Why I Only Hip Fire My SMG

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by DrankTHEKoolaid, Mar 29, 2014.

  1. Jawarisin

    I can only not agree with this. Hipfire doesn't allow you to land as much headshots, especially with the new hitbox. Hipfire only kills newer players too :/
  2. BillHaverchuck

    Getting headshots is more difficult in CQC so using that bigger cone of fire from ADS in close quarters is actually a benefit cause even if you dont aim exactly the head cause the target is moving then you have big chances that recoil helps you to do so.
  3. Xocolatl

    I guess it makes a lot of sense to be a hippie (hip fire, get it?) with SMGs since you don't actually get better aim while pulling up the sights. I do that too with pistols at close range.

    However, at close range, I always pull up the sights, and crouch. Probably because I'm a CS player. Frankly, courching REALLY throws off people, since suddenly I'm shorter than most people.

    Another thing I notice is that for any other weapons (I never actually use an SMG), it is definitely preferable to pull up the sight. I have fought a lot of hippies who attempt to dance around, but seriously--unless you are going Quake speed and I'm lagging, I WILL shoot your face off. Any decent FPS player will. Having extra move speed is not an advantage in a game where recoil can be manually adjusted for like PS2. However, the extra burst you get in initially does help.
  4. salembeats

    It tightens the CoF (very useful with the Armistice, that thing can get CRAZY).

    It doesn't necessarily make your own aim better, but it makes the gun better at shooting bullets precisely at the spot where you're pointing.

    Crouched aim is tighter (just like ADS aim is) but I'm not really sold on the "evasion" benefit in all circumstances.

    A lot of players with moderate aim don't even shoot for the head -- they shoot for the chest. If you crouch while some guy is shooting at your chest, this noob is suddenly going to score many more headshots than he normally would.

    What I've seen a lot of high-level players do is crouch-uncrouch spam so that it's more difficult to score intentional headshots, whilst not granting an automatic advantage to people who aim for center mass.

    As an Infil Primary and LA Secondary, I prefer to dance or strafe, as I need to stay moving more than the other classes do in order to make best use of my class abilities.
    It also leaves me open to fire+strafe, cloak before response, and then uncloak and finish. This is a useful tactic against HAs, because it will cause them to pop their shield on and inevitably turn it back off -- you can finish them while it's turned off.
  5. RockPlanetSide2

    I do so love these threads... somebody is 100% right and somebody is 100% wrong... who is it!? ooooooooooooooooooh.....


    It just comes down to reflexes and mouse handling... if you have competitive gaming reflexes you can get away with ALWAYS hip-firing, if you are good or average you need to ADS. People don't like to hear that, but its the truth.

    The worst thing you can do is assume that your own personal results are the same as somebody who has less or more skill than you do. Try them all out, then pick your favorite that is based on your skill level.
  6. Jawarisin

    That's part of the difference in what makes a player "good". You're counting on luck. Also, as we all know, weapon which are stronger usually have a bit of a shorter clip, or other disadvamtages. If you aim at the body, it will take more shots, thus you need a high capacity weapon. If you aim at the head, you can get away with only a few bullets, allowing you to use stronger low capacity weapons.

    You do actually get better aim. Fine, not by much, but slightly. And it's also for the fact that putting a red dot on someone's head is faster than guesstimating where the middle of your CoF is exactly, and putting their head there.

    Tottaly agree with the quake speed thing, peoples usually fool themselves too much. Now, it DOES work against less experienced players, but you'd beat those anyways. I do strafe anyways, since it does help, but it's more the fact of moving than how fast you're moving that will throw aim off.

    No initial burst change, you can scope while shooting.

    I couldn't of said it any better. I'd like to point out the crouching part. It's so bad to crouch in this game, except sniping from long distances. Simply because someone got a hard to miss, not moving ball of flesh to shoot at. While at the same time you get your head right in the middle of it, easy to headshot.

    If you got competitive gaming reflexes, you can snipe with hipfire. That's how peoples make montage, they got gaming reflexes, so it's obviously on their first try, bam bam bam and bullets get guided by reflexes.

    By the way, the word you highlighted in red is wrong, it should be presume

    Which is your profile, shows that the SMG you used the most is the MKV, with 176 kills. And, your stats are way below average. As I see it here, you're basically finding an excuse over not improving and trying to pass that on to other peoples. Sorry to post your profile here, but I've seen you make theese replies a bit everywhere, and I assumed (this is where you use it) that you were above average by default.

    Now I see a post which is all about saying, "you suck, you can't do anything about it, it's all about gaming reflexes". So I had to bring it up. Peoples CAN improve, it's not because you gave up that others should do the same.

    Not cool to do that kind of posts mate, note cool.
  7. RockPlanetSide2


    I play Vesuva once a week for maybe a hour or two, which you can clearly see if you look at the kill times (or if you even know how to look that up). You are not a detective at all (maybe scooby doo)... (I've seen you try to run the "stat" game before on other people and it just makes you look like a crazy kid with WAY too much time on his hands)... and if you are comparing stats with Vesuva you might want to just not bother there, because I ran that char into the ground along time ago.

    You can try to mince words and make others look like the bad guy, but you don't really bring anything to the table here at all forumside... just a bad attitude and some regurgitation from some YouTube tutorials. I mean like EVER.

    I am 100% correct in what I said, I know it does effect your ego, I'm sorry about that (not really, but you know what I mean). I can state the obviously and quote it with out being a god among men.

    Just saying, no offense.

    I think you are trying to place yourself in to the realm of the greats, when you are right above average and I think that it is killing you inside. I'm no shrink, but I get that feeling that is the case.


    And for the record there is a stopping point to the level at which innate hand-eye coordination can be improved upon, just so you don't sound like a fool anymore (I think that might actually be my new forum-side job, following you around and letting you know when you say crazy things, I'll message you my rates).
  8. Jawarisin

    Dear RockPlanetSide2,

    Yes I do got too much time on my hands, currently I'm in cegep (equivalant of the 2-3 first years of university in canada), and I came from a very good private high school. Hence I know part of the stuff and I otherwise get easy high grades. It leaves me plenty of free time to which some part of it is dedicated to video games.

    A long time ago is a bit far fetched. You made a video of you playing on your char to "demonstrate" infiltrator stuff about a month ago. I consider that recent enough. And considering your BR62 and got 12d 9h 57m played on it, I figure it is representative.

    Right now you sound like you're flustered though though.

    I will let you one point though, there IS a limit "stopping point", but it's like saying, their's a "stopping point" to life. Yes there is, but it doesn't mean you've reached it yet. (I know it's a crap analogy, but I don't care!)

    Otherwise, I wonder what made you 100% correct. Because obviously whatever you're doing is not working. Personal experience, or maybe you think because someone made a video they got innate truth?

    If I say peanuts taste like butter, and the person next to me repeats it, and so on so forth. It doesn't make it more true, all it means is there's a bunch of peoples who clearly got no clue and are just repeating what one person who seem to know what he's saying, is saying. By that point you should understand the reference to your context.

    Graciously and without meaning any offence,
  9. BillHaverchuck

    Good players also know that the more close a target is the more unpredictable he is and more difficult to aim because the angle of your mouse required to follow the smallest movement is huge so relying in probabilities except your aim is SKILL. So u have to loosen up your expectations and try to move fast and unpredictably too to avoid enemy bullets(ADS movement penalty doesnt help), have enhanced mouse speed to cover angle(ADS has lower sensitivity) and bigger cone of fire that helps you to cover the moving target better, not to mentioned that you have better vision over the surroundings. All these reasons are why hipfiring is more efficient in Very close combat scenarios.
  10. Jawarisin

    Consider this. My mouse is a gaming mouse with 6400 dpi no accel. It is by no mean the best but it's ennough to follow you on my screen until you literally teleport through. That 0.25x movespeed won't make ANY difference. You can also change your ADS senstivity to be the same if that's what's bothering you.

    I don't miss much on my screen with a 1x scope which is what I use on SMG. Also, I usually locate my targets before I ADS anyways.

    As far as I'm concerned, I could stand still and I'd mow you down faster simlpy because I'm ADSing on your head. Moving is only because it does fool some peoples, and it never hurts. Also, consider it takes me 3 bullets with the cyclone and 4 with the eridani to kill you in the head. That movement of yours, it barely begins and you're dead.

    I'll grant you only one thing. If I'm so close as to body-block the person, I'll hipfire-knife. But otherwise, ADS wins.
  11. BillHaverchuck

  12. Pathogenic

    I have a hard time relying on the randomness of hipfire outside of <10m engagements that happen suddenly, but my primary is a Gauss Compact S, not a SMG, and before my LA kick my most played was an LMG HA. But if I was using an SMG, I doubt my playstyle would change much. Slightly longer hipfire range, but I'm going to ADS if I have free shots while not taking any fire. And if you have an SMG, I don't see why you wouldn't be free to jack up your sensitivity for CQC ADS tracking purposes.