Why are liberators so very strong?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hotbread, Jun 26, 2014.

  1. Ryker

    So its these people that have nerfed the air game in to the ground..

    You are all on my hit list.
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    Well that is appropriate considering it is a low cost single seater that trades lethality and defense for speed and size, while the lib is a more expensive 3 man gun ship that has a much larger profile and must deal with being slower but also has considerable more damage capabilities.
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  3. shadowkhat

    libs have 10 times more advantage than any skyguard out there... its in the air, skyguards are paper compared to one/two dalton hits... and i don't know of a single lib that is remotely threatened by a skyguard that only gets a few hits on it.... even 4 skyguards are zero threat when you combine thier massive armor with terrain. pop over a hill burst tankbuster ... 4 skyguards turns into 3... rinse and repeat 4 skyguards zero threat. libs have terrain as a magor advantage they shouldn't have the armor of a vanguard.... and before one of you idjits says " but it doesn't have the armor of a vanguard" take that bs to VR took the exact same shots for me to kill a lib as it took to kill a vanguard. they should not have both massive armor and terrain as advantages. its OP and anyone who thinks otherwise is a total moron.. i relly don't give an F if this post gets deleted or i get banned again you morons that keep spouting the lib is balanced are ***'d in the head
  4. Lightwolf

    If you can't create a hex wide no fly zone with four guards, there's a problem.
    Machines working perfectly, that leaves one option.
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  5. JackD

    This, i spend a awful lot of time learning how to fly ESF and Libs, including not just aiming and maneuvering but also how to approach different kinds of targets and of course sneaking up on Skyguards. If the guy in the Skyguard doesnt bother what is behind him and doesnt even care about positioning he doesnt have any right to kill me.
  6. miendude

    You're talking like a skyguard is a fixed AA turret, skyguards can just as easily use movement and cover. There's nothing more annoying than a skyguard that constantly moves and snipes you with flak because you have to find it over and over. Complaining about liberators moving in and out of cover? It's a freaking airplane and it's supposed to inherently have more movement capabilities than a tank. Terrain advantage? Oh sorry, my fault for knowing how to use it, and I guess that suddenly makes libs OP? I just can't believe people can still think like this, after Phase 2 of the nerf comes out and Tank Buster and Bulldog is a shell of what they were, you really have NOTHING to complain about.
  7. norsewarlord

    Considering I play infantry most of the time I hate liberators. However the main problem for me is not how powerful they but the lack of VS piloting air vehicles on Connery. Even with the inferno of bombing runs.
  8. Hotbread

    VS not flying on connery?
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  9. norsewarlord

    They do but it seems either they are there or not. At least for ground support. TR and NC seem to more often have aircraft in the sky above bombing everything.
  10. Brahma2

    There's a ton of air on every side of Connery.
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  11. Hotbread

    But I've noticed the vanu are the most air-worthy.
    On connery at least, they spam air like no other.
  12. SNAFUS

    Connery TR have owned the air pop since the dawn of the Stryker era, before that it was the NC. Though there is always a healthy air pop on each faction there is a noticeable pop difference between the three, though recently with 56rd going Vanu it will help bring more balance to air then there has been for months. Poor Vanu have never been the dominating air faction for Connery at least.
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  13. shadowkhat

    oh i'm sorry i didn't realize i was posting for English lit... how bout this .. go be a grammar n a z i somewhere else your neither funny nor wanted anywhere.
  14. shadowkhat

    with your same argument the skyguard should have 10 times the armor it has currently, if a lib can have both armor and mobility then so should the skyguard
  15. Gundem

    Sure it can, if the Lightning suddenly started costing 500 vehicle resources and requiring 3 people to man it.

    Proper grammar shows people that you aren't an incompetent fool incapable of using logic or common sense. It doesn't hurt to actually use spelling.
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  16. Frozen-K

    Unfortunately he made a good point about your post. You want to be credible? Make it look like you took the time to write out a well thought post instead of posting verbal diarrhea. A post like that makes you look like a child, even if you have a good opinion on the subject that is being discussed.
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  17. dstock

    True that, but I wouldn't call what they do in game 'flying.'

    They're mad cuz bad, IMO.

    Besides CompArmor and Tail Gun FoV, there was nothing in the Lib Update to warrant the complaints. The Spur, Duster, and Hyena are all junk. The ammo counters aren't improving anyone's performance. NAR was actually nerfed around the same time as the Lib update. Sadly, though, most of the people crying today didn't play or don't remember what Libs used to be like, so their complaining seems justified, from their limited perspective.

    Further, if someone can't defend a hex with 4 Skyguards, they should uninstall or L2P. If I can fully deter a single, crewed Lib with one Skyguard, and keep my Skyguard alive, I don't think there's any excuse or explanation for why 4 people can't do the same thing.
  18. Tyrant103

    Libs are easy peasy to take down.