Why VS is losing most alerts on Waterson right now

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ViXeN, Oct 11, 2013.

  1. shd

    Yea, it's like Animal Planet here lately :cool:
  2. Tekuila

    Already taken. :D
  3. libbmaster

    You can put together a squad of tryhards?

    Do you have an outfit?

    VREV has some nice people and I had some of my best platoon leading experiences with them when i joined but... let me put it this way: they use the ingame chat for dedicated command-and-control despite having a teamspeak server.

    I need to get out before I go bonkers, and I have people who I can bring with me.
  4. ViXeN

    I do have a new outfit getting ready to start but right now we only have 4 people playing together and I usually invite a couple of other friends as well. So we usually just do one private squad at the moment so we can work on our teamwork together. We are a pretty good squad but we can only do so much against multiple platoons.
  5. Simferion

    I think the real problem about VS in Waterson (I don't have any significative experience on Mattherson TR so far) is they use the ingame chat for everything. I need to turn it off very often because my ears starts to bleed and the ducking effect is devastating.
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  6. ViXeN

    Voice chat can be annoying sometimes for sure because of all the random chatter and people trying to talk at the same time. Its ok if you're not really dong anything but when you are trying to win an alert you need to keep the channel clear for squad/platoon leaders unless you are calling something out. A lot of people don't seem to understand that so you get this kind of stuff happening....

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  7. libbmaster

    This. All of this.
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  8. libbmaster

    I know that feeling. That said, a full 12/12 squad fighting shoulder to shoulder and decked out for the occasion can cause some serious pain.

    If you can put even two squads like that, (or even three!) on the field and get them into battle together, you can chage the outcomes of fights. This is especially useful in very large fights where the numbers are even but our side is getting pummeled. If you can give the pubies hope and a light at the end of the tunnel, they will usually rally to your cause and morale across the server will improve.

    Keep fighting the good fight!
  9. Simferion

    Yeah... sometimes I like sometimes to play with my Waterson alt especially in some hours of the (Italian) night-early morning because European players are sleeping while American players are in prime-time. My work makes me sleep during daylight so I play in the morning or during the night in my spare days. My ping is not so bad (135 ms) so I can play quite safely.
    And when I join a platoon it's a continuous chatting of strategy, tactics, trash-talking. In every kind of chat (platoon, squad, proximity). While spawncamping or travelling I wouldn't mind, but this happens during the fiercest fights destroying any bit of situational awareness.
  10. Hoki

    VS on waterson are like a constantly drunk wandering /yelling rave party.
  11. teks

    Nothin like an outfit member that publicly announces his intent to betray them.
  12. ViXeN

    What? Well you're half right. I do think I'm one of the better gamers out there but I have never complained about getting killed. LOL I don't care if i die 50 times in a game. And half the time if someone gets a nice kill on me or ends one of my streaks, I let them know with a tell.

    As for Teck, he isn't new to the game so I doubt that he didn't know it was an exploit. And I wouldn't have even posted the proof if he wouldn't have been trying to deny that he even did it. I'm not a big fan of people who do something and then lie about it. Oh and just to be clear, teck didn't even kill me when he was doing that. My MAX took one hit and then I stayed inside the buildings where he couldn't hit me.
  13. DeadliestMoon

    I take it you didn't see my edited post. But anyway, what makes you think everyone who's been playing for a while knows about all the exploits? I bet you there's people with BR40s who don't even know that you can change an ENGs MANA turret into an ammo pack.
  14. ViXeN

    I almost never use an engi so no, I didn't. But I do know most of the exploits in the game because I have seen them. And unless a person was completely dumb they should know that sitting a Lib on the dome so that you could fire through the wall would be considered an exploit. :rolleyes: That is kind of obvious.
  15. Mostadio

    Because 10k xp and bragging rights isn't worth stopping what I"m doing so I can get steam rolled. It's honestly more fun/lucrative to warpgate the TR on Indar during an Amerish/Esamir alert and then farm the bejeezus out of them when they get back.
  16. DeadliestMoon

    Yeah obvious to the people that know it...............
    So new players or people who aren't big on cheating (not saying you are) won't have a clue you can do that.
  17. ViXeN

    I don't buy it. Also, people at Xelas were yelling in chat about him and the other guy (we had two Libs doing it) and saying they were reporting them. And they didn't stop immediately like one would think.
  18. DeadliestMoon

    Well then there's nothing I can tell you because you'll just believe what you want to believe. Or not believe.
  19. libbmaster

    ...Why did I do this.

    A couple hours later this feels like the stupidest thing I ever did.

    I never meant any disrespect to the outfit and the people in it.

    But I guess I should have thought of that when I went and mouthed off.
  20. teks

    Your cool. It just sucks hearing negativity about the outfit. I'm partial to the in game chat system myself, because I can't ever tell who the heck is talking on teamspeak, but maybe its worth me trying to get the dang overlay to work right. Probably need to change my buttons too.
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