Why Do You Hate My Liberator? :(

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by WycliffSlim, Dec 12, 2013.

  1. WycliffSlim

    In short, the tankbuster nerf against turrets on test is too far. I could handle a LITTLE bit of a nerf. But right now, it takes about 2 times as many tankbuster rounds as it used to in order to kill a turret. From maximum damage a full 44 round magazine just barely sets a turret on fire. One of the few things a liberator really excelled at was taking out turrets quickly and even then if there were 2 targeting you it was risky and 3 was basically suicide.

    The damage dropoff of the Tankbuster is already so extreme that you were required to get right up on turrets and slow down to get the kill which put you in a very vulnerable state to be shot out of the air by AP tanks(Those were meant to counter air right?). Now, it will be basically impossible to kill a turret with tankbuster and will render(pun intended) libs even more useless against ground targets unless your goal is for every Liberator in the game to just hover at flight ceiling bombing because that's the direction this is going. Why go down near the ground if almost everything there can kill you incredibly easy while you can hardly kill any of it without incredible risk to yourself.

    I know this isn't live, and hopefully will be at the very least toned down A LOT before going live. But, I can guarantee you this will be a problem if it goes into the game in this state. AA and turrets are already strong enough in this game without removing the one thing that could quickly kill them.
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  2. Trebb

    How'd you know I hate liberators? ;)

    Turrets as they are on live are way too fragile. I actually like this change, but is it specific to the tankbuster? While they're at it, keep my vulcan from one clipping the turret too.

    I always thought turrets should have less HP but waaaay waaaay more resistance (so it's easier to repair / harder to destroy). As it is, they're impossible to keep up for more than a few seconds in even medium sized skirmishes.
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  3. WycliffSlim

    Sounds like a Liberator ;)
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  4. Pixelshader

    as every esf will be carrying around a default nosegun with super long range damage next patch, you may consider your liberator removed from the game
  5. Gundem

    I think Lib's should have higher resist towards flak rounds. In addition to a little more health pool(500 or so), to help against those pesky esf's, but rockets/hmg's would remain the same. That would encourage people to aim better at libs.

    If it took flak 40% longer to take out a lib, would you be happy with the Turret change?
  6. eldarfalcongravtank

    ever since the nerfs in january, liberators are pointless for anything other than coordinated outfit assaults or anti-air daltoning. i'm still waiting for the day when they make em useful again. right now, it's just a large flying cert pinata for enemy ESF pilots
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  7. WycliffSlim

    No, because currently on test turrets take 125% MORE bullets to kill. Think about that for a minute. A change that makes the resistance of one item more than TWICE as high as it used to be. That's not a nerf bat, that's a nerf semi filled with a highly unstable explosive.
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  8. WycliffSlim

    They're not pointless, they're just extremely difficult to use correctly and can be melted in an instant if you misjudge the situation.
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  9. user101

    No liberator are for killing tanks.... ! they are not some high speed toy... they need better armor ....
  10. Pirbi

    I keep forgetting to write down names when I get that magic combo of gunner/pilot that makes flying a lib fun. Had one good gunner that bailed after killing a lot of tanks and sunderers because "it was boring". Aaaaarrrrrggggh! And right before the mosies show up. Pilot switching to rear gun is only productive for a short time.
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  11. Dead soldier

    **cough cough** expect the basilisks to suck when they destroy your lib.
  12. Pikachu

    Why will they use that nose gun all of a sudden? The 3rd one still kills aircraft just as good in the pts right?
  13. Amarsir

    Is this the "two wrongs make a right" school of game design?
  14. doombro

    I don't think liberators should have noseguns at all. Sue me.
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  15. WycliffSlim

    So.... Liberators should just be, smaller, easier to kill galaxies? No thank you.
  16. doombro

    Galaxies don't get belly guns that instantly kill ESFs, or any guns for that matter that are effective against armor.
  17. WycliffSlim

    Bulldog is actually quite effective against armor. Bulldogs set ESF's on fire in two hits.

    The Liberator is allegedly intended as a Close Air Support vehicle. I would liken it to the the A-10 Thunderbolt. It's relatively hardy and is best at quick hit and run strikers. Just as the A-10 is built around the GAU-8 Avenger Rotary Cannon, the Liberator is built around the Tankbuster. That's your primary means of attacking ground forces, it's a defense against aircraft, and if you're feeling really trolly it's a way to shoot infantry. The Liberator without a nosegun would be worthless and there would be no reason to choose it over an ESF.

    And, that's really all I'm going to say on that subject because I have no desire to get into an argument that is irrelevant to anything since the Liberator will always have a nosegun.
  18. doombro

    It's pointless to argue with me on the subject of aircraft. If I had my way, they would all be made of paper, fly at 10 m/h, and die in one hit from a burster. My hate of aircraft from back when they were OP as f:eek:ck never left.
  19. Pixelshader

    because numbers http://i.imgur.com/rP3x8cb.png

    note that 175m is not a long range for aircraft, and the default guns are already dominating (at least for vs/tr)

    also note these numbers don't take into account the better cone of fire & bigger ammo pools, which are both worth something
  20. Pikachu

    I think the should be immune to indirect flak like someone else suggested. Their armor is thick enough to go unharmed by small arms. :D also I think their abolity tp defend against ESF should be buffed rather than more durability against them. Lib should be able to fight them but not hunt them. The later is already the case because of ESF higher speed and agility.