Why havent strikers been fixed yet?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Silkensmooth, Sep 18, 2013.

  1. Axehilt

    The numbers definitely show Strikers causing far more kills per user.

    Personally I strongly prefer the Lancer. It provides significant flexibility to my VS character. I still get the same generic lockon stuff for area denial (or the random kill against a baddie) but I also get a unique tool for taking down hard targets accurately, quickly, at range (and unlike the Phoenix, without having to stand around like an idiot playing Virtual Boy in the middle of a battlefield.)

    But yeah, for the average zergling the Striker's easier to hit with and since most players are average, its presence is more noticeable.
  2. Lafri

    Updated it for you. Striker Threads in a nutshell:

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  3. Sen7rygun

    Lol. You forgot "It wen't back in time and tried to kill Sarah Connor and we only just survived because a valiant NC soldier went back saved her!"
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  4. Lafri

    It's a bit long but I keep that in mind. :)
  5. ChipMHazard

    Not really. The Striker is in the middle between the Phoenix and the Lancer, with the Phoenix having the greatest number of kills per user and the Lancer the least. The Striker is the most popular of the three, by far. More kills spread around more players.

    I agree. Imo, the Lancer is the most balanced of the three.
    Aye, it's without a doubt the most popular ESRL.
  6. UberBonisseur

    When did they ninja-nerf it ?
    Because I just came from VR and they ALSO NERFED THE ANNIHILATOR RANGE.

    The Striker remains superior.
  7. KAHR-Alpha

    Lies, the Phoenix got fixed after a week.
    They were introduced on the 22nd of march: https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2...r-maintenance-03-22-2013.107580/#post-1440780
    And got their damage against infantry reduced on the 29th: https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2...r-maintenance-03-29-2013.110172/#post-1481416
    In the meantime it was hell on earth for infantry, and I remember the first phoenix auraxium medal thread was created only 4 days after the release (and removed by mods).

    And we didn't hear you guys support TR much when the Striker was firing blanks half of the time for a few weeks. :rolleyes:
  8. EnviousCipher

    NC: Yeah ok, i'm all for a buff to the Phoenix as long as it doesn't kill infantry. Perhaps more range is needed.

    VS: **** off, you've got the Lancer, just because you can't seem to understand its potential in numbers like the TR did with the Striker doesn't mean the Striker should be nerfed.
  9. Axehilt

    Ah, right.

    While it's just guesswork with no evidence, I have a strong hunch that the Striker generates better average Score/Hour than the Phoenix (meaning actual vehicle kills.) Kill stats are strongly influenced by the fact that the Phoenix makes a lot of kills against infantry too (and it's even a factor for the Lancer)
  10. Jachim

    I like how you pull that 99% out of your ****. I literally never use it on my heavy except when there is an enemy armor zerg and I have a bunch of buddies with me.
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  11. Jachim

    I wish I had this fabled bugged Striker that can hit enemy ESF's after they flare somehow.

    What the hell, SOE, can't you even be consistent in your BUGS? :mad:
  12. ChipMHazard

    I would agree that the Striker gives a higher SPH, with all the vehicle assists it nets all those firing at a target.
  13. Slandebande

    Those ranges have been there for a long time, at least a few months. That being 500m for aircraft, 400m for ground targets, for both the Annihilator and Striker. And for the record, it wasn't a balance argument, it was intended to just let people know about it, as it seems in every Striker thread at least 3-4 people claim the Striker locks on to air & ground at 500m (implying the Striker has longer range than everything else), which is just plain incorrect.
  14. Vixxing

    Haha yeah the utility to do 750 damage instead of 2500 and be totally helpless against air... (1 AV turret= 3 lancers)
  15. Vixxing

    Create an VS alt and show us!
  16. SolidSnake

    They never should have made an ESRL lock on launcher. Period. The NC and VS equivalents are situational at best. I wish I'd never spent SC on a Phoenix. Lock on any vehicle, 2500 damage per clip, 500m effective distance, improved tracking fix = OP as **** weapon. They should have made it a dumbfire launcher with moderate splash damage so it can't be used to farm infantry too much and still remain somewhat useful against vehicles. Instead they made it the best launcher in the game, available only to one faction, and only have now gotten around to fixing it. The Phoenix was hit with the nerf hammer faster than the Millennium Falcon doing the Kessel run.
  17. MGP

    Posting "copy-paste" answer to "copy-paste" thread:
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  18. ChipMHazard

    While I agree that the Striker should never have been made into a lock-on weapon I do not agree that Striker is more versatile since that is simple not the case. By their very nature both the Phoenix and Lancer are more versatile, with the Lancer being the most versatile, imo. The Striker is easier to use when trying to hit moving targets but since it's a lock-on weapon with no dumbfire mode it's obviously more situational than either the Phoenix or the Lancer.
  19. Epoch/Eep

    ahh BRTD denial juice as tasty as QQ.

    Doubt you lot are gonna handle it when the wheel turns if you believe this crap :)
  20. MGP

    I'd switch Striker to Phoenix any day! At least you got options... You can go dumbfire, or lockon, or camera guided... TR got only lockon or dumbfire.