Why don't you play on Amerish?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Frank 2070, Mar 12, 2014.

  1. dezusa

    Briggs player here.. whats an Amerish?

    Our darn population in the server barely allows gameplay on the other two continents and probably 90~95% of our gameplay are at Indar 24/7 sadly. :mad:
    (Barely anyone in the VS joins alerts eitherway)
  2. ManualReplica

    Because no one gives a crap about Amerish, and the game isn't populated enough to allow continent wide fights on all three continents.
  3. TheBigHert

    1st they ruined Esamir, then they ruined Amerish, my least favorite continent is now my most >.<
  4. Progapanda

    Because it's too empty most of the time and often zerged by one faction.
  5. z1967

    Esamir is the new Amerish...
  6. AssaultPig

    the new bases are neat but one infantry meatgrinder after another gets a bit old after a while

    plus getting around in a vehicle is still a little obnoxious there
  7. Konfuzfanten

    1) Lower FPS/poor optimization compared to indar/esamir
    2) Poor base layouts; +200 meters from spawn to capture point, a lot of time over open ground: no thx.
    3) piss poor geography; as always the problem with amerish, its too easy for air to attack and get away, while ground units have a hard time to move around with all the impassable terrain.

    Its just not enjoyable to fight on amerish unless you are running with a platoon/zerg, so you can have 24/7 AA cover and enough ppl to cover the points.

    Compared to esamir, amerish is a step back - ofc there are still good new bases on amerish, but overall its still a ****** place to fight.
  8. SamDaMan

    Amerish is awesome in design but i usually end up raging too hard when the NC/TR get all the air resources and stomp me into the ground. Other than that it could use base switches more often but it is a lot of fun.
  9. Astriania

    I do play on Amerish ... but I'm finding a lot of the fights end up in vehicle and air spam and unless you can pull 20 reavers in one go you don't stand a chance and might as well go elsewhere. I also get lost in all the new bases which is a bit annoying but that comes with experience.
  10. Pikachu

    A part of me thought amerish would be more popular than Esamir. Turned out to be false. Things are the same as before. I had some fun fight today somewhere.
  11. Pikachu

    You aint gonna like Hossin.
    • Up x 2
  12. Suicide Trooper

    1. Boring.
    2. Climbing is godawful in Planetside 2. One moment you can climb a 70 degree slope and next you can't climb 30 degree hill.
  13. Elrohur

    Because on Ceres evening (starting around 8PM) both Amerish and Esamir usually have 40+% NC Population and lots of 1-12 vs 24-48 fights.
    Which mean there are few people and too many of my faction.
    Usually ends up by yawning in front of the screen, waiting 5 min for the base to turn blue after an epic 2min fight for it.

    So even if Indar can be pretty annoying i'm fighting there.

    Too bad they totally ****** up Esamir.
  14. trichome

    OP it's simple I hated Amerish before the update because it's by far the worst continent for Combined Arms gameplay. The mountains make it a nightmare trying to get anywhere in a ground vehicles and nothing has changed in that regard it's still a bloody nightmare for ground vehicles and a lot of the bases now are nothing more than infantry meat grinders which quite frankly SOE can shove where the sun don't shine.
  15. Killerdude8


    Amerish is usually the Continent that is Always heavily populated.
    At least on Connery, Regardless of the Time, Amerish ALWAYS has a good sized fight going on. Indar is Active during Peak Hours, and Esamir, Well, Esamir is dead.
  16. JudgeNu

    I like Amerish, I have still yet to experience ALL the bases.
    I have always hated the dust2 mentality and it is an illness.

    There are some valid points to some arguments.

    When I think of Esamir and Amerish compared to Indar, I have one question.
    Why does Indar have three distinct geographical areas and the other 2 continents lack contrast?

    I love to go to the different continents but I am no fan of small skirmishes.
  17. Saool

    The bases are nice. It everything else. Getting around on the ground is just frustrating and not at all fun. I only go there for an alert, and then not often. It also seems to be a server thing. On Cobalt Amerish always has a very low population. In short it's not very good.
  18. 3asyD

    Amerish is amazing, SOE need to lock indar for a week or two. Would really like to see some of amerish base design on indar.