Why do NC have nothing on Mattherson

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by xboxerdude, Aug 13, 2013.

  1. xboxerdude

    We own none of esamir, 6% of amerish, and a whopping 8% of indar......

    Discuss possible reasons....
  2. McGubble

    Because at night TR hold 50% of the pop and captures every hex of Auraxis?
  3. AngryPlayer

    Fixed that for you there buddy!
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  4. Negator

    38% TR pop atm
  5. VSDerp

    because ya can't do nothing right but talk in chat or switch when alert comes on.
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  6. DuckSauce

    There are no large NC outfits on Mattherson. There are plenty of good small outfits but not enough of the pop is organized to get much done.
  7. TeknoBug

    NC Matt has lost a lot, supposedly a large outfit or two defected to VS and nobody around to guide the mob into fights, it's a mess- last time I logged in my NC Matt toon and joined a platoon, we were scattered across all 3 continents that I just hit escape and clicked Quit.
  8. Andrea SKye

    Most of the time Vanu has pop advantage. NEARLY ALWAYS TR has lowest pop late night US.

    As too OP, Welcome to the bottom right corner of the map. TR was there not long ago (on Indar), enjoy being camped in your warpgate for the foreseeable future.
  9. TeknoBug

    It was around 38-40% TR for a good few hours last night during peak hours, actually the past week has been TR around evening hours if you look on Sirisian.
  10. JKooL

    NC has been bleeding population for awhile. New players won't stick around because NC get stomped on, and veteran players will just play their alts or leave altogether. It's only going to keep getting worse as times goes on.
  11. xboxerdude

    I have a feeling the current situation might cause alot more NC to "take a break" from this game
  12. ytman

    NC is fine on Mattherson. We aren't any worse off than TR population wise the biggest problems is that while TR/VS has larger outfits to bring coordinated en masse pushes around daily its only slightly better than luck when the many outfits all come on at once and work towards the same goal. When we have those big showings we are really something to be seen.

    Add to it that there is no VOIP, our Indar WG is terrible in this rotation, and its the bloody morning and you can see why it might not be a big deal.
  13. viren

    NC has the "worst" stock weapons. Some weapons can become great after you spend a few hundred certs.

    But why bother when you can use a stock VS or TR weapon and kill 80% of people?
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  14. MasterD

    You merely adopted the corner of Indar, I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the other warpgates until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but free territories.
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  15. AngryPlayer

    Primetime is 8-11... PM, not AM.
  16. Johalt

    NC is terrible at directing the pub platoons and smaller outfits to where they need to be going to get **** done so they end up wandering around aimlessly accomplishing little to nothing. Even when NC had regularly 40%+ pop this was a constant problem.
  17. Beef Castle

    All this compounded by having the worst warpgate location. Enjoy the armpit of Indar NC!
  18. MarlboroMan-E

    Cause CML, BAX and QRY aren't on in force or running ops. The rest of you NC are livestock.
  19. Phrygen


    Guess we are ready for open server transfers right?
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  20. JKooL

    Those outfits are good but they're hardly big enough to make a huge dent in the NC factions overall performance.

    Get dunked.
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