Why I Uninstalled and How The Game Can Survive

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Verviedi, Dec 16, 2014.

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  1. Atis

    It might kill somebody.

    Rockets splash is survivable without flak, direct is not survivable with flak. This complaint seems klike rambling.

    Read 2 pages of forum, most people cant think beyond "this parameter of this weapon", asking them openly about state of the game is pointless. Legitimate research would just show that everybody wants to pwn with no time or money investments and get 70fps on ultra at potato PC.

    Cosmetics are created by people who cant make any optimization, 2 different areas. SOE simply cut costs and move coders to different projects. Vanity items have nothing to do with that.

    You complaint about negative buzzwords, yet use negative buzzword.

    Higby stated openly that they wanted to bite on CoD market.

    Too much hassle. Why do extra job if there alway will be complaints about anything not useless anyway?SOE can just pick ones that fit their market strategy.

    I.e. less QQ, more quitting.
  2. Pikachu

    Nooo, a good rant explaining the things is good. :)

    About rocket splash, it has never been enough to kill. The number displayed has always been 2x it's actual value. That's why you have always been able to use RL as shotgun and you only lose your shield (500 HP). Now with the "1000 -> 750" nerf, it doesn't even go through the shield because it's only actually 375 damage.
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  3. Bonom Denej

    I almost disagree with every single point the OP makes. I won't bother explaining because it's pointless, we have completely different point of view and one will not change the other's. Anyway, have fun elsewhere dude.
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  4. GoyoElGringo

    No you didn't. Please don't associate my post with your tinfoil hat nonsense. Our views on the matter are completely different.
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  5. Hosp

    Lord Zotz shall miss your blood sacrifices. But shall accept you tears.

    While I don't disagree with the issues the op has highlighted, I completely disagree with their idea of how things should be. Just seems like alot of "it kills me it's OP/I can't kill with it, it's UP."
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  6. SlyMarbo

    Bonom as to your Sig. You can do Impact Damage with a Nade :cool: .
  7. Thrones

    Filtering through this, OP:
    • Likes tanks
    • Likes heavies
    There is a bunch of incorrect garble in his message, but this is the jist of it.

    Heavy TTD vs Infiltrator TTD is seriously out of line ATM, which it should be. Heavies have armor, infils are more or less naked. However, there has to be some justification for dropping your pants and running into a base. TTK on infils should be balanced in this regard. As a infiltrator, you should be able to drop a heavy in a more or less equal amount of time as they can drop you. This is called balance.

    Same can be said about all the other "classes" and their roles/usefulness. Why can a Heavy walk around with a LMG (100 rounds/mag = less reload), a rocket launcher, a shield and C4, but a Infiltrator cannot equip a SMG (35 rounds = constant reload) and a sniper rifle because, it is imba?

    If you cant tell, I like playing infiltrator, but If I am just farming kills I go for heavy. Because everything an infiltrator can do, can be dismissed. They cannot even cloak properly. When I see a blur, I shoot at it and get kills.

    You should be uninstalling because the game is wildly out of balance in this regard. Swiss Army knife vs. a dull scalpel. SMGs are just short ranged versions of other rifles, but no benefits, only reduced effective range. That's bull poop.

    As far as tanks, I would love to see tank be able to completely clear out bases, like 10m slash damage. But be slower than sundies, and cost 750 nanites. Right now tanks are AV/AI sniper rifle, hot-rods on treads. Kind of dumb.
  8. SpruceMoose

  9. EazyDuzIt

    So it would be safe to say Devs are really just nerf herders.
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  10. Giasira

    I`m sorry, but I couldn`t take any of your points seriously after reading this. Why would SOE nerf in-game content to support these supposed alts? Do you really think game developers make changes to their game, purely based on how they play themselves and what side of the game they wish to be buffed/nerfed?

    These are views supposing pretty ludicrous things, namely that SOE devs play PS2 on official servers extensively and through this universally come to agree amongst themselves which playstyle is going to be "the flavor of the month." Remember, it`s the devs who also add/buff new content.

    Does this mean that there`s an internal war going on? Are the SOE offices filled with bitter devs that fight an endless, hopeless war amongst themselves over who can manipulate the higher-ups and the community, just in order to fine-tune their own personal PS2 experience? These views suppose that the devs are so emotionally invested in their personal results in a video game that they are actually willing to invest alot of man-hours into childish manipulation techniques.

    This ALSO supposes that a majority of PS2 players spend enough time on the forums to catch onto these new "trends" as you say, which i highly doubt is the case. If they really wanted to manipulate everyone to believing something was OP, wouldn`t it just be easier to actually MAKE it OP?

    Maybe there`s a more logical explanation; people love to complain.
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  11. Giasira

    You complain about this, and state this (bad performance) as a reason you`re quitting the game...


    In the above-linked post however, you say to someone complaining about poor performance, I quote:

    "Try getting a damn job, making some cash, and getting off your lazy butt. Then, buy a computer.
    Just because you can't be bothered to work for a good computer doesn't mean an entire company should bow and scrape to your every win, oh owner of the toaster, master of potatoes."

    This is not a fair world, and you can't expect free handouts."

    I rest my case. Obvious troll.
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  12. Hot Pockets

    Joking buddy XD
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  13. NinjaTurtle

    You can make these silly responses but the 3 main points the OP made are legitimate concerns and are a huge reason why the player base is slowly shrinking

    If this game is going to survive long term and by long term I mean 10+ years which is (or was) the intention basic problems like performance and bugs need fixing.... or are you suggesting these things are fine?

    If not your response was childish and unproductive and nothing more than an attempt at generating a few likes to your profile

    I have not played since early October and I have no interest in coming back to the game for the reason the OP stated. I came back toay to look at the patch notes after hearing an update was coming and it is full of fluff

    Maybe you don't care about me or the OP or the other people that will leave this game, but eventually the game will be a ghost town. Then maybe you will wonder why you didn't pay more concern to the people leaving the game with reasonable concerns
  14. BlueSkies

    The conspiracy he suggests between SOE alts and youtubers to nerf things is a legitimate concern?
    The suggestion that they are spending their time working on cosmetics instead of performance is a legitimate concern? (spoiler: its not. the coders that work on the engine don't design freakin helmets)
    And of course the 3rd "point" that again mainly revolves around "but but... they nerfed meh vehicle"... yeah...

    Finally, when people post messages that include things like:

    then yes, I most definitely do not give a flying monkey about those posters or what they do with themselves once they leave.
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  15. NinjaTurtle

    The legit concerns he makes are performance issues, the lack of meta content and the yoyo nerf jerk only serves to aggravate

    The player base is shrinking only ever going up (briefly) during events like double xp. There are issues that SOE is not from my view fixing

    People are leaving the game and the game is losing players and has been for a long time. That is not sustainable. Eventually them game will be down to one server. All the merges that happened were due to dwindling populations not being able to sustain a healthy population

    Some people make silly posts, some people are passionate and care about the game but unfortunately don't explain their points properly and instead it ends up being a posts that comes across as poorly written and explained
  16. radrussian2

    anyone that cries about performance needs to realize what ps2 is and what ps2 does. i get 30 ish frames in big battles and im super duper happy with that since i have a pretty mid range pc(only about 600 dollars). this is very good for a game that handles massive environments, hundreds of players, and hundreds more consecutive projectiles for land and air alike.

    the gameplay direction can be argued and possibly labeled as bad or a huge pit of wasted potential but thats completely subjective. arguing how well battleflow does or doesn't work never amounts to much alot of people like that lattice and redeploy side. i also think people forget that the job the programmers on this game have is not an easy one, you think they are developing games and its just fun but its not, its alot of hard work and these people pour their lives out over these things.

    no one has ever made a game like planetside, and not many are even trying to come close. maybe when another company develops an mmo pvp fps SOE will get some competition and well start to see ps2 go in a different direction.
  17. Verviedi

    A post I made half a year ago (Before SOE nuked the performance) about a person who wanted the game to revolve around people with bad PCs is not relevant.
  18. DG-MOD-04

    Thread Locked. Not constructive. --04
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