster VS hive like Mattherson.

    I'm not sure if its safe to continue conversing with you as it might drop this thread into a "VS OP, NERF" thread. No offense.
  9. LibertyRevolution

    Once you are better at the game, you make a VS, I think that is how it works.
  10. DQCraze

    The TRs problem is bad strategic decisions. Take today for instance Saerro Listening Post. NC to the south VS to the NW. The base is in the bottom of a bowl. NC and VS sit up on the rim of the bowl and shoot down at the tower for more then two hours. TR let themselves be farmed and i had to switch conts because i couldnt watch it anymore. Yes 96 people kept running out of the towers repeatedly and dieing for more then two hours.
    They gave the whole map and were warpgated to do this. This is just bad leadership, i ran public platoons for over a year and never would let people get farmed like this. It was just plain stupid...
  11. Posse

    It's an MMO, since all the players are together in the same server, top players stomping low skill players (especially when top players are a minority) is something inevitable. That's why we go to fights where the pops are against us, and not the opposite, in order to have a challenge, but there's a certain point where no matter how good you are, the numbers are just too much, and guess what outfits play in that environment, which the pops heavily in their favor? The zergfits, which are the majority of people.

    And that's why the good players get better, and the bad players never improve.

    It's simple math, really, at any given point, there are more people zerging than people getting zerged, supposed you have 3 fights in the continent, with all 3 factiosn having 100 people.

    Fight 1: TR vs NC (75v25)

    Fight 2: VS vs NC (50v50)

    Fight 3: TR vs VS (25v50)

    How many people are getting zerged? Only 50.

    How many people are zerging? 125.

    Those 125 will never get better because they'll never learn the situational awareness required in situations where you're outnumbered. If your faction is full of zergfits, the large majority of your population will be zerging all the time, and will be bad forever.

    You want to get gud? Then the leaders of your TR outfits need to change their damn mentality. Stop caring about steamrolling easy captures with 75% pop and start caring about capping bases with 50/50 or worse odds.
  12. gibstorm

    It's not going to happen. It' been 2 years and how many server merges and the problem only gets worse not better.

    Fighting waves of scrubs is still not the same as fight players of equal skill. They games is headed for the garbage, if TOP players are happy with this. The game is doomed.

    I agree with what you are saying,......But those players simply don't exists on our side in large numbers. They have quit or switched to VS
  13. Posse

    Do something to change it then, lol. it's not impossible. Take VCO for example, I read Aeflic (who I think is the leader of that outfit) a few months ago saying he wanted his outfit to "level up" (idk if he used those words exactly, but that was the idea). VCO was what I considered an easy zergfit to farm.

    To my surprise, these last few days they've been quite the decent opposition, I wouldn't call them elite or anything near that yet, but I definitely think they're WAY better than they were 4 months ago. Props to them.

    On the other hand, PHX and TAS are as easy to farm as they've always been.
  14. Tycoh

    I've done that enough in Mattherson. I don't want to experience it again with your faction on top, again. It was painfully not fun and I could validly say I wasted life and time during the Mattherson period getting angry that I couldn't help my underpopulated faction have more fun and win more fights. Players shouldn't encourage such because new players HATE this as it sucks dying to everyone over and over again with no chance of fighting back. People are playing this game for fun, not to get dominated.
  15. Posse

    Go do it against NC then, the point is the same.
  16. Pineapple Pizza!

    Can someone from the TR who's not an idiot explain to me why there aren't any decent mid-sized outfits that cooperate with other decent mid-sized outfits? The VS don't really have anything that stands out except their AC / DC, the hacker that moved to connery, and the hordes of vanugoons who come down from the steppes in their magriders to ravish our women and burn our crops...so I don't buy that bit about being demoralized beyond repair.

    I haven't heard command chat myself, but from what I've been told, there is nothing but silence. Why? I can't imagine that we have such big egos leading our outfits that nobody is willing to coordinate. What is going on?
  17. gibstorm

    You guys don't get it, We don't have players with that mentality anymore. Those players have quit or gotten recruited into a VS units. When units do try to forum that last 3 or 4 months then shatter like [NUC]

    Do you honestly think the game will last long like this??

    We would need to build up like 100 players. That is not happening anytime soon. Our faction is mainly low level casuals while VS is rammed full of hardcore 100s. You are not turning casuals into a unit that can compete with top level players
  18. theBigM

    VS basically made me stop playing the game. so unbalanced faction wise on emerald these days. not any fun to lose all the time
  19. Tycoh

    I would say that I'd hate NC if the same thing happened on Mattherson. But since i've been playing NC i've found that there is a lot of hatred for VS on that faction too. They mostly agree that they like fighting TR more than VS. Hence this thread. A possible chance to even the odds between NC+TR vs VS.

    I would imagine you'd disagree having a NC+TR alliance against VS as I'm guessing by your signature tag, you main VS. Unless you enjoy a challenge.
  20. Tycoh

    It's because leading sucks in general unless you're tolerant of arguments and as you said, have a huge ego. Players have stopped caring in the TR faction because there isn't much reason to listen to commanders. Usually you're own choices bring you more certs than working with a team with a precise commander.

    Also thanks for calling us idiots.