Why TR claymores are the BEST mines

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NightFall, Feb 9, 2013.

  1. NightFall

    Why TR claymores are the BEST mines--Reasons

    1. TR Claymores, though do have limited angle at 90 degrees, have a much longer range and higher damage.

    2. with the longer range, you can just put one behind a door and no one would see it. With VS/NC mines, to get the same result, you'd have to put the mine in the middle of the door, which means everyone can see it

    3. only TR can see the green lines. Other factions cannot see those green lines anymore. this bug was fixed 3 weeks ago

    4. Did I already mention that when claymores are places behind a door it is always an free kill?

    5. Different factions are different. Stop QQing noobs. Just because you suck at something (mine placement) doesn't mean it needs to be buffed/nerfed
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  2. Otulien

    Why VS/NC minesare pretty darn awesome themselves

    1. TR Claymores stick up. Surface mines don't, therefore they areless visable.

    2. While Claymores can be placed behind doors, VS/NC mines are more affective when placed in places similar to crawlspaces (Eg, Corners, Gaps in rocks, the stupid red Coral in the northern part of Indar.)

    3. VS/NC Mines blend in with most of the indor scenery, where people are most likely to trample on them. Whereas claymores might blend in with parts of indar, it is much more open out there and therefore more unlikely to go neglected.

    They both have thier advantages and disadvantages, You just have to learn how to use them appropriately.
  3. FateJH

    I've never seen the green lines before. I think they might be related to graphical fidelity at some level, much like the Infiltrator's cloaks. I don't see this being a problem, anyway, but I'd just like to throw that out there.
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  4. Hoki

    Everyone can see the green lines.

    I still prefer claymores though. The way I place mine, even if they see the green lines they can't shoot the claymore without killing themselves.
  5. centurionvi

    Putting them behind doorways doesn't really work since it covers such a tiny area.

  6. SilentSalvo

    What I like to do is direct traffic toward the mine. In the pic above what you do is you place a MANA turret hugging the right side of the door. People see the turret and they usually tunnel vision the thing trying to kill it for easy xp. If they opt to go around it they walk right into your trap either way.
  7. NightFall

    still DOUBLE the range than TR/VS mines.

    Plus, that's why you have 2.
  8. that_darn_lurker

    VS mines look like one of those conference call phone thingies at my work.
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  9. Aractain

    If everything in the OP was true, they would be awesome.

    So fix them so they work.
  10. avery649

    Alright you do have good reasons, but I still cling to my point that the terran republic has the worst anti infantry mines.

    1. Regarding range and damage, I would love to see the statistics backing that up. No, don't take this in a venomous way, I really do mean it. However the limited angle is arguably far more situational than a VS or NC mine, which is much less noticable, and I might add, has a 360 degree detonation area. If you've seen my post regarding why I feel the Claymore should be fixed which I assume you have, you would see the applications in the video that the claymore takes longer or simply is far less effective at pulling off.

    2. Yes, claymores are great for doors. And that's about all they are really effective at. Besides, the VS and NC mines are much more discreet, so middle doorway placement isn't a huge deal.

    3. On my post many people have reported seeing green laser claymores while playing on a non TR alt account. This is honestly up for debate. Which patch notes cover this bug?

    4. Yes, but that is almost the only place where they're a free kill for sure, every other area regular mines are far more effective at.

    5. They don't have to be different. EVERY OTHER EXPLOSIVE DEPLOYABLE in the game is EXACTLY THE SAME. (save grenades, but there are little to no alterations there) I see no reason why mines should be an exception. an NS mine for all 3 factions would do the job well.
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  11. NightFall

    1. in your thread...there were MANY people who posted stats. read them

    2. claymores are also good for corners, and anything that can block them from being seen. Whereas NC/VS mines always have a chance of being seen because of the very limited range

    3. green lasers are a bug. was ninja fixed like 3 weeks ago. I now no longer see them

    4. refer to my #1

    5. different factions have specific advantages. tr has a tank thats uber powerful and can fire twice with insane reload times, NC has a tank that does a ton of damage and has ridicious amounts of armor, VS has had a tank that was semi-useful. now it's only good for cannon/ annihilator practice
  12. Autarkis

    The TR AP mines are fine. People like to complain about them, but I definitely get killed more by claymores than I do by bouncing betties.
  13. Dusty Lens

    Posting in another super sincere Nightfall thread.

    Just sayin, when loading up a thread to talk about TR stuff you probably should have at least taken the time to login your forum alt's doppleganger more recently than mid December.

    I mean, Last login: 2012-12-21 11:17 AM

    Just sayin. For goodness sake.

    Comon man. This isn't even good trolling. I don't know what shine you had, but I know you can do better than this thread. Why go after something as big and obviously wrong headed as the claymore? Why not start a thread pointing out that Terran AR's are no skill weapons for people who whine about Vanu accuracy? Get something a little more steamy going than the TR's darn silly mines are the best things ever. Did yelling about Magriders make you lazy?

    It's like you don't even care.


    It's like you just don't care at all.

    These forums are for everyone. You shouldn't just troll for yourself. It's a community.
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  14. avery649

    Thank you for pointing out he was a troll. I honestly had no idea... =P
  15. Talizzar

    The problem right now is that the ground is made of quicksand. I will put mines down and they start sinking into the ground or they turn from the position they were initially placed. This is all since GU2. Not sure what is up with the ground. I have heard the other mines are sinking into the ground too.
  16. Dusty Lens


    All that being said it's always commendable to put a good foot forward on a subject you know a thing or two about. Laughing at a thread is all good and well, but it's nice to have something of substance for a nub to soak in whilst casual perusing the forum looking for sincere sources of information.
  17. Dice

    AT mines are best. They kill sundys for upwards of 1000 exp. Also what talking about AP mines I like the VS one as I can put it at the base of a generator so they face out at a diagonal angle and watch as no one looks there.
  18. Arcanum

    In case somehow developers read this mines shouldn't detonate if you fly over them. Or even jump. Ok thanks.
    I just assumed it was just yet another idiot. Well observed, Dusty Lens.
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  19. Fallout10mm

    Mines have been sinking into the floors of buildings since launch (maybe before then, idk I wasnt in the beta), they dont go far down but enough that proxys and bettys usually end up completely invisible. Course the Claymore is about a foot tall so it still sticks about half out.
  20. CaligoIllioneus

    TR mines are restricted to a very limited amount of places: behind doors, etc. VS and NC can just drop mines anywhere and they rack in kills, as they're often invisible, and if by chance they are visible, they blend in really well with the terrain. You can put a bouncing betty in the middle of a room, next to a capture point for example, and 99% chance the next enemy that comes to cap it dies. But TR mines cannot be put on open spaces, as they stick out and they only explode in a certain direction. Sure, if you know how to place them well you can get nice kills with the claymore, but they have but a fraction of the flexibility of the other mines.

    The problem is not that claymores are unable to kill people, the problem is that other mines can be tossed anywhere without any strategy other than knowing there are enemies around, and they will net kills. For claymores to work you can only use them in a handful of situations and places