Why are liberators so very strong?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hotbread, Jun 26, 2014.

  1. Hotbread

    Clarification on the title, I mean health and armor wise. Not damage. It makes sense that Liberators are high damage, they're bombers. But why are they so very hard to kill?
    Isn't a huge advantage to liberators the fact that they can fly away/behind cover and repair?
    Shouldn't a buster max unloading 2 full magazines on it do more than scare it away?
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  2. Craig85

    Liberators are too easy to kill and have major fight size scaling issues. So right now they seem only very situational to use. For example, when one side has air superiority.
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  3. SiosDashcR

    I hate Liberators. Like with a passion. When I heard they were getting nerfed, I jumped for ******* joy.

    Ask anyone that knows me.

    So believe me when I tell you, Liberators are NOT very strong (armor/HP-wise). They're a lot more manageable like they should've been.
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  4. Pikachu

    They are as durable as before their update and all the way back to release. You know the time when they were seen as having no place in thr game other than feed ESF and ground forces if they flew close enough.
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  5. Hotbread

    How are they easy to kill? They can take 4 prowler shots and still fly away.
    They can take 2 full magazines of bursters and just fly away, repair, come back and bomb you again.
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  6. GaBeRock

    Libs are actually a bit UP now. They're pretty close to balanced (just need a portion of the stock ammo nerfs reverted, tb mag size upgrade nerfed a bit, shredder drop off reduced, vektor/spur/duster buffed.) Surethey are rather tanky, but that's necessary since they immediately become priority targets for every skyguard in a hex when spotted.
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  7. Llamar

    They are actually really easy to kill now.
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  8. Hotbread

    With what?
  9. Craig85

    Tanks are not supposed to counter air.
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  10. Hotbread

    Yes, but still when they fly low and get hit by a tank shot....They should die!
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    Skyguard comes to mind, or bursters, or lock-on launchers, or AA turrets, or ESF's, or Libs.

    Many many things kill libs. Remember:

    Lib primary counter: ESF. Lib primary ground-based counter: Skyguard

    Base defenses, Burster maxes, and lock-on launchers are designed to keep the lib from hovering over your base. They are NOT meant to give the average infantry man the ability to destroy the very thing that is designed to counter him.

    Also remember this; Libs, while "fast: compared to their ground based counter-parts, do not just "fly away ad repair". yes they move at a good speed, but AA, of every type, can engage a lib from considerable distances, especially considering the rages that ground based vehicles, like tanks, would engage eachother. Flying seems like an advantage, but all it really does, is expose the player for a MUCH larger period of time, than any ground based unit would be exposed. AA, of almost any type, can engage air units a hex away in any direction. For a lib pilot, in larger fights, you are often getting damaged WELL before you can even render your targets, and continue to take damage long after you exit the battlefield. This is why AA cannot be terribly strong, and this is who the good lib pilots often times hug the ground.
  12. Badname707

    Thank god, the mob is finally starting to see reason!
  13. Alarox

    The Dalton and Tankbuster aren't meant to kill ESFs.
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  14. Frostiken

    Liberators need one more final tweak - the TOP of the Liberator needs to be made exceptionally vulnerable to hostile ESF gunfire. That way ESFs can actually, you know, kill them.
  15. Frostiken


    If you hit a Liberator or an ESF with a dumbfire missile launcher or a tank shell, it should ******* explode into a billion pieces. If you get hit by one of those in an ESF or a Liberator, you deserve to die and probably deserve to be banned for a week too.
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  16. Brahma2

    Great idea, I have one too... nerf ESF ammo.
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  17. Frostiken

    I agree with that too. ESFs should carry a single salvo of missiles or rockets and have to hit an air pad to rearm.

    lockons, esfs, skyguards, bursters, basilisks, tanks, walkers and rangers.

    libs arent hard to kill.
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  19. PKfire

    Though I don't pilot ESFs, I'm glad you're not a dev for this game.
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  20. Brahma2

    I meant nosegun ammo.