why heavy assault sucks

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by tahn1000, Jul 26, 2014.

  1. jadebenn

    The resist shield actually gives you 1818 effective health, slightly above NMG + Nanoweave.
    The equation to find the effective health is: Resist Shield Eff. Health = Health * (1/(1-45%))
    The spreadsheet I got this info from was here.
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  2. miraculousmouse

    heavy assault is strong, but not max status. every class in the game has weapons that can out dps him with shield.
  3. Liam23490

    It is your math that's off. At 12 minutes, Wrel states the Resist Shield mitigates incoming damage by 45%.

    So we can simply do 1000/.55 = 1818 effective hit points, or almost twice your standard hit points. We divide by .55 because you still receive 55% of the damage.

    It is more than the Adrenaline shields, but you must activate it before taking a lot of damage - that's the catch.

    This is assuming we have 500 shields and 500 health, and that Wrel is correct in saying the Resist Shield mitigates incoming damage by 45%.

    Wrel did miscalculate the Resist Shield effective health later on in the video so watch out.
  4. JP_Russell

    There's some misinformation about NMG/adrenaline in here, too. This is covered in Wrel's video embedded in the thread, but just so not everyone has to watch it, they have a charge of 650 total HP, not 500. They have an activation cost of 43.3, so the actual maximum HP they add is about 607. In fights where the shield is make-or-break, it typically won't last more than maybe a second after activation. So with a second of energy drain, with nanoweave you'd have 1564 / .8 = 1955 HP.

    So yeah, you're looking at usually another bullet or two compared to resist shield, with the advantage of not having to activate it before taking damage. If you combine NMG/adrenaline with flak armor, you have up to about 3200 health against explosions, which is obviously a lot more than resist shield provides.
  5. Scr1nRusher

    This thread should be moved to the Heavy Assault Class discussion thread.
  6. DK22

    When the going gets tough, the Heavy's get going.
    Dis us all you want, but you need us! Take your cheap points while we do all the dirty work,
    we don't mind, we're tough, we can take it.
  7. KnightCole

    This OP is saying the HA sucks? As in its UP? I truly gotta say...didnt see that one coming....

    HA is fine....needs little in the way of any tweaks. The LMGs are prety bad in CQC now, the hipfire nerfs and all that. NC LMGs have had noticeable accuracy decreases at range, relegating them to primarily defensive short-mid range operations. No more Full Auto Sniper Rifles...

    HA still hold the LMG as the massive bullet hose over the other classes an he still gets his shield, concs and rockets.....hes fine. HA needs no tweaks.....OP, go play with ur Skillsuits....so us "Sucky HA" can nuke in the nutz with our UP ROcket launchers...
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  8. lawn gnome

    i think that would be known as a hack.
    they are nerfing the dumbfire launchers again?
  9. Scr1nRusher

    A Mod should move this to the HA class discussion section.
  10. Kalivix

    1. I'm not sure of the exact % but I do know you die a lot faster using that over the NMG unless you are fighting at very long range as at close-medium range the HMG will block more damage, and overall the difference is only about 0.5-1s, it only really makes a difference if 2 people start shooting at the exact same moment, otherwise who spots who first is still the decider of who wins (well assuming both people don't have a horrible aim). The shield is really just so heavies can enter rooms first as they will get an extra second to try and find a target before they die , though often its just "so they die a second later as cannon fodder".

    2. They are decent but not as awesome as people seem to think, they have almost no hip-fire accuracy so you have to ADS for every shot which will often take about as long or more time than the HMG gives you, at range the recoil means you wont long as many shots as other people and medium range you have a mixture of those problems but its probably the best range for them.

    I'm not saying heavies are bad, simply that they aren't as OP as people seem to make out, they are just popular because in a world of MAXs and tanks you want to have a rocket launcher...
  11. Kalivix

    Incorrect, the resist shield is the prefered shield for long range combat where you can make the most use out of it, or for people with no reflexes. If you flick the shield on the second you see an enemy the NMG will server you much better. Though of course if you go on killstreaks a lot the adrenaline shield is the mc'daddy of shields, exact same as the NMG but it recharges as the rate of lvl 1 NMG (I think) but charges 20% a kill so you can get some great slaughters going if you jump into a group with a fast killing gun.
  12. Liam23490

    Not true. If NMG gives 650HP and has the ~40 activation cost, then it gives ~610HP. This totals 1610HP. Above, I showed that Resist shield increases your hit points to 1818HP.

    On top of this, your NMG hit points reduce each second. Wrel says you lose ~1 bullet of damage every 3 seconds it is active, another advantage to the Resist Shield which does not suffer from this. So in the time the NMG is active between getting hit, you're going to have less effective health than ~1610HP.

    I don't know if either of them stack with Nanoweave, but this is about the shields themselves, not shields + something else. Resist Shield wins on its own by a good margin.
  13. Simferion

    Resist Shield:
    Pros: Fast recharge, always mitigates damage <400 by 45%
    Cons: all the damage >=400 (single hit) ignores the shield, you are still being damaged, doesn't stack with NW/Flak (but Flak and NW still protect you when shield is off and against damage >=400)

    NMG/AS (they are nearly the same):
    Pros: they stop the damage entirely , they stack with NW/Flak, AS only recharges with the kills (if maxed it has the same recharge time of NMG, because a fully depleted NMG has a 3s CD)
    Cons: they are slow to recharge, they lose efficiency with time.
  14. patrykK1028

    Yes, they are nerfing splash damage but not.only.dumbfirr - lock ons too
  15. DHT#

    They are changing them so you can't OHK with splash, and generally lowering the AoE range for most weapons. Direct hits will still kill instantly.
  16. lawn gnome

    so nothing that really concerns me then. as long as they still trigger C4 then i am good.
  17. WarmasterRaptor

    HA totally sucks because of the following :

    - It does not heal/revives like a medic. :eek:
    - Nor does it fly like a LA. o_O
    - It also can't give ammo/repair :(
    - Where's mah invisible cloak? :mad:
    - I'm still waiting for the dual wielding LMGs! MAXes can! :cool:

    Higby!! What are you thinking!?
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  18. acksbox

    I like HA, but in infantry vs. infantry combat, I probably do better with a Medic.

    LMGs really only cut it at medium ranges. At very long range you are sniper fodder, and close range DPS is quite poor. If I'm fighting indoors with a Heavy, I'm usually carrying an SMG rather than an LMG.
  19. DHT#

    Uh...most LMGs have equal if not superior DPS to the assault rifles. They may not handle quite as well but it's not a damage issue.
  20. miraculousmouse

    WTF no they dont. Highest dps lmg is 1760 i think (orion, msw, carv),
    the carnage has 1760, hv 45 1933 and the cycler has 2013