Why VS is losing most alerts on Waterson right now

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ViXeN, Oct 11, 2013.

  1. lothbrook

    Its good and bad the VS don't show up to alerts on waterson, good in that sometimes the fights between TR and NC are just crazy with constant vehicles and aircraft arriving and blowing **** up, and 3 way fights always screw over both attackers, bad cause all I ever shoot at is TR, would be nice to see some purple buzz past me at times.
  2. DashRendar

    Yes this has been happening consistently since the warpgate flip, and the Waterson VS are still beating the Waterson NC in the WDS. Figure that one out. "NC lose and TR win and it's 100% population based, not weapon balance" my a**.
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  3. MedecineMan

    There really are like no reasonable incentives to do an alert.
  4. teks

    I'm sorry I'm just being provocative.:D

    Our outfit had a strong 12 man squad up late at 2 am doing an esimir capture alert, and we won with about the same odds you described in your post. We had some hard fought victories in there let me tell ya. It was crazy.

    I think the high point was taking a location surrounded by 5-6 vehicles, some air, some very good infantry players. It was 3 minutes of us running around the point like lunatics constantly getting rezzed just to die again.I wanted to beg for them to stop rezzing me after I died several times in a row, but I looked and to my surprise we were keeping the point. It felt good to take down a skilled squad against unfavorable odds. I'm still not terribly confident in my shooting skills, and it felt good to put them to the test and come out on top.
  5. CaptainYamerica

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  6. Tekuila

    Bravo, would read again.

    Good show olde chap.
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  7. ColdCheezePizza

    weapon balance has more to do with the population imbalance then you think, frustrated NC players eventually realize dps is king and then leave to greener pastures which only exacerbate the problem.
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  8. Lancener

    Not too interested in going in on a 12-24 vs 48+ fight, which is what every alert not on Indar turns into. Fighting at some disadvantage I'm fine with but when it's hopeless, I'm not wasting my time with it. We usually get pushed by TR and NC even if we have the least territory control, we had 20% the other night and still had major pushing from TR and NC when NC had 47%.

    Every time I logged in all week Indar was the only place with half-decent populations, everywhere else had ~60% to one faction, alert or not. Some days I just logged out because there were no fights worth being in, even on Indar. The thing that would really fix this is just more VS on Waterson, if any VS outfit out there wants to find a new/alternate server, Waterson welcomes you lol.
  9. teks

    We're getting a lot of new VS players, but the thing is they are new VS players.
  10. LibertyRevolution

    Waterson VS are decent players, they won 2 alerts yesterday that I saw, with only 26% world pop.
    One of them was even a cross continent bio lab alert, and they started it with only 2 of 9.
  11. Bungee

    According to some guys on this forum loosing any alert is definitive proof that your faction us underpowered. Get thee to the whine thread my friend.
  12. Unclematos7

    Waterson NC and VS have become desillusioned in alerts. Pretty much every Esamir and Amerish alert is a TR dominating victory. Sometimes NC show up but VS have stopped bothering altogether.
  13. Qraven

    Real question is, why are you concerned at all about alerts? The reward is ONLY an exp gift. Nothing more.

    Being the reward is EXP only, let's take a closer look...

    Winning an alert while being on for the full 2 hour duration is 10K EXP, or 5K an hour
    • An good player will pull in 15-20K+ in a high pop hex per hour
    • An good player with boosts will pull in 35-40K+ in a high pop hex per hour
    • A good pilot/vehicle team with boosts will pull in 50K+ an hour
    Why would you walk away from a fun fight, incredible EXP, and spend most of your time traveling around capping territories while shooting at out manned enemy players hiding in spawn rooms while each territory caps over, only to get an average of 5-6K per hour while winning the alert?

    So you want to loose out on EXP by participating in an alert to earn EXP?

    You Sir, just w0n the internets.

    Sure, if there is a fun fight that pops up while an alert is going on, then by all means, hop on over. But to place winning an alert as the priority, what a frack'n joke.
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  14. Jeroam

    Theres no real meta-game, so why would anyone really give a crap about alerts anyway. i dont.
  15. RapidNC

    Exact same thing happens on Briggs. Some NC try to rally the troops and go to either alert on Esamir or Amerish but we get around 70% of what TR are bringing for starters. The VS might bring 16% overall pop and then it all goes downhill from there. Once the VS see that they are terribly outgunned and outpopped and out-everythingelse, they lose interest and go back to Indar. This makes it very hard for the remaining NC, who are now starting to pack-up for Indar, to put up a reasonable fight and directly contributes to NC and VS losing the alert and usually to a dominating victory.
    AS I see it, its like this; Any new player coming into the game will try VS or NC. They struggle a bit with the starter weapons and run headlong into the overwhelming TR. Then its a case of let me try the TR before I invest any sort of time and money in this game and they end up staying. One alert victory after the other, very good veteran outfits to scurry behind and soak XP and the next thing you know, TR gets bigger and bigger.

    We need ALL factions to show up during an alert. If its a 2 horse race, the race is already over in more ways than one. 3 way assures a good contest otherwise its pointless trying. How we do this? I have no idea.
  16. ViXeN

    According to those guys, ANYTHING is definitive proof that their faction is underpowered. If they can't kill someone, its because their guns are too weak, not because the other player is just better. :eek:
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  17. Herby20

    NO. I like fighting you guys :(
  18. Ralathar44

    I'm just stopping by to give Waterson VS props for when they do fight. You guys are MORE more dangerous than TR on a per player basis. Much more dangerous.
  19. ViXeN

    Which is why I know we can win consistently if we actually get the people we do have to show up.
  20. HadesR

    To much beating around the bush and it's not even a first date .. :rolleyes: