Why Do You Hate My Liberator? :(

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by WycliffSlim, Dec 12, 2013.

  1. Pikachu

    Too complicated for me. I didnt see 3rd ones having lower DPS than 1st ones.
  2. Pikachu

    Evil one. It would make them less fun to use and even weaker than they are.
  3. WyrdHarper

    By third I assume you mean the AI ones? I believe they no longer damage armor and are also getting nerfed. Plus their DPS is poor against other aircraft without a lot of upgrades, and the flak buff means they'll do very little to infantry.
  4. Pikachu

    Look at their order in the game when you buy or equip them. Tl the left is default 1st, then comes AI gun, then 3rd is AA gun.
  5. WyrdHarper

    Been way too long since I unlocked them. For some reason in my loadout screen the order is Needler, Rotary, Banshee.

    In any case, the lockon changes mean getting near a base will be suicide, and at longer ranges (past 175)m) DPS of the rotary is not massively better. Mag sizes are all going down as well, so the longrange options are a better do-everything choice than they were before.
  6. MajiinBuu

    The liberator is by far my least used thing ever, I've gotten more kills with the flare gun.
    I think the tank buster shouldn't be nerfed, the only time I ever die to one is when I'm in a phalanx turret.
    I love the Aspis Turret(AA), I love shooting at libs head on. I have never flown one, but I bet it's impossible to see with flak enveloping your whole aircraft, It's amazing how many times I survive tank busters due to complete misses.
  7. Pikachu

    Oh. Looking forward to see how it turns out. The only thing I knew of was that the AA nose guns have damage modifier against infantry now. No more 2 shot kill with vortek. It will take 4 shots now.
  8. WycliffSlim

    It is virtually impossible to see the turret, a lot of it is just muscle memory, spot and know where the turret is underneath the dorito.
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  9. Gundem

  10. Pikachu

    On topic: I see no need for libwratorcnosrcgun nerf sgainst base turrets.
  11. WycliffSlim

    You're right... I never thought of that o_O

    It makes it better but at close range flak still completely obscures your view.
  12. Trebb

    I always just assumed that the tank buster was bugged, kinda like Vulcan when it first came out and destroyed GALAXIES in like 6 seconds.

    I'm all for making Libs more tanky, but then make them move as slow as one :p You good LIB crews out there know how maneuverable the Lib can be. In all but the largest zergs they can zip in, farm for a bit and escape with no repercussions.

    They're a victim of their previous successes, as you can see by the hate posts in this thread (lol at the 10mph / 1 hit burster comment, so true =D )
  13. WycliffSlim

    I want to come play on your server if your libs can do that. For me, I go into a 48+ zone and am instantly getting hit by lockons and flak, sunderers, other ESF or libs, and rotten vegetables that all the infantry throw at me because they hate me so much. So... what do I do. I go fly in the sky and take out aircraft, then a lot of the ESF pilots and other things in the air all yell that the Lib isn't meant to be an AA platform. Then, I go home and cuddle with my Liberator as we drink our sadness away about how no one loves us no matter what we do.
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  14. Phos!

    Wow really? The Rotary's just over 100 extra DPS was already not enough to make up for the hailstorm's super high muzzle velocity on top of also reloading slower and being on the least maneuverable ESF.
  15. Pixelshader

    i can confirm the m18 is being nerfed from average to below average for reasons i cannot comprehend

    needler will be ok, but won't touch our lord and savior the saron scythe
  16. Noppa

    Liberator / galaxy should have some kind of resistance to ESF nose gun from longer ranges, it is just stupid when 2-3 ESF snipe u down from longer ranges less than a 10 sec(Lib).

    Against one u at least have the time to turn and go fight against em, against more than 1.. not rly ... in my opinion a2am should be used against the bigger targets so ESF pilots should make a decision what they wanna do more effective, dogfight,kill bigger targets or farm with lolpods.

    But yeah, ESF pilots aint gonna like it if they cant get easy kills from gal/lib.
  17. Emotitron

    Yeah, what? Why? This one one of the few uses for a Liberator Tankbuster... making that highly risky run at a turret to break a standoff. Was this really a problem that needed fixing? I can see making a maxed out magazine leaving some life left, so that the lib has to linger a moment longer to finish it, but requiring two passes - ouch. Taking a pass at a turret not only eats a face full of flak, it opens you up to all kinds of dumb fire rockets and AP rounds. The reward for that risk was that when you made that pass, you at least knew you weren't going to have that same turret shooting you in the butt as you flew away (though the second turret usually would be hammering away at you still).

    Being a lib pilot is already a stupidly low SPM endeavor, we really need to take away the few things the pilot actually gets to do to contribute while flying these giant cert pinatas? Was there some cry about Tankbusters taking out turrets ruining the game that I completely missed?
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  18. cc2001

    I've gotten hate tells from low BR players that sat in a turret and took it. Nevermind that they could (and the smart players do) jump out and deny you the kill.

    Since inception the nerfs the tankbuster has received that I'm aware of:
    -removal of freelook
    -added resistance to it 1st for Sunderers then vehicles in general (so at least twice)
    -max range for max damage reduced (100 - 50)
    -indirect change when tank's were made slightly beefier
    -now this damage/resistance change
  19. Emotitron

    Seriously, jump out of the turret... and start repairing so it is mostly back up by the time the Lib repairs up and comes around for another pass. Half of the Libs health is gone, so you have time to repair that thing. A buddy standing nearby with a dumbfire will also end that run really quick as well. There is no rule that one dude in a cost free turret should be able to take on expensive vehicles solo - if there is... god help this game.
  20. Emotitron

    The tankbuster is the shortest ranged and hardest to aim weapon in the air (possibly the game). WHY nerf it's damage down? Getting in the face of dangerous things that shoot back is its ONLY function.
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